Consultancy Center - Berkovitsa, 1 Atanas Kyurkchiev Str., Block "Kom", floor 0

Mrs. Lyudmila Filipova, director of the Consultancy center

Work time:

during the winter period (1st November  to 31st March) Monday - Friday from 16:00 to 18:00

during the summer period (from 1st April to 31st October) Monday - Friday from 17:00 until 19:00

Phone: +359 890943741



Consultancy Center - Craiova, 21 Jiețului Street,

in the building of the Library of Dolj County "Alexandru and Aristia Amman"

Mr. Lucian Dindirica - Director of the Consultancy Center

Work time:

Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 16:00



New research reveals that employers who redefine the workflow and locations of their teams risk losing top talent to the 'quiet leave'.

That's one of the findings in a study by the International Workplace Group of the main reasons why employees are most likely to "quietly leave" - ​​a term used in the workplace to describe employees doing only the minimum required by their job description .

More than half (57%) of employees say they are more likely to "quietly leave" if they have a manager who makes them feel undervalued, controls them or doesn't give them the flexibility to work remotely. which best suits their needs. With 22% of workers who currently feel or have felt demotivated at work, they would potentially quit their job or look for work elsewhere if they did not feel supported by their teams to work in a way that they is comfortable.

At the same time, two-fifths (40%) of office workers are less likely to "quietly leave" or demotivate the workplace if their employers offer them a hybrid model. Employees are sending a clear message to current and potential employers: embrace the benefits of hybrid work or risk losing your professionals.

Hybrid work helps employees feel fulfilled and satisfied.

The reality for companies that don't offer hybrid work is that they will lose their best talent - six in 10 (62%) hybrid workers say they would consider leaving their jobs. if they have to return to the office five days a week.

In addition, 71% would turn down a new job or position that involved a long commute, and 72% would only consider new positions that offered the ability to work flexibly from any location. As well as increasing productivity levels (78%), hybrid working enables employees to make decisions about their work schedules based on when and where they work best (92%) – one of the most important factors preventing quiet leaving employees.

Managing the Future: How Managers Can Prevent Attrition

55% of workers who don't currently have the flexibility to work from wherever they want think they would experience greater job satisfaction and productivity if their manager allowed them to work in a hybrid way.

The study identified all three key signs of good management as: fostering work-life balance, trusting employees that they can do their work from anywhere, and being approachable and open to conversations about new ways of working.

This is backed up by academic research from Professor Blum, a Stanford economics professor and world-renowned expert on the topic of hybrid work, who says that companies that offer this kind of flexibility can expect to see a drop in turnover rates of up to 35%.

Mark Dixon, CEO of the International Workplace Group, said: “International Workplace Group's latest research highlights how companies can tackle the issue of turnover to maintain business productivity. The biggest boost to employee efficiency, productivity, and happiness comes from freeing them from having to make long, unproductive, and expensive commutes several times a week to an office in the city center, where they perform tasks they could be doing on -close to home. Businesses must enable their employees to work when and where they are most productive. By giving employees this opportunity, they are less likely to develop a culture of disengaged and disaffected workers.”



The occupations most in demand by businesses in September are: teaching staff, human care staff, sales staff, machine operators of stationary machinery and equipment, staff employed in the field of personal services, cleaners and assistants, business and administrative specialists, collection workers of waste and others. This is shown by data from the Employment Agency.

A total of 14,022 unemployed people started work in September with the mediation of the labor offices in the country. Their number increased by nearly 2,500 or by 21% compared to August. 864 people from the groups of employed jobseekers, students and pensioners have also entered employment with the support of employment agencies.

The level of registered unemployment in Bulgaria in September decreased to 5.2%. At the end of the month, the number of unemployed was 147,196 – 3,513 less than in August.

At the same time, the number of vacancies in the primary market reported in the labor offices increased, which in September amounted to 9,614. In the real economy, the number of vacancies is highest in the field of education (27.4%), followed by the manufacturing industry (24.1%) , trade (11.0%), government (9.2%), administrative and auxiliary activities (6.3%) and hospitality and catering (6.1%).

