Consultancy Center - Berkovitsa, 1 Atanas Kyurkchiev Str., Block "Kom", floor 0
Mrs. Lyudmila Filipova, director of the Consultancy center
Work time:
during the winter period (1st November to 31st March) Monday - Friday from 16:00 to 18:00
during the summer period (from 1st April to 31st October) Monday - Friday from 17:00 until 19:00
Phone: +359 890943741
Consultancy Center - Craiova, 21 Jiețului Street,
in the building of the Library of Dolj County "Alexandru and Aristia Amman"
Mr. Lucian Dindirica - Director of the Consultancy Center
Work time:
Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 16:00
Hmm, the world seems to be changing. Until a few years ago, it was believed that beauties and handsome men "sell" better. They have an attractive appearance, people trust them more easily, and they are more willing to do what is asked of them, such as spending their money. There was even a study that the shares of companies whose bosses are better looking are more successfully traded on stock exchanges. Other studies have shown that prettier employees find jobs more easily and then receive higher pay and better ratings from their bosses. This was called the "beauty premium".
The theory that beautiful people have a number of advantages in business has gained a lot of popularity. Mass companies began to make no secret of the fact that they select their employees according to their appearance, without worrying about their discriminatory policy.
But gradually the myth was dispelled. Research has shown that beauty can have a negative effect on customers. In recent years, many companies have already avoided putting emphasis on external attractiveness. Even world designers choose mannequins and mannequins for their reviews that do not look perfect. In their TV commercials, many companies are refocusing on "normal people" and the authentic look, replacing the perfect beauties and hunks.
"Our research shows that in some cases, external beauty can not only not help a brand, but even harm it," said Chun Zang, associate professor of marketing at the University of Dayton. He details the results of a series of studies that show beauty creates distance.
In the first study, the team aimed to establish how consumers respond to services offered by attractive people. The respondents are students. They have to read a restaurant menu and look at a picture of the waiter who will bring their meals. The researchers showed them photoshopped photos of men or women. Faces are edited to be either unattractive or very attractive according to generally accepted standards of beauty. In addition, the team previously measured the attractiveness of each of the participants in the experiment.
The researchers then had the students rate the waiter's vision and the level of intimacy they felt with him. At the third stage, they have to evaluate the quality of the service - whether the waiter does his job well.
Analysis of the data showed that the level of closeness participants felt with the waiter influenced their opinion of service quality, Chung Zang said. If they perceive the distance between themselves and this person to be greater, they tend to rate his work as worse. And vice versa.
This result is understandable, everyone has experienced it from their own experience - they are more favorable to a person who is sympathetic to them.
But here comes the interesting discovery - beauty can work in a negative direction. It turns out that people who find the waiter attractive but don't themselves fall into the same category—ie. they are not attractive, they feel a greater distance between themselves and the hottie. Accordingly, they rate his work as worse.
As the results disprove the "beauty premium", the team continues with the research.
We wanted to understand whether distance depends more on how people perceive themselves or on objective external factors. We conducted a study involving passengers waiting at an airport, Chun Zang says.
The team asks people to read what services they will receive from the flight attendant on the upcoming flight. He shows them pictures of attractive and not-so-good-looking flight attendants. It then asks respondents to rate the appearance of the flight attendants and their own appearance. Finally, he asks them if they think there is a connection between beauty and the quality of the service offered.
"Participants who rated their own appearance relatively low felt a great distance from attractive flight attendants and rated the quality of the service offered by them lower - claims the associate professor. - Those who said they did not find a connection between beauty and professional performance, rated attractive employees' qualities as weaker."
In the third study, the team surveyed customers in a shopping center who had just left a store. The results confirm data from previous studies.
In each of these studies, we found a clear correlation between good-looking employees and low service satisfaction of not-so-good-looking customers. In conclusion, we can say that the effect of beauty in business is overrated, summarizes Chun Zang.
Maintaining an adequate level of work discipline is essential in any work team. For this purpose, the legislation provides certain penalties for cases of violations.
It is important to understand that the violation of labor discipline is associated with serious legal consequences and direct application of the corresponding penalties. What are the penalties that the employer has the right to impose?
