

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria today adopted a Decision to extend the duration of the emergency epidemic situation declared by Decision № 325 of 14 May 2020 until 30 June 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a severe public health emergency in national and global. The data accumulated so far in the country show that the introduced measures regarding early detection, isolation and treatment of patients, as well as timely detection and quarantine of contact persons helped to locate and limit the spread of the disease to local outbreaks. The implementation of anti-epidemic measures has contributed to slowing down the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country and reducing the pressure on the healthcare system. The prolongation of the emergency epidemic situation will help through the application of temporary anti-epidemic measures, incl. and quarantine of persons entering the country, to slow down and limit the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, to create sustainability in the implementation of basic measures, to improve the preparedness of the health and social system for response to a subsequent wave and to create an opportunity for a change in the scope and content of the measures with the emergence of new scientific data on the causative agent, routes of transmission, methods of protection and treatment.



Nearly BGN 3,500,000 are the funds redirected at the suggestion of the Employment Agency from programs and measures to stimulate employment, which due to the state of emergency and the epidemic situation did not start on time or in full. As of today, the new financial preferences through the labor offices in the country can be used by employers and registered unemployed under various programs and measures to stimulate employment and/or employability.

The Employment Agency directs the realized savings to forms of employment sought by both employers and the unemployed. The aim is with funds from the state budget to support the employment of not only the planned for the year 8,500 unemployed, but also another 2,431 representatives of the so-called vulnerable groups on the labor market, incl. people with permanent disabilities, long-term unemployed or pre-retirement age. These are the people who, in the conditions of increased labor supply, experience more difficulties in finding a suitable job.

A part of the redistributed funds is directed to the employers who have announced vacancies in the labor offices. They will be able to take advantage of them if they hire an unemployed person - a representative of a target group under a program or measure of the Employment Promotion Act, for which the labor office has free funds to conclude a new contract.

Through the preferences provided, employers can receive subsidies not only for hiring the unemployed from the above groups, but also for dual training of the unemployed, training for the acquisition of key competencies of the hired staff, as well as for professional training of the unemployed. for work in the respective enterprise.

At the same time, the Employment Agency provides financial preferences to the unemployed, which stimulates their mobility or entrepreneurship.

The unemployed can apply for and receive financial support in the amount of 50% of the daily expenses for intercity transport to and from the workplace, or up to BGN 200 per month to cover accommodation and other expenses when starting work in a settlement over 50 km away from their place of residence. Starting your own business can also be supported on the basis of an approved business project by receiving the unemployment benefits at once or providing a lump sum for starting a business, which this year has been increased to BGN 4,000. Measures may also be provided for other services accompanying the start-up of the business.

The preferences provide different opportunities and a variety of forms of financial support in terms of period, type and amount of subsidy, as the specific parameters of the financial incentives under the individual programs and measures are defined in the National Employment Action Plan for 2020. For example, the subsidy period varies from 3 to 24 months, and the amount of monthly funds provided for basic remuneration - from BGN 350 to BGN 650, and in most cases funds are provided for additional remuneration and social security contributions at the expense of the employer for any unemployed employee under the terms of the relevant program or measure.

Each labor office in the country has funds under some of the various programs and measures to promote employment, providing preferences to employers or the unemployed. The current opportunities for applying for them are until the free financial resources are exhausted and are published on the website of the Employment Agency, in the section "Announcements for financing by regions", structured for each of the 9 Directorates "Regional Employment Service" /DRES/ in subheadings "Incentive measures for the unemployed" and "Incentive programs and measures for employers".

The free funds are also announced on the information board in each labor office.

Berkovitsa Consultancy Center will publish on the web platform full information about the opportunities, terms and conditions for providing preferences for the unemployed or employers by the Labor Office - Berkovitsa as soon as they are announced.



According to data provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20% of new businesses fail in the first two years after starting a business, and approximately half of all businesses do not survive until the fifth year. So how do you successfully grow your company?

Experts from BusinessNewsDaily contact hundreds of small business owners, financial advisors, legal experts and business consultants and compile a list of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make when starting a company.

  1. Don't be afraid to fail

"The biggest mistake you can make is to be afraid of failure. It is key to your success and you should not be afraid of it. After each fall there are new peaks to climb”.

