The working poor are the most numerous in Romania


The working poor are the most numerous in Romania

"Work does not save you from poverty, ”Adevarul” wrote in a headline today, citing a survey that shows that Romania ranks first in the EU in the number of workers at risk of poverty.

In Romania, the share of workers at risk of poverty was 15.7 percent in 2019, while the EU average in this regard is 8.9 percent, the publication writes, publishing an infographic of a project of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation entitled "Social Observer".

Although the situation in Romania has improved since 2015, the country continues to register the largest share of workers at risk of poverty in the EU, the survey shows. In 2015, 18.8 percent of workers was at risk of poverty in Romania.

On the other hand, Romania ranks second in the EU in terms of productivity growth after Ireland, notes “Adevarul”. Since 2010, the productivity growth rate has been 42.6 percent.

The idea that work provides you with prosperity and the poor are those who do not want to work is the least true of Romania from all over Europe.

All this is happening, although in recent years the productivity of workers in Romania has increased significantly, the authors of the infographic comment.