“ROMA – BERK” ASSOCIATION Berkovitsa, Bulgaria Lead beneficiary
Roma – Berk Association is organization with non-profit purpose for implementation of publically useful activity founded in 2003 in Berkovitsa. Objectives of the organization are:
Association for Regional Development and Partnership - APDRP Craiova, Romania - withdrawn Partner 2
The main lines of action of the organization target facilitating the access of vulnerable people to the labor market, community development, promoting intercultural dialogue, Roma culture and traditions.
The Municipality is the basic administrative and territorial unit in which local government is implemented. It is a legal entity and has its own independent budget. The Mayor of the municipality is the one, exercising management, supervision and control of the municipal administration and is its legal representative. The Municipal Administration ensures the implementation of laws, regulations, decisions of the Municipal Council, supports the Mayor in carrying out its mandate, provides technical assistance to the Mayor and the Municipal Council ensuring its operation, and provides services for citizens, natural and legal persons.
UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, Romania – Partner 4
The University of Craiova ranks topmost among the Romanian higher education system, and the institutional evaluation by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) was completed with a “High Confidence Rating”– 2009. The University of Craiova has been ranked among the 10 Romanian u niversities in all the national and international classifications in the last 20 years.