  1. Build a business plan

"Too many companies start without a master plan and that's why they fail. Every start-up company must have a clear business plan. It should include how much the operation costs, what sales are expected, who the products are aimed at and why", said Deacon Hayes, financial expert and founder of WellKeptWallet.com.

  1. Get organized

"Good organization is key. Running a small business is like running a circus. It is normal for dozens of things to happen at once. All tasks must be arranged in a list to follow. Prioritize them”.

  1. Target a specific market and target audience

"A common startup mistake is not taking the time to find out what customers you are targeting your products and services for. Many companies are targeting a market that is too small to start a big business." - George Deglin, co-founder and CEO of OneSignal

  1. Apply for the correct legal structure and business registration.

"The biggest mistakes that start-ups make is that they do not register it and do not protect their intellectual property."

  1. Don't try to do everything yourself

"Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs allow themselves to think that they are alone and try to work independently without seeking advice from those more experienced than them." Surround yourself with reliable and experienced advisors to discuss your business ideas, strategies and challenges.

  1. Don't partner with the wrong investors

"An important piece of advice that entrepreneurs need to know before starting a business is that their investors are more than just financial backers. You need to be sure what their goals are. Once the companies have gone through the initial financing, they start working with investors who need to be interested in the growth and sustainability of the business”, said Krish Subramanian, co-founder and CEO of Chargebee.

  1. Don't avoid contracts

"One of the biggest mistakes a business owner can make is not fulfilling contracts. No matter how good a relationship you have with the people you work with, everything has to be legal", said Michelle Colon-Johnson, founder of 2 Dream Productions.

  1. Don't hire employees too soon

"Hiring full-time employees too quickly is not necessary since your business is not yet so developed and you can hire people on a part-time basis."

  1. Don't waste money

"Improper handling of money is almost a death sentence for start-ups with limited access to capital. I made the mistake of hiring too many people instead of the right people and spending too much money without a well-organized financial management process”, said Thomas Aronica, founder and CEO of Biller Genie.

  1. Don't be rewarded with more or less than you deserve.

"It's often easier to set a salary for a new employee than for an owner. Whatever you decide, make sure your salary and those of your employees are as adequate and well-deserved as possible", said Diana Santaguida, co-founder and creative director of SEOcial.

  1. Don't underestimate your product or service

"Don't value yourself too much, but don't underestimate yourself. Many entrepreneurs start with the best of intentions and give things away for free or donate to charity. Be very careful with this, don't risk going bankrupt in the beginning." James Chittenden, business consultant at OneClickAdvisor.

  1. Create a marketing plan

"You need to make a plan for how you will get your first user, the first 10 users, the first 100 users, and so on. This is where you need a detailed marketing strategy that covers the initial acquisition of customers, the transformation of those customers into regular customers to attract more", said Sam Shepard, co-founder of Cabana.

  1. Don't hire the wrong people

"When you start hiring, make sure you have hard-working and diligent partners who will do whatever it takes to get you together," said Devin Miller, a lawyer, founder and CEO of Miller IP Law.

  1. Don't start too fast

"One of the biggest mistakes is rushing. Once you've set up the company and started attracting customers, make sure your systems and processes are in place, such as payment terms, contracts, appropriate communication channels, while you can still maintain your marketing strategy. Once everything is in order, then get down to business”, Gems Collins, online course creator, business trainer and CEO of Gems Collins LLC.


Successful start-up of a company will not be realized if you do not have partners - surround yourself with experts to help you with the necessary advice. Mistakes are inevitable.

Don't be afraid of failure. Instead, learn and focus your business model on your needs.



The Executive Director of the Employment Agency Dragomir Nikolov signed contracts with the social partners for the implementation of projects under the National Action Plan for Employment in 2020. The projects will provide an opportunity for 6,857 unemployed people to participate in training to acquire professional qualifications and key competence, and at least 42% or 2,910 of them will be included in internships and employment thereafter.

In 2020, the projects will be implemented in 115 small and large settlements across the country. The trainings are in a wide range of professions: builders, cooks, salesmen, office workers, computer operators, tailors, social workers, welders, foundries, cashiers, guides, welders, electricians and others, and are in response to stated specific needs of employers from the real and the public sector.

