2020-04-17  European Commission approves a wage subsidy scheme in Bulgaria worth BGN 1.5 billion (approx. EUR 770 million) aimed at maintaining employment in the sectors most affected by the isolation measures introduced by the pandemic caused by the pandemic. coronavirus. The scheme was approved under the State Aid Temporary Framework adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2020 and amended on 3 April 2020.

Bulgaria has informed the Commission, referring to the Temporary Framework, of a wage subsidy scheme that will allow the Bulgarian authorities to finance 60% of the wage costs (including employers' social security contributions) of enterprises which , because of the pandemic, they will cut their staff without this help. The measure is limited to undertakings active in the sectors most affected by the current public health crisis, such as retail, tourism, passenger transport, culture, sports, leisure and recreation.

The Commission found that the Bulgarian scheme complied with the Temporary Framework. In particular, the measure will offset the cost of remuneration of undertakings operating in sectors which are particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, provided that they commit themselves to retaining permanent staff without aid, the aid intensity being in accordance with the maximum 80% allowed by the Temporary Framework, and the aid scheme complies with the maximum duration of twelve months.

The Commission therefore concludes that this measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate in order to overcome serious difficulties in the economy of a Member State in accordance with Article 107 (3) (b) TFEU and with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework.

The government has also decided to take over 60% of workers' insurance with changes to the Employer Compensation Decree in order to maintain the employment of employees during a state of emergency. Under the new provisions, the amount of compensation will be 60 percent of the insurance income for the month of January 2020 and of the employer 's social security contributions payable to any employee to whom the termination or part - time regime applies.

In the case of termination of employment, employers who have been compensated should pay the full amount of the workers' remuneration and the due social security contributions for the respective month. In the case of part-time work, the employer pays the full amount of the wage, defined as full-time work, and the due social security contributions for the respective month.

According to the changes, employers from the economic activities "Driver training" and "Day care for young children (private sector)" who discontinued the work of the enterprise or part of the enterprise with their order issued on the basis of an order of a state body will be able to apply for support.

The changes will also apply to employers who have applied for compensation before the decree comes into force. The financial resources necessary for the payment of social security contributions will be provided by the Unemployment Fund of the State Social Security.



BGN 274,273 paid the NSSI to the first 68 companies that requested state aid under the 60/40 scheme to pay the salaries of 1,065 workers. The first to request assistance are mainly micro and small enterprises, with 54 having up to 10 workers - restaurants, bars, furniture workshops. The largest assisted employer is the manufacturer of car glass "Sisecam Automotive Bulgaria" EAD. They received BGN 62 487,18 for 391 workers. Academic Sea Palace, which has several seaside hotels, sought help for 100 of its employees and received 39,700.32 BGN. Sunny Travel has taken 28 349 BGN for 65 workers. gymnastics and trampoline 2525 companies for 37 980 employees and workers have been requested by the state by April 13. The scheme does not pay for unpaid or sick leave, maternity leave and maternity leave up to adoption 5-year-olds or raising a child up to 2-years-old, reminiscent of the NSSI Under the 60/40 scheme, excl. According to the new provisions, the amount of compensation will be 60% of the insurance income for January 2020 and even more of the employer's due social security contributions. If companies quit and receive compensation, they will have to pay back all the money.



The newly registered unemployed at the Labor Offices from March 13 to April 13, 2020 are 82,409, according to the Employment Agency in Bulgaria. At the beginning of the new week, there is an increase in the number of newly registered unemployed in one day - on April 13, according to preliminary data for one day, they are a total of 4 902 people, of whom 3 249 reported being released due to the coronavirus crisis. The number of newly registered one day at the end of the previous week - on April 10, 2020 - was 3,866. The largest share of the exempted from tourism, hotel and restaurant business is 39.1 percent of all newly registered after the state of emergency. Then, those from the trade sector - by 18.8 per cent and manufacturing - by 14.9 per cent. Transport generates 4.5 percent of the new unemployed.




