

So you don't feel like going to work in the morning, that you hang around and are late. Then you don't like that task so much that you put it off until the last possible moment. You end up being late with her performance or beating her over and over again.

If it happens a few times, don't get mad at your boss at all for his policy of firing employees who are consistently late. From his point of view, the logic is ironclad - subordinates who hang around and do not meet deadlines are not motivated enough to work. And it's his fault because he lets them. And unpunished non-compliance with the rules is contagious like the flu. Before he knew it, the epidemic had engulfed the entire team.

In his book "Manager's Tattoos - Rules of the Modern Leader", published in Bulgaria by AMG Publishing, the Russian Maxim Batirev tells how he found confirmation that he was right to chase his late subordinates. While clearing the folders, he came across one with explanations from employees who had been late twice in two weeks. The explanations were more than a year ago. He was surprised to find that none of these people worked for the company anymore. "Being late is a litmus test for the attitude to work. A person who does not know how to organize himself treats every task in the same way. And then either he himself will quietly move out, or you will have to part on your own initiative," he believes the manager.

Getting to work on time is a matter of both self-organization and self-respect. You do understand how infantile it is to explain every day that you are late because something extraordinary happened. Either you are the world's biggest dork, or you haven't mastered one of the basic skills of an adult - managing your time. So buckle up and leave on time for service.

It's far more difficult, once you get there, to learn not to put off tasks, no matter how unpleasant they may seem.

Fear vineyard guard

Managers and HR professionals are adamant that the strongest reason for employee disengagement is the consequences. If someone puts off work until the last minute and submits a mediocre project, but is not punished for his negligence, he will continue to do the same until he sees negative effects for himself. In short, the fear of being fired or some other kind of sanction stops the desire to procrastinate.

It sounds harsh, but millennia of experience have proven that awareness of the "crime-punishment" relationship is a powerful motivator for human behavior.

Maybe you're smart enough for now and the boss didn't catch you hanging around until the last minute. Try to shock yourself. If you're in the habit of procrastinating, you're bound to screw up. Then you will damage your professional reputation, your career, your income, etc. Instead of taking that risk, it's wiser to fight the bad habit that will inevitably fail you at some point.

Why is it inevitable? Well, because if the work could be done with quality in two days instead of three, your boss would have given you a two-day deadline. His main duty is to take care of the efficiency of his employees. This means organizing things in such a way that no one does for three days something that can be done in two.

The carrot is your own backbone

Fear is a powerful motivator, but as positivists say, success is even stronger. And more precisely, the reward for it. Knowing what you will gain by completing your tasks on time and with quality will undoubtedly make you not procrastinate. It is not by chance that the infamous carrot and stick theory exists.

But the bad thing is that in the performance of current duties, the relationship "work - reward" is quite mediated. You know the reward is basically the salary, but that's not enough of an incentive. Especially when you have to do things that are boring to you. Usually, in every profession and in every position there is no shortage of tedious tasks, and with them people who have the habit of procrastinating until the last moment suffer the greatest downfall.

Experts advise fighting the urge to put them off for later by rewarding yourself.

First, think realistically. It is clear to you that you are only delaying the inevitable - no one else will do it, it is waiting for you. Tasks will pile up and overwhelm you like an avalanche.

Then think optimistically - look at these tasks as part of a bigger picture. They are moments of your professional life and your income, your chances of promotion, your career depend on their fulfillment. By seeing the particular task as an important step of something bigger, by reminding yourself of your ultimate goal, you'll give yourself the impetus not to procrastinate.

Finally, think pragmatically - set a reward that you will give yourself by doing the work. Make a promise to yourself before you even start. For example, as soon as you write that analysis that the boss wants, you will go eat a piece of cake.

If the task is longer, break it up into stages and give yourself small rewards for progress in each stage to keep you interested. This will keep you motivated all the time, and you won't be tempted to stop halfway through and put off finishing until tomorrow. And in the end, you'll get both the reward and the satisfaction of getting the crap done.

By making it a habit to counter any urge to procrastinate, your brain will get used to motivating you, ie. to say why you are interested in taking on the task.

He, the brain, is very much to blame for the procrastination drive. It secretes hormones it likes and becomes dependent on them.

