Over 850,000 people will have the opportunity to develop their professional skills, start working in quality jobs and gain better access to social services, healthcare and social protection in the period 2021-2027.
This is envisaged in the draft Human Resources Development Program (HRDP), which the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has published for public discussion.
Its total estimated budget for the programming period 2021-2027 will be BGN 3,874,637,388. These funds will finance measures in three main areas - development of the labor market and the skills of the labor force, support for social inclusion and social innovation. and youth employment.
Nearly 2.4 billion from the HRD budget will be invested in the labor market and preparation for the digital transition of the Bulgarian economy. They will finance opportunities for raising the qualification of the workforce through lifelong learning, will provide support for job creation, as well as for entrepreneurs starting their own business, will stimulate youth employment and development of social enterprises.
More than 350,000 employed and unemployed people will be trained in new skills, according to the future requirements of the labor market. About 93,000 young people will receive support to find a job after completing their education. 164,000 people will be prepared for the digital transition of the Bulgarian economy.
The remaining nearly BGN 1.4 billion from the HRD budget will be used to finance projects that will ensure better social inclusion of people from vulnerable groups. Their implementation will increase the quality and efficiency of social services for 80,000 children and adults, create more opportunities to combat child poverty, improve access to social assistance, health care and develop integrated social, health and educational services.
The project of the Human Resources Development Program is published on the government portal for public consultations www.strategy.bg
For years, both Bulgarian companies and foreign investors who want to enter our country or expand their production, are faced with the dilemma of recruiting the necessary qualified staff - no longer only in quality but also in number. Attempts to introduce dual training - learning and work, continue - in various places there are examples of successful cooperation between municipalities and companies.
The Employment Agency is also part of the solution. It continues to provide financial support for employers who want to provide professionally trained staff or increase the competencies of already hired staff in their companies.
Consulting Center - Berkovitsa presents the opportunities that employers and the unemployed can use to finance employment.
One of the forms for which employers can receive financial resources is the already gained popularity
"dual training system",
which is developed by the order of art. 46a of the Employment Promotion Act. This year, too, the Employment Agency continues to stimulate the parallel conduct of theoretical training by a training institution and the acquisition of practical training in a real work environment under the guidance of a mentor. For this purpose, monthly funds are provided from the state budget for remuneration and insurance for each employee employed in a dual form of work and training, as well as for additional remuneration of his mentor. The funds are provided to employers for the duration of the training, but for no more than 36 months. In addition, the costs of conducting training in a profession necessary for the specific job are borne in full and for everyone who wishes. The employer has the right to choose the training institution and to agree with it the training schedule and the program for conducting and optimal combination of the training process and the work activity of the employees for training through work.
Pre-employment training
The second form allows employers to apply for the vocational training that job applicants must go through before being hired. The training of the unemployed is financed 100% of the state budget, and for the period of the training the students receive daily scholarships and means of transport in case their place of residence is in another settlement. The employer chooses a training organization with which they jointly form the training schedule and conduct the selection of the unemployed persons to be trained and subsequently employed for at least a 6-month period. The measure is implemented by the order of art. 63 of the Employment Promotion Act and the Employment Agency has a long-standing practice in providing it.
Among the opportunities offered is the financing of work in the form of
internship or apprenticeship of unemployed persons,
including of young people up to 29 years. Employers who hire unemployed people and provide a mentor who will practically train and manage the newly hired people will be able to receive funds covering the costs of salaries and insurance of the unemployed people, as well as additional remuneration for the mentor.
Financial support is also provided to employers - micro, small or medium enterprises, who wish to organize trainings for acquiring or improving the personal skills and key competencies of the staff employed by them.
Labor offices still have free funds to finance training of 200 unemployed people in occupations declared by employers, as well as for dual training, internships or apprenticeships for over 300 unemployed people, training in key competencies of at least 1,200 workers in micro, small or small enterprises. medium-sized enterprises.