Consultancy center - Berkovitsa assists in facilitating the transition of disadvantaged people from employment to unemployment. It will be very helpful for them upon leaving them, in addition to the exemption documents, for the Center to assist them by providing them with:

Information material containing links to important headings on the official websites of the Employment Agency, the National Social Security Institute and the State Agency for Electronic Governance, in which they can obtain information and submit relevant applications for registration with the Labor Office and/or receiving unemployment benefits from the NSSI, and/or a paper form to fill in a hard copy of the Application-declaration for registration with the Labor Office Directorate as an unemployed job seeker, and/or an Application Form for payment of unemployment benefits; The possibilities of the employers to support their former employees are detailed in the Option for Employers - assistance for the registration of dismissed personnel, published on the website of the Employment Agency.

The Center's assistance will assist and encourage disadvantaged people who are released to register remotely and enjoy their rights to seek work and/or receive unemployment benefits without endangering their health and that of their relatives with those present. and lengthy visits to the offices of the Labor Offices.

Even the partially supported support through one of the suggested options and steps for assistance is an indisputable indicator of social responsibility. This empathy and social solidarity becomes even more important in the current difficult environment.

More and specific information on the ways and forms of applying for registration with the Labor Offices and receiving benefits can be found on the website of the Employment Agency under the heading "Easy steps for registering at the employment office" and "Job offers". Labor Office Directorate - Berkovitsa: tel. 0953 88 371; 0953 80 120 or e-mail: bt502@mbox.contact.bg
Anyone who wants information or advice on a topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa at tel. 0953 89 137 or e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg    




Perhaps you make some of the following errors

You send CVs and interview, but you don't succeed. Do you feel like the HR Manager doesn't understand and see your potential?

Maybe the problem is not really related to your skills or position experience. You may be doing something in interviews that closes your opportunities ...

Interviews are an essential part of almost every career change, but many people do not give it enough weight and importance. Often, an interview is almost the only way HR professionals can judge whether a candidate is suitable for the job, writes Zaplatomer.bg.

What mistakes should you avoid to increase your chances of success?

  1. You are not prepared

You've seen a great job posting, the job description seems right for you, and you know you want to do the job and you're going to do it well. Wonderful! You send your CV with a cover letter and a few days later your phone rings. Looking for an HR specialist from the company who wants to invite you for an interview. Many people think that getting to this stage is already a victory, but in reality, you are only on the third path to success, and at this point your interview preparation should start with full force.

Many HR professionals are unanimous in that they withdraw points from candidates who are unable to answer basic questions about the company or are not familiar with its products and services. Of course, you do not need to be an expert in their business models, but if you have not researched the company and know nothing about it, you will automatically go to the bottom of the list as you do not demonstrate that you are an organized candidate.

Similarly, be sure to prepare for any salary questions. Before the interview, it would be wise to do a salary survey to find out what the average salary is for that position in your region and with your level of education and experience. Payroll research will also help you learn how to negotiate.

  1. You speak poorly of a previous or current employer

It's perfectly normal to have a negative impression when it comes to your previous or current job, but in an interview it's preferable to avoid complaining about your employer. This is perceived as unprofessional, immature and unfair.

If the HR specialist asks you why you want to quit your current job or why you quit your previous job, try answering honestly but still diplomatically.

  1. You don't ask questions

No matter what position information you have already received from the ad or from your own research, it is always a good sign for HR professionals when you are interested in job details and ask the right questions. You are demonstrating genuine interest in the company as well as being prepared for the interview, so do not view the interview as a passive discussion. Last but not least, you show that you are an intelligent person who accepts preparation as an important part of the interviewing process.

  1. You are late and do not communicate

The delay for a scheduled interview is a definite no! This is a clear sign that you are unreliable - your organizational skills are not as good as you say in your cover letter, or you are not taking the opportunity to find a new job seriously. It is acceptable if you are late due to unforeseen circumstances, but if this happens, you MUST call in advance and explain the situation.

Quick and active communication will earn you points. If you are in the habit of ignoring emails or replying 3 days later, you need to start communicating professionally or you will end up at the bottom of the list again.

  1. Lie either in your CV or during the interview

A good CV is, of course, essential, but you should never decorate or lie to look better. An HR professional will expose everything incorrect in your CV and close the door on the company for you.

Lastly - look at social networks

Nowadays, most HR professionals are not only on LinkedIn, but often view the profiles of candidates on other social networks. They do this to ensure that your image on social networks does not hurt the company and will fit into the company culture. They can also check that your public presentation matches your job description for certain types of positions (especially at senior level and representative positions).