In accordance with the Labor Code, employers can only apply certain disciplinary penalties for violations of labor discipline by employees. These penalties are expressly provided for in the legislation and include:
The warning is the first and mildest disciplinary penalty that the employer can apply in case of violation of labor discipline by the worker or employee. It is usually issued in cases of minor violations or in first incidents when it is necessary to notify the worker of his unacceptable behavior or actions. The notice may be verbal or written, depending on the employer's policy and the seriousness of the violation. Usually, written remarks are entered in the worker's personal file and can be taken into account in future evaluations of his work activity.
It is important that the remark be clear and specific, precisely defining the violation and its consequences. It must also provide the worker with an opportunity to speak up or express his or her point of view about what happened. Although a reprimand is the least severe punishment, it is intended to alert the worker to the seriousness of the offense and direct him to better comply with workplace rules and procedures.
Repeated violations after a reprimand usually result in more serious disciplinary action, such as a warning for dismissal or even disciplinary dismissal. This highlights the importance of the reprimand as a warning and prevention tool for future violations of labor discipline.
Notice of dismissal
A warning of dismissal is a more serious disciplinary penalty, which includes a clear signal from the employer that repeated violations of labor discipline may lead to termination of the employment relationship. This warning may be issued following serious or repeated violations of workplace rules and procedures. In the presence of a dismissal warning, the worker or employee is usually called upon to change their behavior and commit to better compliance with labor discipline.
Disciplinary dismissal
Disciplinary dismissal is the most severe disciplinary punishment that an employer can apply. It includes the termination of the employment relationship with the worker or employee due to a serious violation of labor discipline. Disciplinary dismissal has serious legal and economic consequences for those affected, leading to loss of employment and wages.
In all cases, the employer is obliged to follow certain procedures and provide an opportunity to defend the employee before deciding on a disciplinary dismissal. This means that the employer is obliged, before imposing the disciplinary penalty, to listen to the worker or employee or to accept his written explanations and to collect and evaluate the said evidence. When the employer has not previously heard the worker or employee or has not accepted his written explanations, the court cancels the disciplinary penalty without considering the dispute on its merits.
Disciplinary sanctions are designed to maintain order and discipline in the workplace by providing the employer with a means of responding to violations by employees. At the same time, it is important that they are applied in accordance with legal requirements and the principles of fairness and proportionality.
Art. 187, art. 188, art. 194, Art. 193, Art. 221 of the Labor Code
Your boss doesn't like subordinates using their smartphones during a meeting. There is no trust that they are not distracted by something. "Well boss, I'm taking notes" doesn't help. That's why you all go to meetings with old-fashioned notebooks and pens.
So you sit in a meeting and scribble something in your notebook. Big mistake! Subliminal drawings reveal your thoughts, feelings and moods. You fill the sheet with strokes, little people, flowers, and the boss looks and, because he is aware of the "language", reads something that is not at all in your favor.
However, learning this language first is good for yourself. He often says things you don't know about yourself. If you understand them, you will be able to more adequately deal with your contradictory reactions in certain situations, correct your behavior towards colleagues and partners, explains Ruth Rondon, a professional analyst of handwriting from the British Institute of Graphology.
This is how the various unconscious drawings are interpreted.
If you unconsciously sign when you are bored with the meeting or the interlocutor, it means that you are fixated on your persona.
If you just scribble circles, it shows that we need attention and friendship.
Drawing cartoon characters betrays to your interlocutors that you are not a mature person, that you have unresolved problems since childhood.
When you repeatedly scribble on the paper the same animal or insect, you are suggesting that you are attributing its qualities and flaws to yourself.
If you are constantly drawing black and white squares, it should make you think about what hidden complexes you have.
If you are in search of yourself, these doodles will tell you that you doubt your right choice.
If you draw them big ears, you suggest that you are fed up with the teacher. Small ones mean that you don't care about criticism at all.
If they are too twisted, they betray both your precision and pettiness.
However, if the stairs are intertwined and interrupted, they may be a signal of problems and obstacles in your career growth from which you cannot see a way out.
In employment relations, various circumstances are possible that may lead to the termination of the employment relationship between the employer and the worker or employee.
In many countries, the legislation provides for the possibility to terminate employment contracts with notice, which gives the parties the opportunity to prepare for the changes and to look for new employment opportunities. What are the conditions according to the law in Bulgaria?
In labor relations, notice - the sending of a written notification by the worker or employee to the employer (and vice versa) before the termination of the employment contract is essential. This is necessary for several main reasons, which contribute to the stability and fairness of the working relationship, as well as to the protection of the interests of both parties.