It is expected that the planned trainings will fully meet the current needs of business personnel during its restart and development, despite the significant changes in the economic and social situation due to COVID-19. The skills possessed by the labor force are becoming more and more important for the employers, due to which a large part of the unemployed persons included in the projects are trained to acquire public and civic competencies, initiative and skills for entrepreneurship, digital or mathematical competence, etc.

Priority will be given to unemployed persons up to 29 or over 50 years of age, with low education, without professional qualification or with one not in demand on the labor market, people with disabilities, inactive persons and others. They will be subject to a comprehensive approach, including the consistent provision of training, internships and employment for a period of at least 3 months in the primary labor market or in state-subsidized jobs.

The projects of the social partners, which are implemented in 2020, are:

RESTART 2020 PROJECT of the Industrial Capital Association in Bulgaria envisages inclusion of 964 unemployed persons in training for acquisition of key competencies and vocational training, and at least 386 persons will be included in employment.

Under the LABOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, trainings on “Team work skills” will be held for 260 unemployed persons and for the acquisition of “Public and civic competencies” on the topic “Multicultural and social aspects in customer service” of 280 unemployed persons. A total of 1,060 unemployed will acquire professional qualifications in 19 different professions, and 424 of them will be provided with employment in the profession acquired by the trainings.

The activities of the CLASSIC-PRO PROJECT of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry envisage the inclusion of 1,080 unemployed persons, primarily in the regions with higher than the national average unemployment, in training in the professions "Sales Consultant", "Cook", “Financier”, “Financial Accountant”, “Office Secretary”, “Internet Application Organizer”, “Small and Medium Business Associate”, “Cosmetician”, “Computer Operator” and “Cashier”. 432 people will be provided with a minimum of 3 months of employment in the profession acquired by the trainings under the project.

The project "NEW SKILLS - NEW OPPORTUNITIES" of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria includes training in key competencies on "Learning Skills" for 105 unemployed people and training in the professions "Computer Operator", "Assistant Educator", " Nurse” and “Social Assistant” to a total of 1,071 unemployed persons. 31 months of employment will be provided to 591 unemployed people.

Under the "HORIZONS 5" project of the Confederation of Labor "SUPPORT" will be held trainings on key competencies on "Public and civic competencies" for 355 unemployed people and on "Learning skills" for 463 unemployed people. A total of 818 people will acquire qualifications in the professions "Computer Operator", "Tailor", "Construction Assistant", "Cook", "Security Guard", "Office Manager", "Office Secretary", "Operational Accountant", "Assistant educator”, “Social assistant”, “Assistant road builder”, “Baker-confectioner” and “Operator of steam and hot water facilities”. Employment or internship will be provided after successful completion of the trainings for 328 people.

The PROSPERITY PROJECT of the Union for Economic Initiative will enable 801 unemployed to undergo training in key competencies. The included persons will have the opportunity to undergo vocational training in one of the planned 14 professions. This will give a chance to at least 321 of the trained persons to be placed in suitable jobs, applied by employers - partners in the project.

Under the PROJECT "NEW BEGINNING FOR WORK - 2" of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria will be held training in key competencies for 1,063 unemployed, who will be able to undergo vocational training in one of the planned 19 professions. This will provide employment for a minimum of 428 of the trained persons.

Еveryone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg



Author: Sultanka Petrova, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy in Bulgaria

How to attract the Roma population, this hidden reserve in the labor market

The learned helplessness with which some Roma used to justify their unemployment will no longer work.

We will definitely remember 2020. We are hit by a global pandemic from COVID-19, which brought with it an unprecedented closure of the world and blocking of economies.

But how mature and strong a society is speaks volumes about how it reacts in severe crisis situations. So far we can proudly note that the Bulgarian society reacts adequately both to the urgent and timely measures taken by the government and the activities of the National Operational Headquarters, as well as to the responsible behavior of the Bulgarian population.

On the agenda is the important question of whether we, as a democratic and, above all, solidary society, will be able to get out of the crisis and restart life in the country as a whole. This is particularly significant for the economy, because the crisis is pervasive and affects, to one degree or another, almost all sectors in it.