The Bulgarian Development Bank announces the mechanism, conditions and procedure for lending to individuals under the Interest-Free Credit Guarantee Program to assist people deprived of the opportunity to work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The program is one of the crisis measures of the Bulgarian government in protection of self-employed and employed persons in a state of emergency. It will help the individuals affected by the economic impact of the pandemic, who must meet the following conditions:

Concerning the persons under an employment contract:

Have stopped paying their employer for paid work and are on unpaid leave as a result of the pandemic;

Be a party to the employment relationship in the last 6 months before taking unpaid leave;

Do not receive remuneration for other employment relationships;

Have at least five business days worked in March, if this is the month in which they are placed on unpaid leave.

About self-insured persons:

Have discontinued the activities of self-employed persons and / or suffered at least a 20% decline in their first quarter of 2020 compared to the first quarter of 2019 as a result of the pandemic;

Do not receive remuneration for other legal relationships.

Applicants must have paid contributions and be able to resume their activities (will return to the same job) upon termination of unpaid leave.

The maximum amount borrowed is BGN 4,500, drawn at one time or in three tranches of BGN 1,500 each. If a smaller amount of the loan is initially allowed, it can be annexed subsequently in order to reach the amount of BGN 4,500.

The loans are interest-free (the regular interest rate is 0%) and the borrowers do not owe fees, commissions and penalties. Applicants do not provide collateral as a condition of the loan.

The maximum repayment period is 5 years, with a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 24 months grace period.

The loans are repaid after the end of the grace period in installments, the amount and number of which are determined between the commercial bank and the borrower. Commercial banks have the right to change the repayment schedule agreed with their clients, but within the maximum program deadlines. Every citizen is entitled to early repayment of his / her debt without having to pay a fee / commission.

You can apply for the program loan by December 31, 2020.

It is necessary for the persons to present to the BDB partner bank under the program:

Request for financing in an approved form (to be provided by the commercial bank);

Valid identity document - ID or passport;

A person's registration document, if self-insured;

Data on the employer and the concluded employment contract (NSSI report is also required for the presence of an employment relationship 6 months ago);

Declaration containing the following statements:

Declaration of discontinuation of self-insured persons and / or documents establishing over 20% decline in income of self-insured persons in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the first quarter of 2019;

Declaration that the person is on unpaid leave due to the pandemic, the starting date of unpaid leave must be after 08.03.2020;

Declaration by the applicant about the temporary (wholly or partially) suspended activity of his employer resulting from the pandemic;

Declaration that the person does not receive remuneration for his work under another legal relationship;

Declaration of the person's intention to return to the same job / resume the discontinued activity - for self-employed persons;

Declaration that the person (whether employed or self-employed) has paid social security contributions;

A statement that, in parallel with the loan application, the applicant does not take advantage of another measure provided by the state for individuals in connection with the pandemic.

BDB will announce the partner banks under the program after April 15, 2020.



In connection with the discussion of the change of Decree 55 / 30.03.2020 in the Council for Tripartite Cooperation, the National Council of Labor Cooperatives reiterates its strong support for the efforts of the whole society for overcoming the socio-economic problems arising from the pandemic with the Coronavirus . In order to achieve more definitive results, we believe that it is imperative to identify specific and specific measures in support of the most vulnerable group of employers in the country - specialized enterprises and cooperatives of persons with disabilities. There are incentives in the Bulgarian legislation that create the necessary mechanisms for interaction with these economic agents. The specific proposals of the NC of LC are as follows:

  1. Temporary increase in the amount of the social security contributions paid by the Agency for People with Disabilities from 50 to 100% for a period of 1 year.
  2. For the period of validity of the previous measure, the period for payment of reimbursed social security contributions by the Agency for People with Disabilities shall be up to 2 months.
  3. Priority purchase by the state, municipalities and their structures of production of specialized enterprises for people with disabilities related to overcoming the crisis.
  4. Supporting small municipalities in Bulgaria with state budget funds for targeted funding for the purchase of personal protective equipment manufactured by specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities.
  5. Provide for extensions and reliefs in respect of the monthly VAT declaration and payment obligations for specialized enterprises. Deferral of payment of all public liabilities or reversing the effects of late payments to specialized entities. Rescheduling of payment of taxes - VAT, insurance, local taxes and fees with at least 6 months after the end of the state of emergency.
  6. Providing a one-off grant for specialized enterprises.
  7. Priority lending of interest-free loans to specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities.