Addicted to hormones like drugs

When you do something that interests you, the brain releases dopamine - the so-called hormone of happiness. When it's boring, you know the dopamine won't be there and you lack the desire to start. But since you are not sitting completely idle, but doing some more pleasant task, your brain is "having fun" and its immediate dopamine is an excuse for procrastination.

It gets even worse if in the meantime the boss cancels the tedious task or someone else does it for you. Then the happy hormone comes in to tell you how right you were to wallow.

From that moment on, the brain starts to make you procrastinate in order to get the desired dose of dopamine, either because you will fill your time with something better, or because the unpleasant thing can get away with you. And procrastination becomes a habit.

It sooner or later leads to a disaster, so provide yourself with the hormone of happiness by that technique - promise yourself a reward for the work done, which will give you dopamine.

The other dangerous hormone that causes you to procrastinate may be adrenaline. The so-called stress hormone comes when you have to get the long-delayed work done in a short period of time. This naturally leads to great tension.

Adrenaline is also addictive to the brain. Without realizing it, you may have developed a stress hormone addiction. To get your dose of it, you do everything at the last minute.

You will deal with this problem by not letting your addicted brain dictate your work decisions, but by providing it with adrenaline in another way. For example, take up a competitive sport, climb mountains, bungee jump or skydive.

Besides, you can also get adrenaline by periodically repeating to yourself that you should not be late either in the morning for work or with the performance of your tasks, because you will be fired. It gives as much adrenaline as skydiving.

---- Classic Cause ----

Very often, employees put off work not because it's unpleasant, but because they don't know where to start. In these cases, it is foolish not to seek help from a colleague or the boss. Don't worry about looking incompetent. You will expose yourself more if you are late with the task or perform it poorly.

When you feel insecure, procrastination further reinforces the impasse. If you take it upon yourself to think, make a clear plan, provide yourself with the necessary resources, including help, it will surely turn out that the task is not so scary.



In order to recognize an employer as a good one, it is necessary to provide for its employees a safe and healthy working environment. He must appreciate your work and respect you. If you know how to successfully identify good employers in advance, applying more technical positions will be a far more enjoyable process.

Worktalent.com advises how to recognize a good employer. We bring to your attention some key features:

  • An innovator and a good visionary who thinks of how to develop the company and move it forward. This is an employer who presents his ideas to his employees, proactively seeks their opinion. This is a company that is developing with its employees.
  • An employer who offers flexible working hours. Tolerates the work commitments of employees in unconventional hours, giving them complete freedom to adjust to their personal commitments. In short, anyone can choose when and how to work as long as it carries the added value of the company. All this should be discovered discussed during an interview with both sides agreeing.
  • an employer who is an effective communicator. This means that he has to speak with meaningful phrases, understandable language and respectful tone. He must inform his employees on time of any upcoming changes and stick them with them. All this prevents future misunderstandings. He must encourage his team to share his concerns, suggestions and perspectives.
  • An employer who enables additional results of financial bonuses beyond the agreed regular remuneration. This contributes to the feeling of employee satisfaction and the security of their work.
  • Good employers make the work environment inspiring and motivating. They actively discuss with their employees their strategic plans, their goals, a vision and a mission, which creates in the employees the feeling of being valued, and they are becoming more productive, effective and engaged.
  • An employer who is a good listener does not interrupt employees when they express their opinion and opinion. This creates a sense of good feedback. Usually the growth of the company is that the employer is open to new ideas and listens carefully to its team. This also leads to improvement of labor morality.
  • An employer who does not press his employees in fulfilling their tasks and gives the necessary time to unleash their potential and achieve the desired results. He is a good mentor and gives clear guidance, encourages dialogue between employees and teamwork.
  • An employer who gives a field of expression for the development of the skills of his employees. It gives them opportunities for career development, encourages personal and professional growth. It provides its employees with good and timely feedback on their development. An employer who is able to give positive evaluations and share them with the whole team. One who is able to delegate responsibilities.
  • Employers who demonstrate respect for their employees in the workplace, regardless of the circumstances. This is true even at times when employee ideas are contradictory or even non -compliant with the goals. All this limits the generation of tension and its growth into future major conflicts.
  • Successful executives and businesses also encourage honesty, despite the difficulties and fluctuations in the development of the company.
  • Employers who abstract from personal preferences and favorites. It is fair to take action without investing personal bias so that there are no subsequent tense situations. Honesty and openness helps an employer recognize the work and dedication of its employees.
  • Employers who ensure the safety of the workflow.