Over 500 unemployed and employed people
Despite the severe epidemic situation and related restrictions, at the initiative of employers and with funds from the state budget last year were funded training, including in dual form, apprenticeship or internship, for over 500 unemployed and employed people.
The Employment Agency has launched a procedure for applying for employers under the measure, which has gained popularity as 60/40. The payment of funds for maintaining the employment of employees after the state of emergency will continue for the months of June and July.
In the period June-July 2021, the maintenance of employment in enterprises engaged in economic activity in these sectors will be supported, whose average monthly sales revenues in 2020 have decreased compared to 2019.
The regulated support for the new stage will now be determined on the basis of the insurance income of the employees for the month of April 2021. It remains at the rate of 60% of the income and social security contributions of each employee in enterprises whose sales revenues have decreased by not less than 40 percent in the month for which the support is provided compared to the same month in 2019.
Financial support in the amount of 50% is provided to maintain the employment of employees in enterprises whose sales revenues during the compared periods have decreased by not less than 30 percent. For those established after June 1, 2019, the decline in revenues for the month for which they apply will be determined compared to the average monthly revenues for 2020.
The funds under the current design of the measure will be paid monthly, and the submission of documents will be allowed only within the month following the past month for which the application is made. Employers wishing to receive support for the two months will be able to apply consecutively using the same forms and sample documents for the two months.
At this stage of the measure 60/40, the application and the documents for payment of funds under the Decree are submitted to the Directorate "Labor Office", serving the territory of the place of work of employees, regardless of the method of submission.
Applications and accompanying documents may be submitted electronically through the Secure Electronic Service System, sent through a licensed postal operator, and submitted on site at the relevant labor office.
Information for employers, the application procedure, containing the conditions, requirements, procedure and manner of application, are published on the website of the Employment Agency, under the heading "Financial incentives for maintaining employment". Those who are familiar with the published documents can get additional information in any directorate "Labor Office" in the country.
Marketing is something that requires research, time and understanding. It requires patience, compassion and empathy. It is about understanding what customers really need and giving it to them in a way that arouses admiration and respect. Use these basics to target your next marketing campaign and see what new doors it opens for your business. Use these three basic marketing basics to target your marketing decisions and create marketing campaigns that turn customers into lifelong fans.
Marketing is about finding and understanding a market in need
Marketing is not advertising. Make sure you understand the market before you spend your money on inappropriate advertising. See where your competitors advertise and how they do it. Find out where your customers spend their time and what their spending habits are. Investigate how they make their purchasing decisions. Use this information to create a real marketing strategy, instead of guessing and wasting your valuable capital on vain assumptions.
Marketing is about communicating with your potential customers
Marketing is a process of communication more than anything. Communication is about understanding the other person's point of view, not telling the other party why you are right. Many companies will accept that marketing is telling their customers exactly why to buy their product or service, but it is more than that. It's about communicating with your customers, asking them what they want. It's about learning how you can serve them better.
Once you find your market, find ways to communicate with them. Show your clients that you care about who they are and how they would like to be treated. Use communication channels to get information about your customers. They are not just potential dollar signs. They are people who deserve to be seen, heard and appreciated. Understand and implement this and you will stand above the crowd of other companies fighting for their attention and money.
Marketing is a learning process
Consumers buy from people and companies they know, like and trust. Just like you, it's hard to trust a stranger on the street trying to sell you anything, so why would you expect to be different?
If you are in the wrong market or miss the time, it is unlikely that your customers will want to buy from you right now. However, you can still educate them on why you may be a better choice next time. Use education to attract your ideal customers closer to a purchase decision. Don't just throw your offer at them every time you have a chance. Spend time training your prospects and let them make new choices once they learn why it's good for them.
Source: Scott Chrisman, CEO of Media House, co-founder of Health Media Group for entrepreneur.com
UBB has concluded an agreement with the Fund of Funds for amendments to the Portfolio Guarantee for Overcoming the Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic within the framework of the Recovery Program announced by the Government. It aims to provide small and medium-sized businesses with access to a resource of nearly BGN 2.5 billion.