The NC of LC believes that these measures would preserve the viability of specialized enterprises and cooperatives for people with disabilities, enabling them to continue to play their significant social role in ensuring employment and social integration of people with disabilities in Bulgaria.



The National Revenue Agency extends the deadline for filing corporate tax returns as well as the deadline for paying corporate tax due under the annual declaration until June 30, 2020. CITA taxpayers make advance payments based on estimated tax profit for 2020, so this should be done in accordance with particulars, namely: if the annual tax return for 2019 has already been filed, adjustments to the amount of the advance installments up to 15.04 and after that are made with the declaration under art. 88 of CITA; in the event that the annual tax return for 2019 is not submitted by 15.04, it must be filed by that date, by completing only the part in which the advance payments for 2020 are declared.

Adjustments to the amount of advance payments shall be made with the declaration under Art. 88 of CITA;

-adjustments of the advance payments made with the declaration under art. 88 of CITA, shall be used after submission of the declaration.

The above provisions are related to the fact that the period for making the monthly advance payments for the months of January, February, March and April and the quarterly advance payment for the first quarter is April 15, and the deadline for submitting the annual tax return for 2019. declaring the type and amount of the down payment for the current year is until 30 June 2020.

The monthly advance payments for the first quarter (January, February and March) of 2020 shall be paid by 15 April 2020, and for the months from April to December by the 15th of the month to which they relate. Or, respectively, it is April 15; July 15 for the second quarter and for the third quarter - the deadline is December 15. No quarterly down payment is made for the fourth quarter. Individuals, sole traders, and farmers, when choosing to be taxed as sole traders, apply the abovementioned rules for the down payment, with a deadline of 30.04.2020 instead of 15.04.2020.

The deadline for declaring and submitting the tax on CIT costs and for submitting the annual activity report (APA) is extended until 30 June. The deadline for filing the annual income tax return of natural persons engaged in business activities as traders within the meaning of the Commercial Law is also extended by two months, incl. sole proprietors, activities as farmers when they have chosen to be taxed as sole proprietors, and to pay the tax due on those persons on the declaration. There is also an extension of the term for using the 5% discount of the due tax for the payment of the annual tax return for taxation of the income of individuals until May 31, 2020.

The deadline for non-sole proprietorships to file an annual tax return and to file a tax return remains unchanged - 30 April 2020.


How do I get a certificate that I have no taxes and compulsory social security contributions during a state of emergency?


NRA clients may request the issuance of a certificate for the presence or absence of public obligations and electronically using their PIC or QES. This is done through the NRA's e-services portal, where they submit a "Request for Document". The certificate issued and signed by electronic signature will be sent to them by the e-mail specified for contact in connection with the electronic services of the NRA. The electronically signed document may be presented to the institution or organization requesting it. The document issued and signed with QES by the revenue body can be sent electronically and directly to the institution or organization requesting it, by explicitly specifying the email address to which it should be sent. 


How to recover discontinued health insurance rights during a state of emergency?


If the interruption is due to unpaid health contributions, then the person must submit Declaration Form No.7 and pay the amount due. The updated health insurance status will be visible in the electronic file on the NRA website by 12 noon or at midnight on the day the payment is received at the Agency.

If health insurance rights are reimbursed on other grounds (for example, the person is a full-time student abroad, was insured in an EU Member State, etc.) and documents are required to be submitted to the NRA, they can be sent scanned by e-mail at the office of the Revenue Agency at your permanent address.


How to file an income statement without going to the NRA office if I do not have a PIC or electronic signature?


The NRA provides the opportunity to complete the declaration with a barcode, which is available on the website of the revenue administration at www.nap.bg. Once completed, the form is printed and mailed by registered letter to the NRA office at your permanent address. 


Can I have a PIC remotely without visiting a NRA office?


There is no way that can happen. Issuing a PIC requires a personal visit to the NRA's office by the person or a person authorized by him / her with a notarized power of attorney. Until the state of emergency ceases, we recommend that our clients do not visit the NRA's office unless necessary.


Users who have a personal identification code (PIC) from the NRA but have forgotten it, will they be able to recover it?


Yes, this is already possible. One call to the Revenue Agency's information phone is required: 0700 18 700 or 02/98596801 abroad. Menu 6 is selected - "Information with a PIC", under menu 3 - "Forgotten PIC". A prerequisite is for the client to have access to and use at present the e-mail address that he / she requested when issuing the PIC.