As a result of the work of the Roma and youth mediators, as well as the labor mediators, more than 3,400 persons inactive on the labor market were activated during the month.

There were 1,334 representatives of risk groups who found employment last month through subsidized jobs. Of them, 618 started work under employment programs and measures financed by the state budget, and 716 - under projects of the Human Resources Development Program 2021 - 2027, co-financed by the European Social Fund plus. In September, over 11,900 training vouchers were issued to the employed and unemployed.



To have the confidence of this person, your boss. He always speaks as a last resort. Not just for work. About politics, football, cooking, music, whatever. He never asks for an opinion. He cannot even have a normal conversation because he is unable to listen to what someone else is saying, especially if he is subordinate to him. He likes to hear his own voice the most.

He is from the so-called toxic bosses. He is probably one of the poisonous people in his personal life as well. But that's his wife's and his friends' problem. It's yours to work with.

There are many types of bad bosses, but according to experts, one of the most unpleasant are those who sincerely profess the belief "I know everything I need to know, that's why I'm the boss".

No really smart person thinks like that - from Socrates and his maxim "I know that I know nothing" about 400 years before the new era, until the present day. A smart person understands that he simply cannot know everything he needs to know, because the world is constantly changing at a furious pace. Only a fool refuses to evolve.

It would be strange for your superior to have risen to this position if he is a fool. It's not out of the question, but it's still weird.

Therefore, your first task is to open your eyes and ears to see if your boss really thinks he is a know-it-all, or if he is largely posing. It depends on how you deal with it.

The self-forgetful one

In one option - the worse - the boss is sincere. He took himself quite seriously. He's not a fool to begin with, he's just reached his ceiling.

To climb to this position, he probably made efforts, learned new things, improved his abilities. When he conquered the cherished goal, he fell into complacency. He believes that his post makes him something more than the others, that it is proof of his superiority. Therefore, he has nothing to learn from his subordinates, their opinion is irrelevant and a complete waste of time.

Sometimes dizziness occurs as a normal side effect of the adrenaline of victory and lasts for a short time. But don't hope it's that if your boss has long since moved up.

Very often "I know that I know everything" covers business owners. Their business has taken off, they have become rich, they have gained the self-confidence of almighty and they have forgotten themselves. So much so that they ignore the main rule of the successful entrepreneur - the real talent is to find the most capable, competent, creative people and hire them to work for him. More than one owner has failed when they tried to manage a growing or new business thinking they knew it all.

"When you talk to me, you will be silent"

There's no point in trying to tell a boss who genuinely thinks he knows everything that you know something too. Or that he doesn't know something. You will make a big mistake, he will hate you and order you.

The practical advice is to obey his rule, which is to the effect of "Talking to me, you will be silent." Don't give unsolicited opinions. Speak only if you are sure he is asking you. And notice - the pause after his statement "I know that I know everything" is not for you to speak, but for him to enjoy the effect of his own wisdom. Remember that such a boss is a narcissist who will be furious if you spoil his moments of self-admiration.

Obey his rules for a while until you find another job. Because, in addition to being unpleasant, such a boss usually does not lead the team to success, and with him you risk slowing down your own career. It makes more sense to look for a place with a leader who strives to learn something from each person, tries to listen, appreciate and use the opinion of employees to make the work go better.

The second option is that your boss doesn't actually think he knows everything he needs to know, but just demonstrates this behavior. There could be many reasons for this.

The poser

This boss most often learned his leadership style from someone he was subordinate to or still is subordinate to. He does not believe that he is omniscient, but that the superior must always appear to be the most competent. Something like a part of the job description or the visible image that goes inextricably with the boss's chair.

However, the poser can be quite a clever organizer and manage to assign the tasks in such a way that the employees show competence, and he only steals the laurels. This is usually done by smart bosses who have superior bosses or owners over their heads.