Experts also give advice on how to find good employers. In a job interview ask questions аbout:

  • Company culture
  • values
  • stability



About 2,800 unemployed people will start work in 2024 under the regional employment programs, which are financed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

The funds foreseen in the budget for an active policy on the labor market amount to over BGN 13.5 million. They will be used to subsidize the jobs created for a period of up to five months.

Under the regional employment programs, socially beneficial activities will be implemented for the maintenance and protection of municipal and state property - schools, kindergartens, roads, cultural monuments, as well as for the maintenance and cleaning of parks and inter-block spaces. Environmental activities such as waste collection and removal, landscaping, etc. will also be carried out, adds the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

The Employment Promotion Act provides for the implementation of one Regional Program for each administrative region of Bulgaria.

The aim is to reduce unemployment at the local level and to overcome differences in the demand and supply of labor in individual regions, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy specifies.

The regional programs are part of the National Plan for the promotion of employment. It provides that in 2024 a total of about 10,000 people will be employed, and more than 9,000 will be included in training.

A budget of BGN 88 million has been provided for the implementation of the programs and measures included in it, which is BGN 15 million more than in 2023, reports the Ministry of Social Affairs.

At the end of May, the Employment Agency started accepting applications for vouchers for free training for workers.



Data drives modern business and holds the potential to optimize activities and decisions, achieve higher efficiency and a number of competitive advantages. In today's dynamic world, no company can afford to ignore the benefits that the proper use of its business data can provide.

However, the accumulation of information, the multiple sources from which it comes, and its fragmentation pose challenges to working with the data. At the same time, the users of this information are in most cases business professionals who have neither the time nor the skills to build complex and multi-layered analytical models. They need systems that present information in a form that is easy to perceive and analyze. This is where modern business analytics platforms come into play.

What are BI platforms?

Business analytics platforms are the right solution that helps turn data into a strategic asset. They facilitate the processing and analysis of data from various sources to provide valuable information and optimize the making of informed business decisions.

Modern BI platforms such as Tableau and Power BI are easy to learn and use even by non-specialists and allow the presentation of data in an easy-to-perceive graphical form, in which users can easily find answers to the questions that excite them.

The direct benefits of BI platforms

Business analytics platforms are the hidden trump card of any company that wants to use its information optimally. The implementation of BI solutions is capable of taking businesses to a whole new competitive level in terms of informed decision-making, operational efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness.

Among the direct benefits of BI solutions that businesses can immediately feel are:

  • Improved and accelerated data-driven decision making
  • Identify trends and patterns at a glance
  • Detect internal disturbances and optimize operations
  • Improving targeting and increasing the effectiveness of marketing and sales, among others.

How business analytics platforms are transforming industries

BI platforms are used in all areas of business and all industries:

  • Wholesale and retail trade - BI platforms are an indispensable assistant in sales analysis, inventory optimization, detection of dependencies and seasonal trends, as well as overall better understanding of consumer attitudes. With their help, businesses can much better respond to consumer needs, increase satisfaction and offer workable programs to drive consumer loyalty.
  • Production - with the help of BI solutions, industrial enterprises can analyze in much greater detail each individual stage of the production activity, identify and optimize inefficient processes, reduce the volume of waste, overstocking with raw materials and a number of others. As a result, manufacturers can achieve a much more efficient process with low cost levels and competitive production cost levels.
  • Financial services - as an industry with very large volumes of data and highly dependent on its optimal management and use, financial services can realize many great benefits from the implementation of BI platforms, among them a better understanding of consumer attitudes and product development and services to satisfy them; better risk management and generally improving customer service.

The future of business analytics platforms

Like all products in the field of business management software, BI platforms are developing at an extremely fast pace. In the last year, the various directions of artificial intelligence and machine self-learning are actively entering them, which make their use even easier and more intuitive not only for IT and analytical specialists, but especially for end business users. They can now, with a few short questions, get from the systems interactive graphs presenting the data they need, as well as sample explanations of what they are based on, as well as in-depth What-If scenarios.