After contacting a consultant from the Information Center and after reliable identification, the client will receive a temporary PIC. With it, he will be able to enter the NRA e-services, enter a new code and confirm it. At the email address the user will receive a link to activate the code entered by him, which will be able to use the full volume of electronic services provided by the NRA.


Undoubtedly, the PIC makes it possible to use the revenue administration's e-services without having to physically visit an office…


Yes it is. At present, the total number of NRA e-services available with the PIC has exceeded 35. These include filing tax and social security statements, statements of payable liabilities, including local taxes and fees, income statements. , for insurance income, for payments made and obligations paid off, current status of employment contracts, filing of applications and obtaining certificates and more. Issuing a PIC takes only a few minutes. For security reasons, it is given personally to the customer or to a person authorized by him in a sealed envelope. The reason is that all actions performed with the PIC, including submission of declarations and documents, are considered to be self-signed by the client.

Both the Agency's e-services and e-services provided by other administrations, including the NSSI, the National Health Insurance Fund, the Employment Agency, the Registry Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture, 60 municipalities can use the NRA PIC and other.





Nearly 33,000 are the total number of registered users in the Secure Electronic Service System (SESS), State Agency for Electronic Governance reported.

It is added that for a week 146 profiles of persons with public functions were registered, with their total number being 1485. Registered administrations were 1195, with the included secondary and third-level budget spending units. The number of municipal administrations is 251. So far, nearly 190,000 messages have been sent through the e-Handling System.

SESS enables citizens, business and administration to interact electronically, the agency recalled. The sending and receiving of the messages shall be certified by a qualified electronic seal of the State Agency for Electronic Governance.

Administrations can integrate the e-service module into their information systems or use it through a user interface at https://edelivery.egov.bg/.

Through the e-Handling System, every citizen can check what personal data they have in the registers and how they are used by the administrations. This is possible for registered users through the services of State Agency for Electronic Governance "Providing access of individuals to information related to them and stored in registers of primary administrators" and "Provision of personal information to an individual for third party access to his or her data, available in registers, through the Environment for inter-registry exchange RegiX".

Registration in the Secure e-Handling System can be done with a physical or cloud Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) or Personal Identification Code (PIC) of the National Social Security Institute.





The National Social Security Institute (NSSI) provides an opportunity to apply for the issue of a Personal Identification Code (PIC) to the NSSI and electronically.

The service is already available to users of the institution's services and is provided through The Secure Electronic Service System (SESS) of the State Agency for Electronic Governance (SAEG). Through the system, the application for issuing a PIC is submitted to the respective territorial division of the NSSI, and the issued certificate is returned to the person through it again. The use of a SESS requires registration and the existence of a valid qualified electronic signature (QЕS).

Persons who do not have a QES can take advantage of the opportunity to issue a one-month free electronic signature from certification service providers who will provide an online opportunity to request a signature. More information can be obtained from the SAEG website.

The NSSI also provides for an additional opportunity to submit, by electronic means, an application, annex 13 to the Regulation on cash benefits and state social security aids regarding the authorization of a person to file in the NSSI documents for payment of cash benefits, provided that the authorizing officer has a qualified electronic signature (QES). Only in this case the request for authorization / withdrawal of the authorization can be submitted through the contact form of the NSSI with access to personal data to the respective NSSI TD where the authorizing officer is registered. The application shall be submitted as an electronic document signed with the QES of the authorizing person or as a scanned copy of a paper document. An application submitted electronically with the QES of the authorized person and not with the QES of the authorizing officer does not have the character of a duly signed supporting document and is left without consideration.

The ability to request the NSSI 's PIC electronically is part of the National Social Security Institute' s package of measures to limit client visits to institution offices throughout the country in a state of emergency. It also includes the decision to submit the documents related to the granting and payment of unemployment benefits to the labor offices together with the registration as unemployed.

The National Social Security Institute reiterates its call to all its clients to refrain from a personal visit to the offices of the institution. Alternative forms of contact with the NSSI are available: over 70 e-services, a Contact Center (0 700 14 802), letters or e-mail.

Berkovitsa Consultancy Center recalls the contact details with NSSI-Montana:

TD Montana of NSSI

address Montana 3400, Blvd.“Treti Mart”  No.76

Phone 096 394 160;

email: montana@nssi.bg