Such people are quite repulsive with their management manner, but in general they are rather successful. They won't inspire you, but your professional chances aren't likely to suffer. The bad thing is that they usually like to be admired very much, so their subordinates are best placed, who do not hesitate to flatter them a little.

The overrated one

It is also possible that the boss hides his insecurity with "I know everything". He sat in the armchair with protections, by a happy coincidence or he reached the so-called level of incompetence. He does not feel sufficiently prepared for his position and is panicked that if he asks for the opinion of his subordinates, someone will turn out to be smarter and more capable than him, thereby endangering him.

Unlike the poseur, he pretends to be a know-it-all, not because he believes that the superior must always appear to be the most competent, but to cover up his inferiority complex.

When he is not intelligent enough, such a boss does not understand that the best way to hold on to the position is to make maximum use of the abilities of each of his subordinates, to unite the team and ultimately compensate for his lack of competence.

The genetically burdened

And there are people who are like that by nature and the habit of speaking out as a last resort is not related to their position. Your boss is one of them, there is no doubt that he knows not only about his professional work, but also about women/men, black holes, diets, etc. He does not admit in reality that he really understands, but something inside makes him speak so categorically.

It's very possible that after the "Know it all" demonstration, your boss will make an effort to educate himself and even step into the role of a person who learns from his subordinates, but without openly admitting it.

By the way, this type of people strongly hates their own kind. If you also have a habit of speaking up as a last resort, your boss won't like it even if it's not about work, but about some completely side topic you've talked about. According to psychologists, the reason is that by watching you, he realizes his own bad habit and realizes that he doesn't really like it at all.

"Following up on what you said"

Whatever the reasons for your boss's behavior, if you notice that he doesn't really believe in his infinite competence, there are ways to work with him without getting poisoned. At least for a while.

Pretend to adopt his know-it-all attitude. Because you are loyal to him, you are simply adding to his omniscience as much as you can.

When giving an opinion, find a way to make it look like you're continuing the original thought, even if you're saying something completely different. Don't be shy about using expressions like "Following on from what you said" literally. That's how you brush his self-esteem, and whether he's a poser, overrated, or genetically burdened, he likes it.

If you approach it right, you won't annoy your boss. However, you must force yourself not to be annoyed by his behavior. Yes, it's unpleasant. But even in this case, you have a choice - to endure or look around for a place where the manager will not be of the "I know that I know everything" type.



In Bulgaria, where workers face various challenges in their professional life, the question of the boundary of rights and freedoms of the worker becomes essential.

One of the key aspects to be discussed is the possibility of refusing to provide the private car for official purposes. Do we have the right to refuse to provide our personal car for business purposes?

According to the legislation in Bulgaria, there is no express legal requirement that obliges the employee to provide his personal car for the needs of the employer. However, it is the duty of the worker to carry out the lawful orders of the employer. In this context, the question of the boundary between the rights of the worker and the legal requirements of the employer arises.

Sometimes there is an abuse of the interpretation of the duty of the worker to carry out the orders of the employer. Some employers, in pursuit of their business goals, issue orders that are inconsistent with legal regulations or overly burdensome on the worker.

There are scenarios where an employee can and should exercise their right to refuse to provide their personal vehicle for business purposes. This may include situations where:

- The employer's requirements are not in line with the legal framework. For example, if an engineer works for a construction company that carries out projects in different regions of the country and the employer decides that for a certain project he should provide his personal car to transport construction materials and the team to the workplace and issues an order that the personal car be used. This case represents a violation of the legal framework, as the Bulgarian labor legislation clearly states that the employer must provide the necessary means and equipment for the performance of work duties. The requirement to provide a personal car without adequate compensation is inconsistent with this legal obligation and violates the worker's rights;

- Providing the car represents a serious violation of the personal safety and life of the worker or employee. For example, a nurse in a microbiology laboratory whose employer asks her to use her personal car to transport patient samples for analysis in outside laboratories. However, this process involves the handling of infectious substances and requires special transport conditions that the worker's personal car does not provide. In this case, the provision of a personal car represents a serious violation of the worker's personal safety. She does not have the necessary means to safely transport infectious samples and this may lead to a risk to her health and the health of others;

- There is insufficient compensation or compensation for the use of the private car. An example of this case could be a scenario where the worker or employee is required to perform long and dangerous journeys without adequate compensation and without clear legal frameworks for such cases.