The program will facilitate business access to recovery loans following the phasing out of measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Companies will be able to obtain fresh financial resources to meet their current liquidity needs, but also for new investment, transformation and growth. The updated guarantee conditions provide for loans to be granted in a short period of time, with minimal administrative burden and without the need for collateral.
Other advantages for the business include shortened deadlines for obtaining approval and the opportunity to master; possibility to negotiate a 12-month grace period; rescheduling of the payment up to 84 months; clarity of the process and minimization of the administrative burden; financing up to BGN 3 million and up to 70% of the turnover for 2019 or 2020, depending on which year it was higher; accessibility in all branches of the partner banks, which provides excellent coverage throughout the country.
The final recipients are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Employers will receive funds from the state to maintain the employment of employees until July 31, 2021.
This was decided by the caretaker government by adopting new terms and conditions for obtaining funds to preserve jobs in the economic activities affected by COVID-19.
Funds will continue to be paid to employees who, during the period from 13 March to 31 December 2020, worked part-time, took compulsory leave or had their work suspended due to temporary activity restrictions. They should have been in an employment relationship with the employer before 1 January 2021.
The companies established before June 1, 2019, will be able to receive from the state 60 percent of the insurance income of the workers for April 2021 and of the insurance contributions at the expense of the employer. To be eligible, their sales revenue during the month for which they apply for compensation must have decreased by at least 40% compared to the same month of 2019. In the event that the decline is not less than 30%, the support from the state will be 50 percent of the insurance income for April 2021 and the insurance contributions at the expense of the employer.
Employers established after June 1, 2019 will be entitled to funds of 60 percent of the employees' insurance income for April 2021 and of the insurance contributions at the expense of the employer, if their sales revenues in the month for which they apply for support, have decreased by not less than 40% compared to the average monthly income for 2020. Given that the decrease is not less than 30%, the state will support them with 50 percent of the insurance income for April 2021 and from the insurance contributions at the expense of the employer.
The companies that have received funds for maintaining the employment of the employees from the groups under the decree are obliged to pay remuneration in the amount not less than the amount of the insurance income for April 2021 and to pay the due insurance contributions for the respective month.
The funds will be transferred to the respective employer by bank transfer from the National Social Security Institute. The decree enters into force on June 1, 2021.
Given the fact that the beginning of human trafficking can be a tempting job advertisement, the Employment Agency and the Labor Inspectorate are involved as partners in the " Don't bet your destiny on the map" campaign.
The campaign is organized by the Directorate General for Combating Organized Crime (DGCOC) and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB) with the financial support of the European Multidisciplinary Platform for Combating Criminal Threats (EMPACT).
The campaign will run in two periods: from 28 June to 31 July, focusing on the risks of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and from 18 October to 30 November, focusing on users of sexual services provided by victims of trafficking. As part of the campaign, information materials and videos will be distributed in order to prevent and raise awareness on the topic.
Often among the prerequisites for trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor or sexual exploitation are risky initiatives for employment - especially abroad. To avoid the risk of being trafficked for labor exploitation, people looking for work abroad - seasonal or permanent - should not negotiate only on the Internet or outside the office of the one who promises employment. The terms should always be agreed in writing and in no case should the personal documents be provided to others.
Important tips and contacts for assistance are published on the website of the Employment Agency in the section "Prevention of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation", where materials related to the campaign "Don't bet your destiny on the map" will be periodically added.
The Labor Inspectorate also periodically publishes advice for jobseekers and jobseekers abroad in order to raise their awareness of their rights and obligations. A sub-section "Information campaign "Rights in all seasons" has been created on the website of IA GIT, in the section "Activity", rubric "Information campaigns".
Useful materials for Bulgarians working abroad are also published in the section "For employers and workers", section "Work of Bulgarian citizens abroad".