The notice provides the employer with time to prepare for the changes in its work teams and to search for a suitable replacement for the worker or employee. This is of particular importance in the case of specific professional positions or key roles in the organization. The procedure also allows the employer to plan and organize work processes without surprises and interruptions. This in turn helps to maintain business productivity and efficiency by avoiding temporary loss of workforce.
At the same time, following the notice procedure gives the worker or employee time to prepare for the changes and look for a new job. This is important because workers may need time to collect references, update resumes and other documents, and make connections with potential new employers. At the same time, following the procedure allows the worker or employee to leave the workplace in a respectful manner and maintain a good professional image, which will certainly benefit future professional opportunities and references.
According to the legislation, in the event that one of the parties has the right to terminate the employment relationship with notice, it can do so before the expiry of the notice period. In such situations, however, it is necessary to pay compensation to the other party in the amount of the worker's or employee's gross remuneration for the missed notice period.
It is important to note that both parties have the right to terminate the employment relationship with notice, subject to the established notice period or payment of the appropriate compensation. This means that the worker or employee who has been given notice to terminate his employment can also terminate it in advance, provided he pays the corresponding compensation to the employer.
According to the law, the worker or employee can terminate the employment contract by giving written notice to the employer. The notice period for termination of an open-ended employment contract is 30 days, unless the parties have agreed on a longer period, but not more than 3 months. The notice period for termination of a fixed-term employment contract is 3 months, but not more than the remainder of the contract term.
For workers and employees who hold material accounting positions, in the event that the handover of the entrusted property cannot be carried out within the 30-day period, the time for handover can be extended, but not more than 2 months in total with the notice.
When the worker or employee works on a fixed-term employment contract and moves to another job for an indefinite period, he has the right to terminate his employment contract in writing, without notice. With this ground for termination of the employment contract, the right of termination rests with the worker or employee, and no notice is required. This right of termination can be exercised at any time during the validity of the concluded fixed-term employment contract with a written statement of the worker or employee.
Such a development of events can occur as a result of a number of circumstances, including finding a better opportunity for career development or a desire to change the professional ambitions of the worker or employee. Essential to this ground for termination is that the worker or employee retains the freedom to decide his own career path without being required to serve notices or be restricted by them. This ensures flexibility and freedom for employees to pursue their career goals and ambitions.
Art. 68 of the Labor Code
Art. 220 of the Labor Code
Art. 326 of the Labor Code
Art. 327 of the Labor Code
Art. 328 of the Labor Code
You have lost your blue health insurance card. You want to change your GP. You need information about how long your referral is valid and how many examinations you are entitled to with it.
What to do if you do not know the answers?
Call 0800 14 800
This is the National Health Insurance Fund's Green Phone number.
It is free of charge and can be dialed from both landlines and mobile phones, regardless of whether you are in Bulgaria or abroad. Calls are entirely at the expense of the NHIF.
The Information Center has existed since the establishment of the NHIF. Every day, within 5 minutes, four trained experts answer questions from citizens. They are familiar with any new information, change in law or regulation that concerns the work of the Health Fund. The information you receive from them is as up-to-date as possible and in line with the latest changes.
You can contact them every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The experts receive approximately 1,200 calls daily.
What are the most frequently asked questions on the toll-free number 0800 14 800 in the last month?
How do I change my general practitioner?
There are regulated deadlines for this. If you have found a better colleague of your previous doctor, you can sign up with him every year within the regulated deadlines - from June 1 to 30 and from December 1 to 31.
However, if you move to another settlement during the year, you do not need to comply with these deadlines. The change can be made at any time of the year, as you must present the new doctor with a form for changing your general practitioner (registration form for permanent selection of a general practitioner The old doctor does not need to be informed about this change.
Regardless of the deadlines, you can also register with another general practitioner in cases of your inability to provide medical care (death, illness). Again, a permanent choice form is required (registration form for permanent choice of a general practitioner You will also need this form if the NHIF terminates the contract with your general practitioner.
You can also change your general practitioner temporarily. This is done in cases where citizens move to another settlement for a period of up to 5 months. This time, the change is made with a registration form for a temporary change ( It indicates the period for which the services of the new doctor are needed, and after the period expires, the return to the old doctor is automatic.
How is a health insurance (blue) card issued, which is required for dental work?
The first card is free of charge. It is issued by the RHIF at the discretion of a general practitioner or a division of the relevant health insurance fund. You must present your ID card or, if you are a parent, the child's birth certificate.