These examples illustrate how the employer's requirements that are not in accordance with the legal framework or pose a risk to the worker's personal safety can be considered unlawful and how the worker has the right to refuse to fulfill them in accordance with the rights and legal requirements.

The refusal of the worker or employee to provide his personal car is justified within the law. This refusal cannot be considered as a violation of the duty of the worker or employee, especially if it is also accompanied by ethical or reasons related to his safety.

The worker's freedom to manage his property and protect his rights is recognized and supported by the legal system and society as a whole. Such an approach helps create a healthy and respectful work environment where both workers and employers can function in harmony.

It is our personal right to refuse to make available our personal car for official purposes, because there is no legally established similar obligation for the worker or employee. The same applies to the use of our other personal assets for business purposes, such as telephone, computer, stationery, etc.



Art. 66 of the Labor Code

Art. 126 of the Labor Code

Art. 127 of the Labor Code



You work in a team with ten colleagues. Luckily for you, most are good professionals. But unfortunately for you, some are not nice people at all. It is not possible to communicate only with the cool ones. The job requires you to have a give-and-take even with those you find repulsive.

Since there is no way to avoid them, you must learn to use them properly. It sounds a bit harsh, but it means knowing which of their qualities to take advantage of and which to beware of. The basis of your success lies in your efforts to get used to understanding others - both pleasant and unpleasant. Otherwise, there is no way to fit into the team and become better at your job, which is a necessary prerequisite for your career advancement.

There are at least five types of not-so-nice people that you can try to fit in with to the best of your ability. You don't have to get too close. Set yourself a limit beyond which you will not cross, so that you do not look like them and alienate the rest of your colleagues.

The over-ambitious

They do not accept defeat and are used to putting in a lot of effort to achieve success. This is good when they become a bike for the whole team.

It is practical to work with such a person, learn and get infected from him, especially when he is more experienced in the profession. He would help you if it furthered his goals. He will be very pleased if you publicly thank him. This increases the likelihood that he will be willing to cooperate with you in the future.

The bad thing is that, unlike healthy ambitious professionals, the overambitious are usually willing to do anything to gain an edge over others. Including dishonest actions. It is precisely for this reason that they are not loved.

So, the moment such a colleague considers you worthy competition, he will sacrifice you without batting an eye in order to ensure his promotion in the company.

That's why you need to anticipate this moment and do everything you can to not let him make you look bad, take credit for himself, or put a nasty number on you. Don't share any of your ideas with him because he will appropriate them. Make sure that your work is visible enough to the rest of your colleagues and especially to the boss.

The uninitiative

Some people are just good performers, never giving ideas on how the work can be done more efficiently and better. If you happen to have a common task with such a colleague, at first glance it is a pain.

But don't consider him mediocre just because he's indulged in a routine and doesn't budge an inch from what's required of him. If you try to narrate it, it can be very useful for you to come up with a better solution to the task.

Show a genuine interest in him and really listen to what he has to say. When he realizes that you hear him, he can start sharing important things, as long as he is a good professional. No wonder it turns out that no one has so far bothered to encourage him to be more active and proactive. Especially if your boss isn't one to ask for ideas, or he can't wait to listen to the narrower people on the team.

Against the background of such a person, you can also shine. Naturally, try to give him the credit he deserves by mentioning it like this: "While we were discussing what to do with my colleague, it occurred to me". That way you're actually telling the truth without belittling or exaggerating his role.

Keep in mind that a colleague who is used to being a doer is usually not very brave. It remains your responsibility to bear the consequences if what you came up with fails.