At the same time, experts in our country analyze the acute shortage of labor, both highly and medium and low-skilled, which did not allow the economy to use its full growth potential during its positive cycle before the pandemic. In the period of economic recovery, this will again appear as a problem. And here I see two reserves that we must use. One is to be able to attract at least some of the 200,000 Bulgarians and Roma who returned from abroad at the start of the pandemic. The second reserve is definitely the Roma population, which has a young age structure. In a period of recession, when consumption can hardly fulfill its function as a driver of growth, the dominant economic doctrine recommends increasing investment in infrastructure projects as a source of opportunities for industrial development and stimulating economic activity. At the same time, these conditions depend no less on the homogeneity, qualifications, skills and experience of the workforce, most of which have long-established work habits and productivity. It is these people, these workers, who are at the heart of the results achieved in terms of competitiveness, income, security and GDP. The investments in the available labor reserves and their gradual but lasting integration into the modern Bulgarian society have the potential to cause the necessary change and qualitative improvement of the business climate in the country.

Another time it was a question that they are the hidden reserve on the labor market in our country. According to official data, the Roma in Bulgaria are about 350,000 people or about 4.5% of the total population. In Bulgaria, however, ethnicity is determined by the "principle of self-determination." And it is a well-known fact that the Roma have the so-called "preferred ethnic self-consciousness", i.e. very often, if they live on the territory of the Bulgarian ethnic group, they self-identify as Bulgarians and even more often, if they profess Islam, they self-identify as Turks. According to expert estimates, the real number of Roma in our country is between 750 and 800,000 people, or about 11.5% of the total population. According to experts, while maintaining the current demographic trends in the country, by 2050 the Roma will number between 1,100,000 - 1,200,000 people and will be about 22-23% of the population. I think it is clear why their integration into our socio-economic life is so important. The biggest problem so far is the educational level of this population, because currently only 0.5% of Roma have higher education, 9% have high school, which means that over 90% of them have lower than secondary education. Unfortunately, as many as 21.8% are completely illiterate. In the last three years, the Bulgarian government has made great efforts to include the Roma population in the education system.

Now on the agenda is the issue of including this population in the labor process, and it is important to understand what the Roma population will do to fit into the socio-economic and social life in Bulgaria and show their solidarity with all others in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and economic crisis. Integration is a two-way process and cannot take place without the will and actions of both parties. The learned helplessness with which some Roma justified their unemployment, low income and low standard of living, that the state is obliged to do something for them, will no longer work. The time has come for them to do something for the state in order to improve both their social status and to help our country.

As the territorial distribution and localization of the Roma population is different in different parts of the country, a differentiated approach must be taken according to the specifics of the regions, their economic profile and the respective Roma subgroups that inhabit them. While in the big cities the Roma can be attracted mostly in the construction industry, which already has the most serious shortage of labor, in Northwestern Bulgaria and the Upper Thracian lowlands they can be of great help to agriculture, which also suffers severely from a shortage of workers. We need to be more flexible in engaging the Roma population in the work process, especially now that Bulgaria will need all its demographic resources to get out of the post-pandemic crisis faster.

Here we must draw on the experience of countries such as Hungary, Finland and Slovakia, which to one degree or another manage to integrate part of their Roma population into the labor market. In Hungary, for example, the Roma National Academy "Kali Yag" is very popular, where parents and children study mathematics, history, languages ​​and computer literacy together.

In Finland, the state also provides tax relief to employers who employ Roma in permanent employment. Social enterprises are also being built and social entrepreneurship is being stimulated, oriented towards employment and realization of the gypsies and towards improvement of their social and living conditions.

In Bulgaria, the positive examples are related to the engagement of Roma labor in the industrial zone "Trakia" near Plovdiv, as many employers offer free transport for Roma from neighboring villages, and also provide such for their children to attend school.

Another positive example is the introduced "Icelandic model" for dealing with aggression and early dropping out of the education system in the Roma school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”in the town of Straldzha. The average attendance of children at school increased by 40% in just one year, engaging them in extracurricular activities - football and boxing for boys, volleyball and cheerleading for girls, playing wind and percussion instruments and folk dances. Once they have succeeded in the town of Straldzha, this success may become ubiquitous, and with this demographic situation in the country and the pandemic crisis, it is vital.

