Labor Law Consultation



Registered unemployed persons are obliged to:

  • to implement the recommendations of the labor mediator, the actions and deadlines in the action plan;
  • to appear upon a written invitation from the "Labor Office" directorate on the specified date and time or within 3 working days after that date;
  • to notify within 7 working days of any change in any of the declared circumstances to the "Labour Office" directorate, regardless of their registered address;
  • to accept their proposed suitable work and/or inclusion in programs and measures for employment and training for adults, as well as in programs and projects financed with funds from European and other international funds.

Which job is "suitable"?

Suitable work is work that corresponds to the person's education and/or qualifications and/or professional experience, as well as his or her state of health, if it is located in the same settlement or up to 50 km outside it, provided there is a suitable public transport, for a period of up to 12 months from the date of registration of the person in the "Labour Office" directorate. After this period, "suitable work" is that which corresponds to the person's state of health, if it is located in the same settlement or up to 50 km outside it, provided that there is adequate public transport.

What are the penalties for non-fulfilment of any of the obligations of unemployed jobseekers?

When unemployed persons do not fulfill any of their obligations to the Directorate of Labor, their registration is terminated. They have the right to the next registration after the expiration of 6 months from the date of termination of the previous one.