The pessimists

When you hear a colleague prophesy that everything will fail, try to use it constructively. Ask him why he thinks that. It is very possible that you will find real obstacles and risks. By weighing them up, you'll have a plan B in place in case something actually goes wrong.

It's hard to be a pessimist, but that's exactly why you can arm yourself with patience and gain an edge over your colleagues who can't stand his negativity and grumbling.

Of course, don't waste your time if you don't find anything useful. Some people say "It can't be done" and when asked why they answer "Because it is". You have to run away from them so they don't burden you with their negativity.

The gossipers

They just disgust you. But they are often knowledgeable, and if you keep your ears open, you can get some useful information. Just remember that you should make an effort to check it out.

However, it is imperative that you keep it to yourself and do not spread it, because you will also get the unpleasant fame of a gossip.

You can ask such a colleague clarifying questions, but never share information with him - neither about yourself, nor about other people, nor about events in the office. It is certain that he will spread it, and probably distort it.

When the gossip begins to slander, look to back off quickly.

The envious

They are very unpleasant, but they can also be a useful source of information because they like to scrutinize other people's achievements. Mainly to criticize and belittle them. However, if you get used to sifting through the essentials, you can draw the necessary conclusions from their stories.

You won't change them, so don't try to argue with them. When their comments about colleague X, who is actually a badass and the boss's favorite, become too mean to you, interrupt the conversation under some pretext.

Such an envious person can be your personal barometer - when you hear that he is gossiping behind your back, it means that you have already achieved or are about to achieve something significant at work.

From the exploiters, the hypocrites, the intriguers, the informers, and the slanderers, you must flee. You may at some point find it practical to ally yourself with such a colleague, but the risks are too great. Better to only contact as much as your job duties require. And all the while hedging against the possibility of him playing a nasty trick on you or getting you into an unpleasant situation.

--------- You did not come together to love each other ----------

To make it easier to tolerate your unpleasant colleagues, you should remember that you did not choose them, but by coincidence you have to work together. You don't have to love them and they don't have to love you. It is enough to observe the basic human and professional rules.

However, when a colleague violates them, do not feel too deeply because you are punishing yourself. Do not forget his act, but do not carry the burden of the insult, psychologists advise.

If you can forgive your colleague, even though he doesn't deserve it, it helps you to continue working with him. It will be very difficult if you keep the pain, if you harbor resentment and malice inside.

Forgiveness does not affect the person who offended you, and does not take the burden off him, because in most cases he does not suffer at all from being dishonest.

Forgiveness is important for you to let go of your negative feelings towards him. Strong people forgive even those who do not deserve it for the sake of their own mental comfort.

This does not mean that you love your colleague and do not protect yourself from the possibility that he will act dishonorably again. Be sure to take action against it. But by simultaneously taking action and letting go of your resentment over a past incident, you're not hindering your future.



The lack of staff in Bulgaria, and in Europe, is one of the reasons why the two forms of additional employment - on-call and available time - are gaining popularity among employers. The positive growth rates of the economy also contribute to their popularity, especially in industries with a continuous cycle of activity. The Covid crisis accelerated the entry of the time available format.

Availability time is applied in sectors such as security and guarding, healthcare, manufacturing, call centers, etc.

These two forms are also an opportunity for employers to give additional financial incentives to employees. The pluses for the workers - apart from the additional remuneration, which is the same as for overtime work with the corresponding deductions, is also the insurance contribution for the two types of additional employment. Both employers and workers benefit from the use of the most diverse forms of employment.

The introduction of these additional forms of work is related to factors such as the continuity of some productions, and not to other subjective factors, such as, for example, greater working capacity during certain parts of the day.

Bulgaria does not differ from the average European level in terms of the number of employees who are on duty or available.

Similarities and differences

The main difference between duty and available time is that workers in the second form do not have the obligation to be at their place of work all the time, and this only happens when there is a specific task to be performed.