All the listed advantages of BI platforms, as well as their constant development, gradually turn analytical software into an indispensable business assistant at every level in the company.

Business analytics solutions are among the most beneficial investments a business can make to achieve and maintain a high level of competitiveness in today's world. Most such software can be used for a monthly rental, which is determined by the number of users who will work with it and their roles.

The costs of licenses and consulting services for system implementation, training and development of initial references can also be financed with funds under various European programs, including the currently active BG16RFPR001-1.004 "Support for family businesses, enterprises of creative industries and crafts".



You are a saint if you never conflict. The mere mortals have to argue about something at least once a day, either with colleagues, or with partners.

Sometimes the exchange of opinions passes with constructive and politely expressed contradictions. Other times, passions get so heated that the right word for the conversation becomes scandal.

Argument is a normal part of the job, scandal is not. Either way, you have to get out of it as best you can. Because even when controversy is helpful in clarifying the options and making the best decision, it leaves the disputants with an unpleasant feeling for a while afterwards. And the scandal is remembered for a long time and can permanently worsen relations, especially if the participants have crossed the border of education.

Psychologists claim that there are at least 10 phrases that act as a pacifier in any conflict. However, you have to hit the timing for them.

The second condition for success is to consider what is appropriate to say according to your interlocutors. "You are very beautiful when you are angry" can put out the fire in the beloved. But the lady at the company you're negotiating with will, like nothing, consider it sexual harassment. For her, you need to come up with another compliment that will stimulate her brain to release the hormone of happiness - for example, "You are very eloquent when you are angry."

"Let's stop fighting" is an appropriate call among equal colleagues or partners. When your boss is involved, you're likely to hear "We don't fight, but I'm fighting you." In his presence, choose, for example, "Let's see things from another point of view".

The main purpose of each of the 10 phrases is to relieve tension.

  1. "Let's rest and think" is a simple call, but it works. Most people don't like arguments, so they'll gratefully pause. It is quite possible that after the interruption the conversation will not only begin, but will continue to the end in a calm tone, no matter how serious the contradictions.

However, in no case do not offer a break if your interlocutor has not finished speaking. He will consider it disrespectful and instead of calming down, you will inflame passions.

  1. "We've been through worse. We'll get through it, just calm down" affects not so much with its direct appeal and with its Bordian meaning, but with the reminder that you are a community, you have a successful past together, not for it's the first time you've come into conflict. Conflict won't ruin your relationships if you treat each other with respect while arguing. You point out what a great team you are, and if that's true, everyone realizes and puts out the fire.
  2. "Let's see things from another point of view" is a good phrase when everyone in the conflict gets stuck on their own arguments. Sometimes people forget that the best way out of a conflict is for each person to try to put themselves in the other person's shoes to understand. You are hinting at this possibility. And you might actually offer a new perspective to reach a mutually beneficial solution.
  3. "Let's solve the problem together" has a magical effect because you show a willingness to cooperate. Even though you're arguing, you're signaling to the other party that you're willing to listen and possibly accept their point of view.

The phrase suggests that you want the conflict to end in a win-win outcome, not to force yourself. Therefore, everyone should let off some steam in the temperamental conversation.

  1. "What can I do to change the situation" also expresses your tendency to compromise. However, it is a bit slippery because your opponent will think you are weakening your positions.

Don't worry about it, the benefits outweigh the harm. First, you will quell the conflict for the time being, which is the main goal. Second, it's always good to know what the other person expects from you. This will allow you to be more constructive in seeking a solution or more persuasive in defending your own position.

  1. "I support you on that" is a clever trick. In a heated argument, your opponent suddenly finds understanding. Well, if it works in one way, it's likely to work in another.

Thus, at the same time, you give satisfaction to your interlocutor and hope that things will end in mutual agreement. The logical result is that the conflict settles down, at least for a while. The sooner you give the impression that you're all on the same page, the easier it will be to avoid a sharp confrontation.

  1. "You're right" works in the same direction. By trying to agree with your opponents on at least one thing, they feel momentarily victorious, you ease the tension and everyone becomes much more willing to have a constructive dialogue. It's clever and not that hard to implement. You will always find at least one thing the other side is right about.