Details of the campaign are published on the website of the Ministry of Interior, and more information on the problems related to the phenomenon of "human trafficking" can be found on the website of the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: www.antitraffic.government.bg and www.antitraffic.bg.
In 2017, the UN General Assembly declared June 27 the World Day of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The aim is to raise public awareness of their contribution to the world economy and overcoming poverty, as well as to encourage efforts to create a favorable business environment for their survival and development.
According to the NGO International Council for Small Business, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises represent over 90% of all enterprises in the world and provide on average about 70% of total employment and 50% of gross domestic product. They are a major driver of the economy in most countries, and especially in developing countries, giving bread to the most vulnerable.
At the same time, today they are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and need the support of the state and economic development organizations the most.
In Bulgaria, according to NSI data in 2019, there are 388,980 micro enterprises (up to 9 persons) with 691,496 employees; 25 204 small enterprises (10 - 49 persons) with 494,071 employees and 4,738 medium-sized enterprises (50 - 249 persons) with 467,303 employees.
If when applying for a new job the employer determines the requirements for the preliminary documentation that the applicant should submit (eg CV and Cover Letter in a certain format, etc.), then the rules regarding the necessary documents for concluding an employment contract are determined by a normative act. both parties to the employment relationship should comply. The requirements for this are exhaustively listed in the law. The employer may require the submission of documents other than those specified by law, but only if this is provided for or arises from law or other regulations.
In particular, in order to conclude an employment contract, the employee must submit:
According to the latest amendments to Ordinance № 4 of 1993 (SG, issue 99 of 2017), if the submitted document is for acquired higher education abroad, an administrative body, which is an employer, is obliged to require certification of its recognition under official order. After the amendment of the ordinance, the requirement for presenting a paper certificate certifying the acquired higher education abroad was dropped.
In this situation, when a person applies for a job, an administrative body that is an employer will no longer have the right to require him to present the certificate of recognition, but will have to require certification of his recognition ex officio. This amendment reduces the administrative burden for citizens.
If, for example, the person has completed higher education in the specialty "Law", he should certify his legal capacity, which he has acquired after three months of experience as a trainee lawyer and successfully passing an exam (according to Ordinance № 2 of 23.09.2002 legal capacity).
It should be borne in mind that according to Art. 3 of Ordinance № 4 of 1993, the documents listed above are also necessary in the event of an employment relationship based on selection and competition.
Wages in Bulgaria will continue to increase, according to the spring macroeconomic forecast of the Ministry of Finance. The expected increase in economic activity and labor demand in the country in 2021 will contribute to accelerating the nominal growth of compensation per employee to 6.4%.
There will be higher wage growth in services, due to the expected resumption of activity and employment in the second half of the year. The increase in incomes in priority sectors will also contribute, as well as in the structures that are in charge of pandemic control activities, as well as the raising of the minimum wage, etc.
In 2022, in line with the expectations that the Bulgarian economy will reach its full recovery and the upward dynamics of employees, the compensation per employee will continue to accelerate to 7.1%, the document reads.
In the period 2023-2024, the growth rate of wages will remain high, but at the end of the forecast period it will begin to slow down due to the gradual exhaustion of opportunities to increase the supply of labor.
The negative effect of the pandemic on labor income was less pronounced and the nominal growth of compensation per employee amounted to 5.9% in 2020, which exceeded estimates for the development of the indicator since the fall, according to the Ministry of Finance.
Wages declined in four sectors of the economy (real estate operations; information activities; trade, hotels and restaurants, and transport; culture, sports and entertainment), while in industry and the public sector the indicator rose at a double-digit rate.
The increase in the compensation of one employee was also influenced by the acceleration of the growth of the employers' expenses for social insurance.
Estimates of labor income growth in the medium term have also been revised upwards, but remain close to those presented in the autumn forecast, according to the spring forecast of the Ministry of Finance.