In the Bulgarian legislation, both forms of employment are introduced in the Labor Code and in the corresponding by-laws, and in the last year, due to the need to harmonize with the requirements of Community law, some restrictions were introduced. Among them is the requirement that workers or employees cannot be assigned to be available on two consecutive working days or on two consecutive working shifts, as well as on more than two days off in a month, and these restrictions do not apply to the medics.

According to the law, on-call work is an organization of work in the case of daily or cumulative calculation of working hours, in which the employees are at their workplace and perform or are ready to perform their work duties. The time on duty is included in the working hours specified in the individual employment contract of the worker or employee. For the time on duty, the employee is paid the agreed remuneration.

​ In the case of available work, when this is required by the special nature of the activity, an obligation can be agreed that the worker or employee is available to the employer outside the territory of the enterprise, ready (if necessary) to start performing his work duties. Time available is not counted as working time if the employee has not been assigned a task to perform. If the worker or the employee is on an irregular working day, the time of availability is established in the Regulations for the internal work order of the enterprise, and in enterprises where the labor organization allows, working hours with variable limits can be established. The need for the additional form of employment - available, allows the employer in a certain situation to be able to take advantage of his worker for a certain job and for this reason he does not have to be permanently at his workplace.

Money and rest

Work actually performed during available time is counted and paid as overtime. Since duty is part of working time, the worker or employee is paid the agreed remuneration.

If we have actually worked during availability, the law has provided that the worker or employee is provided with the minimum amount of continuous inter-day and weekly rest. The maximum duration of the time of placement obligation cannot be more than 100 hours in one month, for one day on working days - no more than 12 hours, and on holidays - no more than 48 hours. Generally speaking, the more employees or workers from a company are available or put on duty, the fewer times a month they will have to perform these forms of labor, but due to the shortage of personnel, this is difficult to implement.

For the moment, according to the Ordinance on the structure and organization of the salary, the minimum amount of remuneration for the time available is BGN 0.10/hour, but there is no obstacle to agreeing higher in an individual and/or collective labor contract.

Individual employment contracts

Our agreement to be on call or available is evidenced by the signing of an individual employment contract, but this can also be regulated in the collective employment agreement. The individual contract also stipulates the time required for reporting to work, and only after its signing is the possibility for the employer to additionally approve nominal schedules for the time available or on duty determined by law. In case of doubts that he will not be able to fulfill the provisions of the individual contract in relation to duty or availability, the worker or employee may expressly declare that he will not perform overtime or night work, as well as work during national holidays, but this must to do so before signing the contract.

However, the normative base does not exclude, even after the signing of the individual contract, the employee to agree with the employer to refuse additional employment with an annex to the individual contract. In this case, it is a matter of negotiating the will of both parties, and if the employer needs a certain staff, he relies on him, given that he has concluded an individual employment contract with the employee under conditions of having his workforce available. According to the Labor Code, the employer can impose disciplinary penalties for violations of labor discipline.

In the individual or in the collective labor contract, the place where the worker is located during the time available, as well as the time required for reporting to work, should be indicated. With changes to the Ordinance on working hours, breaks and vacations, an obligation is introduced for the employer to approve nominal schedules for available time, which are kept for at least 3 years, as well as an obligation to familiarize employees with these schedules in advance. Another new obligation for the available time is to issue a follow-up order specifying the date and time of reporting to work and the duration of the work, which should be drawn up within 3 days from the day the work is given.



You put a lot of effort, energy, time, and it doesn't work. There are times like this at work and you naturally feel frustrated. But before you wallow in self-pity, it's helpful to understand how to rank the situation.

It can be a fault, it can be a failure. These are two different degrees of failure. With proper analysis, you will call them by their right name and determine your next actions.

A fault is a mistake you made somewhere in the planning or execution of the task. Big or small, she messed things up. It could be one and it caused consequences. It could be several.

The most important thing is to think honestly. If you find and admit your mistake or mistakes as quickly as possible, the chance of a successful correction is much greater.