Some of the phrases recommended by psychologists are a little manipulative, because they affect the inflamed opponent on a subconscious level. They work most effectively if the conflict is between two people or in a small group.

  1. You can use "I understand you" in different ways. By repeating this word often, the disputant accepts that it is really so, gradually calms down and the conversation becomes reasonable.

Although your interlocutor is "riding the broom" and flooding you with emotions instead of arguments, you can tell him "I understand why you are fired up" or "I understand why you are upset". This will make it appear that you are taking his side. This will not resolve the conflict, but it may remind him that his behavior is not very professional.

However, don't say "I'm trying to understand you" - it carries a tone of negation and some contempt.

  1. "Explain to me what you mean" is better wording. It works because you demonstrate an interest in the interlocutor's opinion and a willingness to delve into his arguments. As he lays them out to you, he will calm down and may even reconsider some of them.

Also, when people fight, it becomes difficult for them to think straight. You may also find that, in the end, the other party's position is not as unacceptable as it seemed to you at first.

  1. "Don't hold that tone at me" is a catchphrase. Be careful not to reach her, even though she is directly stating to your opponent that he has crossed the lines of professional behavior and education. You can say it when you aim to end the conflict at any cost, so as not to break off the relationship forever.

After her, shut up, don't get emotional with inappropriate talk in an unacceptable tone. If your interlocutor does not calm down, say "Let's stop" and leave. Well, it's a setback, but with some opponents, no phrases help.

What to do with your hands

It may seem strange to you, but hands can ignite conflict just like words. There are gestures that you must carefully avoid so as not to add fuel to the fire.

Never point the finger. It doesn't matter which finger. The indicative is accusative. The middle finger is downright snobbish and hostile. The thumb betrays some disdain. It's tasteless with the puppy.

When you want to point something out to your interlocutors, use your whole hand.

As soon as you speak straight, do not make gestures below the waist, they bring up associations of something indecent. If they are at the higher levels of the body, for example at the level of the heart, they have a positive effect on the audience.

Do not hold your hands in front of your stomach. As if you are guarding yourself from something or someone, you do not inspire confidence, you are perceived as unreliable.

Do not hold both hands behind your back. When you listen to your opponent, it looks like a bossy pose, it gives off arrogance.

When you're making your case, posture gets in the way - there's evidence that arm movement helps with eloquence. Prof. William McNeill conducted an experiment in which lecturers' hands were tied behind their backs. As a result, they needed more time to find the correct words.

Avoid touching your face and hair. Scratching, pushing your hair, picking your nose, tugging your ears will make your opponent think that you are not listening with interest, that you are bored, that you are not showing respect. This will irritate him.



In our modern work environment, information plays an important role, and workers are increasingly interested in the documents their employers keep in their employment records. How workers can gain access to their employment documents?

First of all, it is important to note that workers' access to these documents is free. The employee has the right to receive a copy of them upon written request and the employer is obliged to provide these documents within a reasonable time.


This process of discovery of employment documents not only increases transparency and protection of workers' rights, but also highlights the importance of complying with legal requirements for the storage and protection of personal data in the work environment.

Workers must be informed and look after their interests as part of the employment relationship, while respecting the interests and rights of employers.

Why should workers have free access to their employment documents? Free access to labor documents allows workers to be informed about their rights and to monitor their compliance. This kind of transparency is key to ensuring fairness and protecting workers' rights. Free access creates greater transparency in the relationship between worker and employer. This in turn promotes trust and improves communication between the parties. Also, workers should be able to control their own work data and become more independent in decision-making. Free access helps them in this goal.

By law, employers are required to maintain an employment record for each worker. The employment file contains documents that testify to the beginning, duration and termination of the employment relationship between the employee and the employer. When the employer creates and stores electronic documents in the employment file, he is obliged to notify the employee. The order and manner of notification shall be determined by the Rules for the Internal Labor Code. In the employment contract or in another written form, the parties to the employment relationship may give express consent to be the addressees of electronic statements regarding facts and circumstances related to the employment relationship.

These employment documents can be divided into five categories:

  1. Unilateral documents created by the employer:

This category includes key documents such as employment contracts that define the job position, salary and work rules. Also included are documents that record the worker's remuneration and social benefits.