In the last two months, we have witnessed spontaneous, impulsive gestures of empathy and care aimed at helping disadvantaged people. The pandemic has taught us that solidarity is not just a gesture, but compassion, empathy, sympathy, real understanding of the situation. These kind gestures that we have witnessed prove that solidarity is the guardian of the social in our society.

I support the words of a famous Roma mayor Laszlo Bogdan from the village of Cherdi in Hungary, who for two terms radically changed the appearance of the village and successfully integrated the Roma population in the labor process: European country”!

Yes! Really, what a miracle! This must become the norm. It is time for all of us to be in solidarity, to assess the new challenges and to support the Bulgarian economy with the human resource it needs at the moment - in construction, agriculture, services, trade and others.

Good solutions to the problems related to the Roma population and accumulated during the years of transition are reflected in the concept of Mr. Krasimir Karakachanov, which provides specific proposals for socialization of the Roma community.

It is clear that neither the individual countries of the world will be able to get out of the crisis on their own, nor the individual ethnic groups within one country. Global solidarity, national unity and responsible behavior are needed by all so that life can return to its normal rhythm.



Unemployed people who sign an employment contract for short-term seasonal agricultural work in accordance with the amendments to the Health Act, which came into force on May 14, will retain their right to monthly social benefits. They will also be entitled to heating allowances if they meet all other conditions and requirements for receiving them. The preservation of the right to support is guaranteed by amendments to the Regulations for the Implementation of the Social Assistance Act, which were approved by the Bulgarian government.

According to the amendments, until 31 October 2020, wages and related payments from concluded employment contracts for short-term seasonal agricultural work will not be considered as income when determining the amount of social benefits. This guarantees the unemployed who have started such work that they will not be deprived of the monthly social assistance they have received so far. If they submit an application-declaration for targeted heating aid, the excess of the income limit as a result of the received remuneration will not be a reason to deny them the aid.

The amendments create conditions for promoting the labor activity of the unemployed and their inclusion in the labor market, as well as for increasing their incomes without losing their right to social assistance. At the same time, farmers are being helped to make it easier to find workers during the harvest season.



The measure, known as "60 out of 40", will run until September 30. Unemployed people registered with the Labor offices can now be hired under it, confirmed the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva.

She pointed out that some of the requirements for support under this measure will be dropped.

"There will be no need for the companies to have stopped working, nor for the employees to be part-time, but there will be a need to prove this, respectively a drop in revenues. And, of course, those employers who have benefited so far will also be able to benefit from the sequel."

According to Minister Sacheva, the goal is no longer to pay compensation, but employment subsidies, for which a new notification will be requested from the European Commission.



Nearly BGN 4.2 million will be used to finance projects of employers for the creation, adaptation and equipment of workplaces for people with permanent disabilities of working age. The funds are provided under the National Program for Employment of People with Disabilities, which has been approved by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva.

In 2020, the Agency for People with Disabilities will also finance projects of specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities aimed at increasing the employment of the target group. They will be able to receive up to BGN 80,000, and the submission of proposals will start on June 1st. The funds can be used for technological renewal of economic activity, creation of new jobs or re-equipment of existing ones, as well as for building an online platform for promoting the offered services and the produced products.

Up to BGN 10,000 will be allocated for access to existing or new jobs, adaptation of existing jobs and for equipping new jobs. Qualification and retraining projects will be financed with up to BGN 1,000 for 1 person with permanent damage. The Agency for People with Disabilities will be collecting project proposals for these components of the program from July 15th.

On June 15th, the Agency for People with Disabilities will launch a second procedure for recruiting and financing projects under the Program for starting and developing independent economic activity of people with disabilities. Applicants must have 50 and more than 50% reduced working capacity and not participate as owners or partners in another company. They can receive up to BGN 20,000. The funds can cover investment costs, carry out construction and repair activities, purchase of equipment at the jobs created, etc.