If your health insurance card is full, you can contact the RHIF or its division again, where you will be issued an addendum. The service is also free of charge.
In cases where the health insurance card is lost, however, you can only go to the RHIF at the discretion of a general practitioner (without RHIF divisions). This service is paid. The new card will cost you 7.44 leva.
We remind you that from 2024, if you need to visit a general practitioner who has concluded a contract with the NHIF in another locality, for incidental medical care, you do not need to provide him with your health insurance (blue) book.
What is the validity period of the referrals?
This period is 30 calendar days from the date of issue. It applies to both a specialist examination, examinations, and hospitalization.
From 01.07.2024, the only exception is the "medical referral for medical-diagnostic activities (MH-NHIF form No. 4) for highly specialized medical-diagnostic examinations "mammography of both mammary glands" and "ultrasound of the mammary glands" from the "Imaging Diagnostics" package on the occasion of a preventive examination of health-insured persons over 18 years of age. This referral is valid for up to 60 calendar days from the date of issue.
What is the validity of the protocols and what is their movement?
From the beginning of September 2024, every health insured person who receives medicines or medical devices under a protocol is notified by a message in VIBER or SMS about the movement of their protocol.
We remind you that when issuing the protocol, it would be a good idea to request its number and thus track its movement yourself on the official NHIF website in the electronic services section
Can citizens who prefer online communication receive answers to their questions from the NHIF?
Yes. You can do so in the "Online consultations" section. The deadline for answering questions is up to 5 working days. It is possible to receive it within the day, but this is not mandatory, given the large number of incoming inquiries.
At the beginning of the school year, parents are most active with questions about their children's examinations, student records, vaccines and apology notes.
The answers in the "Online consultations" section do not follow the order of submission of the questions. They are published on the page only on working days. It is advisable for users to search for them by the date on which they sent their inquiry.
And for submitting signals and complaints with accompanying documentation, you can use the e-mail address:
Attention! Some of the questions, both on 0800 14 800 and in the online form of the NHIF, may relate to your health, but may be within the competence of other institutions. We remind you of some of the most important ones, which could also be useful to you:
- Ministry of Health (MH) - questions related to problems in providing emergency medical care, with the procedure for conducting an expert examination of work capacity by the bodies of the Medical Advisory Committee, TEMC/NEMC;
- National Revenue Agency (NRA) - questions regarding health insurance status (what is the procedure for paying health insurance contributions and what are the amounts due, including the manner in which health insurance rights can be restored);
- National Social Security Institute (NSSI) - questions related to the procedure for issuing sick leaves and the payment of cash benefits for them;
- Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - issues related to the right to receive disability pensions due to a general illness.
From January 10, the campaign for declaring and paying personal income tax began, the Active Consumers Association reminds. The tax is levied on all income received by the taxable person during the tax year, with the exception of income that is exempt from tax by law. The income specified in Art. 13 of the law is not taxable.
Basic rules and tips to keep in mind before declaring your income from 2024
Tax base
The tax base is the sum of the annual tax bases (Article 17 and Chapter 5 of the Personal Income Tax Act) from income from:
employment relationships (Article 25),
business activity as a sole trader (Article 28),
other business activity (Article 30),
rent (Article 32),
transfer of rights or property (Article 34) and
other sources (Article 36)
reduced by the provided reliefs (Chapter 4 of the Personal Income Tax Act).
A tax relief is a reduction in the tax due. You can use reliefs for reduced working capacity, voluntary insurance and insurance, insurance experience upon retirement, donations, young families, children, children with disabilities and non-cash payments.
See Tax relief from the annual tax
Tax amount
10% of the tax base for the income you acquired in the previous year.
15% for sole proprietors.
Advance payments
Income from: employment, other business activities and rent are taxed in advance.
You declare taxes due online with an electronic signature or PIN, at an NRA office or by mail by submitting an annual tax return (under Art. 50 of the Personal Income Tax Act) and/or a declaration of taxes due (under Art. 55 of the Personal Income Tax Act).
Annual tax return
You submit an income declaration for the previous year (under Art. 50 of the Personal Income Tax Act) if you are:
- A local individual and:
you have received income subject to tax: rent, cash and non-cash prizes from games, competitions, contests, sale of property, shares and equity interests;
you want to use tax breaks;
you have paid patent tax;
you have non-taxable income from passenger taxi transport activities carried out by individuals - drivers, on behalf of a registered carrier;
you have received a loan/s from other citizens or companies in the amount of over 10,000 BGN in total or there are outstanding balances of over 40,000 BGN in total from loans given or received during the year or in the previous five years;
you own shares and equity interests in companies and real estate abroad;
you have acquired income from abroad, subject to final tax.