But the problem is that no one likes to admit even to themselves when they are wrong. The instinct for self-preservation is immediately activated, an inner voice is activated, which begins to subconsciously convince you of your rightness, to blame other people or the circumstances. It is quite possible that it is, but it is still up to you to find out where the fault is and if there is a way to fix it. Whatever the reason, as long as it leads you to failure, there is no point in getting angry at yourself, others or fate. You have to act.

When you realize the mistake or mistakes, the next step is to assess the damage. In doing so, the most important thing is to think pragmatically. In some cases, the foul can be corrected and with additional efforts the goal can be achieved. You just need to calmly and sensibly plan what to do in the situation, how far back to go back to make corrections. It may even turn out that you are able to turn a defect into an effect.

However, if the fault is large, it is very likely to lead to failure. It is also a matter of honest and pragmatic analysis. There are many situations where it is better to start over than to try to salvage the unsalvageable. Sometimes the first step to success is to leave a path that is sure to lead to failure. One should not give up easily, but it is also foolish to get busy.

Failure is extremely unpleasant and severely crushes self-esteem. But failure should not be seen as total defeat. It's not the end of the world, failure can give you experience and lessons.

If, after sober analysis, you find that there is not an irreparable fault, but a failure, the most important thing is again to be honest, quick and pragmatic.

Honest means admitting your own faults or lack of foresight to what other people and circumstances may serve. You will probably get very angry here. Don't hide your feelings from yourself. But while you are entitled to them, be careful not to express them too violently in front of your colleagues. Otherwise, you will look unstable, and nobody is immune to failure at work.

Fast means not thinking endlessly about the things that have gone wrong. You need to establish the what and the why without beating this part of the analysis, but also without getting bogged down in it. It's wrong to do it to regret it. You do it with a clear, quite pragmatic goal - to draw the necessary conclusions so as not to fail again.

Pragmatic means exactly that - to draw experience. It should allow you to move forward and get back on the road to success. Experts call this part accepting the failure and looking for new opportunities after you have learned the lessons from it.

As much as failure hurts, by timing it the right way, you can get out of it with relatively little damage. But if you also make a mistake in the classification, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

If you make a mistake and pessimistically consider it a failure, you will waste time and effort to completely abandon or start over something that can be fixed.

If you're overly optimistic or prone to self-delusion and view failure as a foul, you'll end up wasting resources on something that will ultimately prove irreparable.

Therefore, do not allow yourself to call what is happening by a false name. It is an excessive luxury to both deceive yourself and to dramatize. If you do either, then you will indeed suffer a severe setback.



Workers and employees do not enjoy special protection in the event of dismissal when they are on a probationary period.

During a probationary period, the employment relationship may be terminated at any time without notice and without compensation.

The party that terminated the contract is not obliged to give reasons. The worker or employee has the right to challenge the legality of the dismissal before the employer or before the court. The labor inspectorate does not assess the legality of the termination of the employment relationship.

It should be noted that the trial period clause applies to all types of employment contracts - both fixed-term and open-ended. This period can be agreed up to 6 months, and for fixed-term contracts shorter than one year - up to 1 month. The agreed trial period can be for the benefit of one party in the employment relationship, and only that party has the right to use it to terminate without notice.

If it is not specified in whose favor the possibility of testing has been arranged, the contract can be terminated by either party.

In case the employer has terminated the contract, he is obliged to pay compensation for the unused paid annual leave. The trial period is interrupted for the period during which the employees used the statutory leave.

In the case of dismissals of workers and employees subject to special protection, the employer must obtain permission from the Labor Inspectorate in advance. This is mandatory when the termination of the employment relationship is due to the closure of a part of the enterprise; staff cuts; reducing the volume of work; lack of qualifications of the worker for effective performance of the work; change in job requirements if the worker does not meet them; disciplinary dismissal.

In order to protect the labor rights of workers and employees, they should not agree to work under verbally agreed conditions.