  1. Unilateral documents created by the worker:

This includes applications for leave and sick leave, which testify to the employee's absences. In addition, notes and reports written by the worker himself contain information about the performance of his tasks and projects.

  1. Documents requiring consent of both parties:

This type of documents includes agreements on bonuses and additional social benefits concluded between the employee and the employer. This may also include consents to the use of personal data for marketing purposes, etc.

  1. Documents issued by third parties:

References from previous employers that confirm the worker's professional experience are included in this category. Medical reports and certificates issued by doctors contain information about sick leave and medical conditions.

  1. Other data and information:

This includes correspondence, as well as training materials and information related to the work tasks and professional development of the worker.

When it comes to rights and transparency in the working environment, workers' free access to their employment documents is essential. This access ensures the protection of rights, supports transparency and promotes equality and justice.



Art. 128a of the Labor Code

Art. 128b of the Labor Code

Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, Art. 6 of the Ordinance on the type and requirements for the creation and storage of electronic documents in the employee's employment file



Internships are the currency with which businesses 'buy' pupils and students in search of career development. The European Union is looking for a way to ease their supply to reduce turnover and retain talent, especially among 15-29-year-olds.

The reason is that there is a serious "neither" generation (that neither works nor studies), although it will decrease to 11.7% in the EU in 2022. But due to the aging population, high digitalization and high demand, the supply of internships is more challenging. The number of paid internships with social benefits and with marketing hype is increasing, but we can talk about the quality and benefits of it when actually starting work or when returning to the company that provided this opportunity.

It is often a requirement of employers that candidates have previous experience and this is a difficulty for young people. A solution to this problem is internship programs, whether in private companies, non-governmental organizations or in the administration. This option benefits both parties – students and learners get the practical experience and referrals they need, and employers find enthusiastic employees at a relatively low (or even no) cost. An internship is a good opportunity for companies to train new employees and test their abilities before hiring them full-time – i.e. a kind of trial period. After completing successful internships, many young people remain employed and are immediately a valuable addition because they already know the team, the work environment and the requirements of the position.

Statistics show that nearly 90% of companies in Bulgaria offer or have offered internships, with about 30% having their own internship programs, and more than half accepting interns even without special programs. The shortage of qualified and even unqualified personnel makes more and more companies turn to educational institutions in search of new personnel. The internship is the first step in the process of creating good employer-employee relations.

According to a Eurobarometer survey from April 2023, four out of five young people surveyed have done at least one internship, and for one in five it was their first professional experience. 68% found a job afterwards, with more than half of them signing a contract with the same employer. The share of young Europeans with internships in another country is growing - 21%, compared to 9% in 2013. More than half of the interns were paid. In March 2024, the European Commission proposed to improve working conditions for trainees, including for "fair pay", but there is still no decision on how to ensure longer traineeships (over 6 months), which is also a condition for more probable detention.

This challenging context is even more dramatic in Bulgaria, where, according to the National Statistical Institute, for 2023 in the age group 15-29, inactive youth is 13.8%. According to data from the Employment Agency for the period 2021 - 30.06.2023, internships are most often provided in the sectors "Trade; Automobile and Motorcycle Repair', 'Government', 'Manufacturing Industry' and 'Professional Activities and Research'. About two-thirds of the youth were employed in them. In 2022, 3,876 young people are included in state programs and measures for employment and training.



Family businesses, enterprises from the creative industries and crafts can apply for a grant of BGN 117.5 million. The procedure under the "Competitiveness and Innovations in Enterprises" Program will support the improvement of the production capacity of micro- and small enterprises.

They can apply for the acquisition of new machinery, equipment, tools, as well as specialized software. There is also an opportunity to promote market performance through the creation of an online store for the products or services offered by the enterprises. The procedure also provides support for the introduction of ICT systems/modules to improve management, production and logistics processes in companies.

The minimum amount of the grant for the projects of family businesses, enterprises from the creative industries and crafts is BGN 15,000, and the maximum - BGN 150,000. The co-financing, which will be provided under the "Competitiveness and Innovations in Enterprises" Program, is up to 75% for family businesses and those from the creative industries, and for companies from the craft sector – up to 85%.

The application is entirely electronic through the Information System for the Management and Monitoring of EU Funds in Bulgaria ISUN 2020 at the following link: https://eumis2020.government.bg/bg/s/Procedure/Info/a7078bcc-df9d-49ba-a5e5-ee054645e3aa  

The deadline for submitting project proposals is September 16, 2024.



The Employment Agency reports a level of registered unemployment of 5.4% in May. The decrease is 0.24 percentage points compared to April. The total number of registered unemployed persons at the end of the month was just over 154,000 - 6,700 less than the previous month.


- Those who started work: In May, about 17,400 unemployed people started work, which is more than 1,100 more than in April.

- Other groups: Including 360 pensioners, students and employed people who also found work with the help of the employment offices.

New registrations of unemployed

- New registrations: In May, just over 18,300 new unemployed persons registered at the labor offices, which is 17% less than in April.

- Other groups: In addition, around 3,400 employed, learners and pensioners have registered, an increase of over 2,100 persons compared to the previous month.

Activation of inactive persons

- Activation: Thanks to the efforts of Roma and youth mediators, as well as labor mediators, more than 4,000 persons inactive on the labor market were activated in May.

Free workplaces

- Primary Market: The number of job vacancies reported fell to around 11,500 in May, down from 15,600 in April.

- Real economy: The most vacancies are in manufacturing (about 25%), trade (about 17%), hotels and restaurants (about 12%), public administration (about 11%), construction (about 6%) and administrative and support activities (about 5%).

Subsidized jobs

- Risk groups: About 4,400 representatives of risk groups found work in May through subsidized jobs.

- State budget: 56 people started work under employment programs and measures financed by the State budget.

- ESF+: 4,342 people started work on projects of the Human Resources Development Program 2021-2027, financed by ESF+.

- Vouchers for trainings: About 4,900 vouchers for digital trainings have been issued under the project "Component 2: Trainings for DI-GI skills and competences" under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Most wanted professions

In the month of May, the professions most in demand by businesses include:

- Sellers;

- Personnel in the field of personal services;

- Workers in the mining and processing industry;

- Construction and transport workers;

- Waste collection and related workers;

- Staff caring for people;

- Machine operators of stationary machines and equipment;

- Drivers of motor vehicles and mobile equipment;

- Skilled workers in the production of food, clothing, wooden products and related;

- Cleaners and helpers;

- Economic and administrative specialists, etc.

The past month saw an improvement in the labor market with a decrease in unemployment and an increase in the number of people starting work. However, the number of vacancies in the primary market has shrunk.



Scientific research has confirmed that you can influence your interlocutors much more strongly if you lower your voice in the first minutes of communication.

People tend to associate this way of speaking with more prestige, says Dr. Joey Chen. She and her colleagues focused in this study on the influence of the voice on the transmission of status. In other words, what impression do people make about themselves and how does this affect the behavior of others.

After a series of experiments, it turns out that by speaking quietly, with a lower and denser voice, they achieve both an effect of prestige and dominance. In the first case, they gain respect. In the second case, it is also mixed with a certain amount of awe.

In one of the experiments, the participants were gathered live and had to complete a group task. The scientists found that those who lowered their voices at the beginning gave the impression of dominance to others. The others were more willing to listen to them, comply and carry out what they asked and suggested for the completion of the task.

In another experiment, participants listened to audio recordings without seeing the speakers and had to make judgments about them. "We found that when the voice on the recording was lowered, people judged the person as more authoritative and stronger," commented Dr. Chen.

"Our study adds to the evidence that humans, like many other animals, use their voices to signal and assert dominance over others. Furthermore, no matter what groups we observed—with what culture and in what context, when communicating, people inevitably split into leaders and followers and a kind of hierarchy is formed," summarizes the head of the study.

This study focuses on the first minutes of communication, in which strangers form their first impressions of each other. But other research shows that when you talk to your boss, colleagues or familiar partners, the same mechanisms are at work. A quiet and deep voice instills respect and dominance in them, they begin to listen to you and you have a better chance of achieving what you want.

The shouts, the high and shrill voice reveal a nervous, aggressive, ill-mannered person who is not confident in himself, cannot control himself and when communicating, he compensates by using his behavior to intimidate and impose himself by force.

The result is that the natural defensive reaction of his interlocutors is triggered and they become less inclined to cooperate with him. They don't even want to listen to him because he annoys and worries them with his way of speaking.