- Sole trader and you have income from business activity.
- Foreign individual and you have received income in Bulgaria, subject to tax.
You do not file an annual tax return:
if you receive only income from an employment contract and do not want to use tax breaks;
for non-taxable income;
except for income from taxi transportation (Art. 13, para. 1, item 29 of the Personal Income Tax Act);
for income subject to final tax,
except for income from abroad from dividends and liquidation shares, from the exchange of shares and units, from insurance and Life insurance, from interest on bank accounts and from prizes from games, competitions and contests (Art. 50, para. 1, item 3 of the Personal Income Tax Act);
if you are a foreign person and have income subject to final tax, except in the event of recalculation of the tax (Art. 37a of the Personal Income Tax Act).
annual tax return (under Art. 50 of the Personal Income Tax Act): by April 30 of the following calendar year;
tax return (under Art. 55 of the Personal Income Tax Act): for advance and final tax, April 30, July 31, October 31 and only for final tax, January 31 of the following year.
You benefit from a 5% discount, but not more than BGN 500, if you simultaneously meet the following conditions:
submit a return electronically
submit the return by March 31;
at the time of filing the return, you have no public liabilities subject to enforcement;
pay the additional tax by March 31 of the following year.
Refund of overpaid tax
If you have overpaid tax, usually as a result of using a tax relief, the overpaid amount will be refunded to you within 30 days to the bank account you indicated on page 2 of the main part of the return (form 2001).
If you fail to file a tax return within the established deadlines, the penalty is a fine of up to BGN 500, unless you are subject to a more severe penalty. In the event of a repeated violation, the fine is up to BGN 1,000. If you submit false information that results in a lower tax for you or in non-payment of tax, the penalty is a fine of up to BGN 1,000, unless you are subject to a more severe penalty. In the event of a repeated violation, the fine is up to BGN 2,000.
For your convenience
In the "Forms" section of the NRA website, the following are published:
Additional information on declaring income for the past year can be obtained by calling the NRA Information Center at 02 9859 6801 and 0700 18 700, at a price according to the tariffs of the respective operator, as well as on the website of the revenue agency:
Requirement for the sale of goods
The NRA announces that on January 31, 2025, the deadline expires, in which digital platform operators should submit information about sellers who were active on the platforms during the reporting year 2024. The following four categories of activities are carried out with the help of the platforms:
sale of goods;
rental of real estate, including residential and commercial properties, apartments, hotel rooms, villas, parking spaces, etc.;
personal services (e.g. work for a certain time or to perform a certain task);
rental of any type of vehicle.
The submission of information is carried out through the service "Automatic exchange of information by platform operators - DPI/DAC7", which is available on the e-services portal of the revenue agency with a qualified electronic signature /QES/. For the reporting year 2024 Platform operators must carry out identification and due diligence of all sellers registered and operating on the platform – existing sellers (registered on the platform before 01.01.2023) and new sellers (registered on the platform after the entry into force of the rules). Platform operators that have not yet registered with the Executive Director of the National Revenue Agency for operating as a platform operator should do so as soon as possible using a Notification for operating as a platform operator.
Everyone has a hidden talent. In some, however, it slumbers and never wakes up.
About a century ago, scientists favored the role of genes in personality abilities. Then they dramatically changed their views on heredity. According to them, even geniuses are not born, but are built as exceptional individuals. They don't let bad habits, common and very easy to pick up, get in their way.
According to the new theories, talent and intelligence are not simply genetic endowments that some have and others do not. Everything a person is is due to what they get with their DNA plus a series of developmental processes.
Genes interact with the environment. It turns out that the same heredity has a different effect on the personality depending on what is happening around. There are no genetic factors that can be studied outside of the environment, explains Prof Michael Meaney.
This means that everything related to a person - intelligence, abilities, is determined by the life he leads. The understanding of "internal heritage" in its absolute sense of independent of everything else is not correct, the professor points out.
Yes, genes matter. People are different, they have different theoretical types of potential. Someone is excellent at drawing. Another calculated huge numbers as if by magic. Treti is an exceptional communicator - he manages to convince the cucumber grower to buy cucumbers from him.
Therefore, it is important for a person to understand what he can do best, his strengths and weaknesses. The strong he will use, the weak he will improve. In this way, he will make the most of his talents and develop his abilities.
Here, the environment undoubtedly matters - the support of the family, the chances for education that the state provides, the values that the society professes, sociologists explain. Children who do not have access to a good school do not get the same opportunities as those who do.
But still, the efforts that one makes throughout one's life are of the greatest importance.
To be successful, you must love to learn new things, persistently seek new information, be passionate about what you do. If you don't have curiosity, consistency and passion at the same time, you will not achieve success in whatever profession you choose, say personal development specialists.
The story disproves the popular belief that gifted people have it easy because of their innate abilities. All those who have achieved great success in art, science, business have worked tirelessly and around the clock. This increases the chances of success because it multiplies skills and experience. The theory that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a master has been proven time and time again.
Successful ideas often come in the pursuit of what most people would consider insanity. Therefore, be brave to start ventures that no one has dared. Don't be afraid to question rules, wisdoms, ways that everyone thinks are unshakable and only possible.
Don't stop listening and stealing from others. Every person is different, every opinion hides a grain of truth, something you can learn from or give you an idea. When your mind is open to constant change, you'll be successful in your career, experts predict.
After genes, correctly recognized strengths and developing abilities, however, come at least 5 bad habits that hinder success. If he does not get rid of them, the talented and prepared professional can have more or less average achievements. On the contrary - a more mediocre person is able to make greater breakthroughs because he is braver, more adaptable, less emotional.
Upon termination of the employment relationship, after the worker or employee has acquired the right to a pension for length of service and age, regardless of the reason for the termination, he is entitled to compensation from the employer in the amount of his gross remuneration for a period of 2 months, and if has acquired at the same employer or in the same group of enterprises 10 years of work experience in the last 20 years - for compensation in the amount of his gross remuneration for a period of 6 months.
The implementation of these amended 2020 texts of the legislation caused a wave of questions from workers who are about to retire for insurance length and age.
The questions are mostly related to what it actually means for the person to have worked for 10 of the last 20 years for the same employer or in the same group of enterprises. Is there a legal definition in legislation of a "group of enterprises" and how should it be interpreted?
After the amendment, the legal definition of the term "group of enterprises" in the Labor Code applies in all cases where the term is used in the normative act. Therefore, the term "group of enterprises" used in the provision of the Labor Code has the meaning defined in the Additional Provisions of the Law on Labor Migration and Labor Mobility.
According to them, "Group of enterprises" is two or more related enterprises, such that: one enterprise, in relation to the other enterprise, directly or indirectly owns a preferential share of the subscribed capital of the second enterprise; controls the majority of votes related to the share capital issued by the second entity; has the right to appoint more than half of the members of the administrative, management or supervisory body of the second undertaking, or the undertakings are under the sole management of the parent undertaking.'
The right to compensation in the amount of the gross labor remuneration for a period of 6 months arises for employees who have acquired a total length of service of 10 years or more in the last 20 years with the same employer or in the same group of enterprises.
The expression "in the last 20 years" means that the assessment of the presence of at least 10 years of work experience acquired at the same employer or at different employers, but from the same group of enterprises, is made within 20 years , and that these should be the "last" 20 calendar years as of the date of termination of the employment contract.
If the worker or employee in the last 20 years of his employment has 10 years of employment with two different employers who are "connected", he is entitled to compensation in the amount of 6 gross wages. This is the case, for example, when one enterprise, in relation to the other enterprise, directly or indirectly owns a preferential share of the subscribed capital of the second enterprise.
The length of service can be acquired during the last 20 years before the termination of the employment relationship, during which the worker or employee worked with or without interruption for the same employer. In addition, the specified 10 years in the last 20 years can also be acquired with different employers, as long as they are in the "same group of enterprises".
When more than 10 years of the worker's or employee's work experience in the last 20 years were not acquired with the same employer, but with two or more different employers who are not from the same group of enterprises, the benefit is for a period of 2 months.
When not less than 10 years of the worker's or employee's work experience are acquired with the same employer or with different employers, but from the same group of enterprises, the benefit is for a period of 6 months.
Art. 222, para. 3 of the Labor Code
paragraph 1, item 5 of the Additional Provisions of the Labor Migration and Labor Mobility Act