All the necessary application documents can be found on the website of the Agency for People with Disabilities. http://ahu.mlsp.government.bg/home/



The state has announced a new business grant scheme - this time for larger companies. The minimum amount of grants will be BGN 30,000 and the maximum amount is BGN 100,000, and the specific amount will be 1% of the annual turnover for 2019. The total budget of this measure is BGN 156 million and is provided by the budget of the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness. However, companies that have received 60/40 payments or other staff retention support will not be able to benefit from this assistance.

Like the procedure for supporting micro and small companies, this one will be conducted entirely electronically - through the Information System for Management and Monitoring of EU Funds in Bulgaria (UMIS 2020). So far, no specific date has been announced on which the application scheme will be opened, but proposals and comments on the documentation will be accepted until May 29, which means that it is realistic for companies to be able to apply for aid in the first week of June.

The Managing Authority of the Innovation and Competitiveness Operational Program also announced that a total of 24,087 applications worth over BGN 197 million had been received under the procedure for micro and small companies. The opportunity to apply is still open, as the initial budget of BGN 173 million will be increased. Official inspections of the applications submitted to the National Revenue Agency, the National Statistical Institute, the Executive Agency "General Labor Inspectorate" and other institutions and agencies are currently being carried out. After receiving and processing the information, we will proceed to the gradual sending of notifications to the applicants for elimination of the established irregularities", they say from OPIC and point out that after the evaluation the list of the approved candidates will be published on the Internet to take place in early June at the latest.

Who will be able to apply

Only companies that are classified as medium-sized enterprises will be able to apply for grants from BGN 30 to 100 thousand - they have a minimum of BGN 3 million and a maximum of BGN 50 million net sales revenues for 2019. Also must be registered by 31 December 2018, which means that the aid will not be available for newer companies.

It is a mandatory condition that applicants have registered a decrease of at least 20% in turnover (net sales revenue) for one of the calendar months in the period from February 1, 2020 to the month preceding the application, compared to the average monthly in 2019. For example, if applying in June, it will be possible to take the turnover for February, March, April or May and compare it with the average for last year. A statement of income and expenditure for the month will be required to verify this information.

An extremely important condition for receiving the grant is that the companies are not in a situation of "difficulty", which means that they must not have accumulated a loss for the last three years that exceeds 50% of their equity. For companies with a registered capital of BGN 2, this means that even BGN 1 uncovered loss will disqualify them.

In order to avoid duplication of subsidies, all companies that can receive funding under the Rural Development Program are excluded from this scheme.

What will the money be for?

With the received grants, the companies will be able to finance activities necessary to overcome liquidity difficulties as a result of the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19.

Expenses for purchase of raw materials and consumables for the purpose of production of products or services will be eligible; costs of external services (including overheads); personnel costs (incl. costs for gross salary and costs for social security and health contributions at the expense of the employer), remuneration for personnel employed under an employment contract or under a management and control contract (but not more than BGN 2,000 per month) .

Ineligible costs will be:

- costs for activities started and physically completed or fully implemented before 01.02.2020, regardless of whether all related payments have been made;

- costs for acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets;

- expenses for current assets, other than those specified in item 14.2;

- costs of goods intended for sale;

- recoverable VAT costs;

- costs of taxes and fees;

- expenditure financed by public funds;

- costs of recovering support received from financial instruments financed by public funds;

- loan repayment costs, interest on loans, bank fees;

- costs for leasing installments;

- costs for second-hand raw materials and consumables;

- costs for preparation of a project proposal, management and implementation of the project.

After the completion of the implementation of the activities under the grant agreement, the beneficiary is obliged to prepare and submit to the Managing Authority a technical and financial report in which to describe the overall implementation of the project and the achieved results.



Until June 30, 2020, the period for which employers can apply for the payment of compensation in order to maintain the employment of employees after the lifting of the state of emergency in the country and the declaration of a state of emergency is extended. This was decided by the government with the adoption of amendments to Decree № 55 of 2020, which regulates the terms and conditions for the implementation of the measure.

Compensation will be paid for the whole period or for a part of the period from March 13 to June 30, but for not more than three months. Employers who have received compensation under the decree should pay employees an amount not less than the amount of insurance income for January 2020.

The financial resources necessary for the payment of the compensations are from the Unemployment Fund of the state social insurance.

Anyone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg