

The Health and Safety at Work Act requires the employer to provide service from a registered occupational health service to all workers and employees. The activity of the occupational medicine services and their main functions are defined in Ordinance No. 3 of 25.01.2008 on the terms and conditions for carrying out the activities of the occupational medicine services of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy (SG, issue 14 of 2008).

The Occupational Medicine Service performs preventive functions. It advises and assists employers, committees and groups on working conditions in planning, organizing and fulfilling their obligations to ensure healthy and safe working conditions and to take measures to strengthen the health and working capacity of workers in relation to their work.

The main functions of occupational medicine services are:

- participation in the evaluation of the risk for the health and safety of workers;

- development of proposals for measures to prevent, eliminate or reduce the identified risk;

- development of recommendations for the employer on the restructuring of the workplace, the organization of work and the workload of workers who need special protection;

- development and participation in the implementation of training programs for management personnel, workers and their representatives on the rules for ensuring health and safety at work and compliance with the requirements for safe work practice;

- organizing and conducting the training of workers on the rules of first aid, self-help and mutual aid in relation to the specific dangers in the workplace;

- provision of information to workers about the health risks related to the work and about the results of the conducted medical examinations and tests, incl. and giving individual advice to workers in relation to health and safety at work;

- participation in the implementation of programs for the promotion of the health of workers at the workplace, removal of lifestyle risk factors, protection and strengthening of working capacity and overcoming stress at work;

- assisting employers in the development of rules, norms and instructions in enterprises to ensure health and safety at work and providing advice to workers on their correct application;

- consulting and assisting the committees and groups on working conditions in carrying out their activities.

Occupational medicine services carry out monitoring, analysis and assessment of the health status in relation to the working conditions of all workers served, including those with increased sensitivity and reduced resistance, such as:

  1. consult and assist the employer in organizing the mandatory medical examinations of workers and employees as defined by the Labor Code;
  2. provide information to the medical specialists performing periodic medical examinations regarding the identified hazards and the established risk to the health and safety of workers;
  3. notify the selected general practitioner of illness or deviations in the employee's physiological indicators that require diagnostic clarification or treatment;
  4. prepare a conclusion on the suitability of the employee to perform a given type of work;
  5. analyze the health status of workers and its relationship with working conditions.

Every employer is obliged to provide for the workers and employees employed by him service from an occupational medicine service.

Occupational medicine services are registered by the Ministry of Health. You can get up-to-date information on the registered occupational medicine services on the website of the Ministry of Health in the "Registries" section.



If you ask any entrepreneur how they're doing, there's a good chance you'll hear one answer (or at least some version of it): "I'm crushed." This response will usually be supported by some complaint about lack of time.

"When researchers surveyed Americans before 2011, about half said they almost never had free time, and two-thirds said they sometimes or always felt rushed (though a more recent survey suggests things may be improving),” reports the Greater Good Science Center.

None of the above is surprising. However, extensive studies of how Americans actually use their time show that most people have a lot more free time than we think.

"From 1965 to 2003, the average American workweek actually decreased by three hours, while leisure time increased," reported the same Greater Good article. According to current data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American has about five hours of free time per day.

Of course, many entrepreneurs are far from the average employee. Also, there are many people working in multiple places to make ends meet who would take this statistic as some type of black comedy. But the overall picture is clear. Time use surveys reveal that most of us have hours of free time that we use for activities such as watching television and posting on social media. Why then do people constantly complain that they don't have enough time?

"Energy makes time"

It's a complicated question, of course, and one that speaks to deep issues around how you envision your days. But a recent blog post by executive coach Mandy Brown cuts through some of that complexity to offer one of the clearest explanations of the phenomenon.

Your problem, Brown insists, isn't really a lack of time. The problem is the lack of energy.

This is not to say that time management is useless. Some tricks for setting aside time on the calendar can be helpful. Ultimately, however, they have a limited effect. The main problem is not how you organize your classes, but how you recharge your batteries.

“We all know that time can be stretched or compressed – we've experienced hours that stretched endlessly and hours that passed in a few breaths. We've had days where we've gotten so much done that we've surprised ourselves, and days where it seems like nothing has been accomplished. What distinguishes these experiences is not the number of hours in the day, but the energy we get from the work. Energy makes time," Brown writes.

Take the example of a person who likes to draw or sing. After a long day at work and juggling various household duties, this person rarely feels like he has time for his artistic hobby. When he has free time, he devotes it to sleeping or watching movies to recover from the endless workload.

One day, however, this man decides to go to the park and just paint, abandoning all his extracurricular duties. “He paints for hours until the sun goes down and the street lights come on. And, lo and behold, the next day he goes about his daily tasks again. The man realizes that half of them were unnecessary, although earlier they all seemed critical to him. Then he finds time to tackle a project he's been putting off for weeks," Brown wrote.

Your interests give you energy

Doing what you love - whether it's some form of art, gardening, cycling, etc. - gives you an energy that makes your time feel like it's expanding. Fatigue eats up energy and causes time to shrink, so one is too exhausted to do anything with the time one has.

The Greater Good article provides a bunch of research supporting this idea.

“The question we need to ask ourselves is not, 'How do I find time for this?' The better question is how does doing what I need to do create time for everything else?” Brown says.

Instead of searching for scraps of time to gather all the things you need and want to do despite your exhaustion, do more of the things you enjoy. You'll find that you somehow magically have the energy, and therefore the time, to get through almost everything else that life throws at you.



Upon termination of the employment relationship, the employer is obliged to enter in the employment record book the data related to the termination and hand it over immediately to the worker or employee against a signature.

What are the obligations of employers and the rights of employees regarding the procedure and deadlines for the creation and delivery of the employment record book?

Upon termination of the employment relationship, the employer is obliged to enter in the employment record book the grounds for termination of the benefits paid to the worker or the employee upon termination of the employment relationship, as well as the length of service acquired under the employment relationship in years, months and days.

Handing over of the employment record book should take place on the day of termination of the employment relationship, immediately after entering the specified data in it. It must be done by personally delivering it to the person. Handing over means actually placing the employment record book in the possession of the worker or employee.

When the worker or the employee is not at the enterprise on the day of termination of the employment relationship and drawing up of the employment record book, it can be handed over in three ways:

  1. Through a written registered invitation with a return receipt to the worker or employee to appear at the employer to receive his employment record book. In this case, the employer will have fulfilled his obligation to hand over the employment record book on the day of receiving the invitation from the worker or the employee certified on the return receipt.
  2. By sending the employment record book by post. It should be borne in mind that this type of transfer of the employment record book requires the prior written consent of the worker or employee. In this case, the time of transmission will be the day of its mailing.
  3. By handing over the employment record book to a person authorized in writing by the worker or employee. In this case, the employer will have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the employment record book on the day of its delivery to the authorized person, which must be signed.

In case of closure of the enterprise, without a designated legal successor, all payrolls, employment contracts (appointment orders), reassignment orders, orders for unpaid leave of more than 30 working days, orders for termination of employment relationships, employment records and other documents, establishing the insurance experience and income of the persons who worked in the enterprise, are handed over to the territorial divisions of the National Social Security Institute and are kept in special archives. Certificates of work experience are issued by the territorial divisions of the National Social Security Institute free of charge within 30 days on the basis of the pay slips and other documents kept by them of terminated insurers without legal successor.



Ordinance on the employment book and work experience



Although their format may differ, many people use a variety of lists to keep track of their daily tasks. According to a survey by online course platform Acuity Training, 33% use a to-do list, 24% organize their day based on their email inbox, and 12% track their tasks on a calendar. The rest just deal with the things that seem most important at the moment.

While written to-do lists can provide a plan for the day, they can also hurt productivity if you don't use them the right way, says Eduardo Briceño, author of The Performance Paradox: Turning the Power of Mindset Into Action.

"To-do lists are a great self-management tool," he says. "However, they can cause us problems if we get lost in them, if we stop seeing everything on the periphery," adds Briceño.

Lisa McCarthy, co-author of Fast Forward: 5 Power Principles to Create the Life You Want in Just One Year, adds that people are very often short-sighted in their approach.

"Most human beings are focused on what they have to accomplish by Friday instead of focusing on the future and really getting clarity about what's important and investing their time and energy into it right now," she says. .

To make better use of your time and create a more efficient to-do list, avoid these five mistakes:

Excessive focus on performance

Crossing something off your to-do list is definitely fun, but not all tasks move your career or goals forward. Briceño says focusing only on getting results, rather than learning and improving, can be a mistake.

Feeling short on time

Most people have too many things on their to-do list and not enough time to complete them. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed, says McCarthy.

"Most people treat time like there aren't enough hours in the day. Your language creates your reality, and you will constantly be gathering evidence to support that claim,” she explains.

After all, you have a choice about what you say to yourself. Instead of constantly telling yourself that you don't have enough time, McCarthy suggests telling yourself, “I have enough time. I have enough energy to invest in what is important to me, both professionally and personally."

When building your to-do list with this mindset, identify the most important things you want to accomplish professionally and for your personal well-being. Start with the final and then plan your week.

Collection of various tasks

When writing a to-do list, it's normal to group together different tasks—easy and time-consuming, urgent and open-ended. This approach makes it difficult to focus on the important things.

"You can forget why you're chasing these things," Briceño says. "Instead, you need to know what your strategic priorities and high-level goals are," he adds.

The importance level of tasks can change over time. Reassess your priorities regularly. Briceño suggests asking yourself, “What are my most important goals? Are the things on my to-do list right now the right way to approach them?”.

Sticking to a routine

Another risk is sticking to what Briceño calls "bulldozing": doing one thing all the time, such as sticking to one type of task.

“You miss the value of alternating mental and emotional states. Nobel Prize winners are about 20 times more likely than the general population to have a hobby, such as one related to the performing arts. Great violinists sleep more than other people. Our brain needs recharging and rest. He needs to explore new things. When we discover new things, we make connections and that leads to innovation,” he explains.

Making a habit of doing different things throughout the day, rather than just one thing, leads to learning and higher productivity.

You neglect your energy levels

How effective you are at completing tasks can depend on your energy level. McCarthy says this should be considered when creating a to-do list. For example, if you're an early riser, focus on your high-energy tasks early in the day. If your energy levels peak in the afternoon, save important tasks for later.

“You have to know yourself. Consider what you need to do to keep your physical and mental energy at peak levels,” she says.

Whether it's on a weekly, monthly, or semi-annual basis, Briceño recommends reviewing the habits and tools you use and determining if they need improvement.

“Clarify what is most important to you. What are your performance goals and learning goals? How are you doing in pursuing these goals? A to-do list is a great place to note the tasks we want to get done. Make sure you use it the right way,” he advises.



The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), in cooperation with Contipso Learning, has created an electronic training platform in the field of digital skills. The activity was implemented within the framework of the "Ready for Digital Transformation" project, implemented by BIA, in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria.

In the electronic platform, 36 courses are available, divided into two categories - Specific digital skills and Sectoral basic skills in 16 economic sectors.

The courses in the electronic platform are completely free and freely accessible, after registration at https://bia.contipso.com.

Each course on the platform takes between 40 and 180 minutes. From the very beginning, users have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the content and the requirements for it. Each course ends with a final test, the successful passing of which brings a certificate of completed training in the relevant digital field.

Users can choose from 20 courses to improve their specific digital skills. Topics include:

  1. Carrying out electronic sales
  2. Handling of personal data and privacy requirements in a digital environment
  3. Working with spreadsheets
  4. Setting a digitalization strategy
  5. Work with databases
  6. Troubleshoot remote access issues
  7. Working with communication software systems
  8. Search for data and information in a digital environment
  9. Use of information systems for managing document flow
  10. Digital monitoring and control of production processes
  11. Assessing the reliability of data, information and digital content
  12. Work with an enterprise resource planning system (ERP).
  13. Development of digital marketing strategies
  14. Work with software programs for technical drawing, design, modeling and design.
  15. Working with specialized software for stock management
  16. Market potential research through digital means
  17. Working with customer and supplier relationship management (CRM) software
  18. Online recruitment and selection of personnel
  19. Working with word processing software
  20. Creating presentations with electronic tools

Courses from the "Sectoral Basic Courses" category are related to characteristics of the transition to a digital economy in the sectors:

  1. hospitality industry;
  2. Restaurant business;
  3. Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, excluding ready meals;
  4. Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats;
  5. Production of milk and milk products;
  6. Production of other food products;
  7. Production of timber and wood and cork products; no furniture; manufacture of straw products and knitting materials;
  8. Production of paper, cardboard and paper and cardboard products;
  9. Production of basic chemical substances;
  10. Production of paints, varnishes and similar products, printing ink and putty;
  11. Production of electrical equipment;
  12. Manufacture of vehicles, excluding cars;
  13. Manufacture of furniture;
  14. Wholesale trade, excluding trade in cars and motorcycles;
  15. Retail trade, excluding trade in cars and motorcycles;
  16. Sports and other activities related to entertainment and recreation.

The electronic courses are developed at a high professional level, with attractive and easy-to-navigate online learning content, reflecting modern trends in information and communication technologies. The educational content meets the standards of the European framework for citizens' digital competence DigComp and the current requirements of the Bulgarian labor market for the digital competence of the workforce.

We remind you that within the framework of the BIA project, analyzes of the needs for digital skills in 16 economic sectors were prepared, which showed that only 19% of the workforce covers the required level of digital competence for the position they hold, and over 90% of the working places require specific types of digital skills.



Jobs for nearly 10,000 unemployed people will be provided through programs and measures from the National Employment Action Plan for 2023, which was approved by the government. The priority goals of the document are to promote economic activity and employment of the population, including among the youth who do not work and do not study, and to reduce unemployment.

Among the main tasks of the plan is the increase in the quality of the workforce by acquiring digital skills according to the needs of the economy. About 9,500 employed and unemployed people are expected to be included in training to become more competitive in the labor market.

The budget of the Employment Plan for 2023 is BGN 73 million. As a result of the implementation of the activities set out in it, the average annual unemployment rate in Bulgaria is expected to decrease to 4.1% of the economically active population.

The full-time unemployed included in employment programs will receive labor remuneration of BGN 780, which will be subsidized by the state. A subsidy of the same amount will also be received by employers who have hired the unemployed under the measures of the Employment Promotion Act. The remuneration of young people included in the "Start a Career" program will increase from BGN 860 to BGN 920.

The salaries of those employed under the national program "Activation of inactive persons" are also increasing. The remuneration of youth mediators to the municipalities will increase to BGN 950, psychologists and case managers - to BGN 1,070, and Roma mediators - to BGN 950. The salaries of graduates employed under the programs will also increase to BGN 820. Retirement Assistance" and "Melpomena", as well as under the National Program for Training and Employment of People with Permanent Disabilities.

According to the two-year plan of the state enterprise "Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Center", 1,566 unemployed people from various groups in a disadvantaged position on the labor market will be trained. About 530 people will work on the "Beautiful Bulgaria" project. According to the projects of the social partners, 6,246 unemployed people will participate in training for the acquisition of key competences and professional qualification in occupations in demand on the labor market.



When the debtor under a bilateral contract fails to fulfill his obligation due to a reason for which he is responsible, the creditor may cancel the contract by giving the debtor an appropriate period for performance with a warning that after the expiration of the period he will consider the contract canceled. The warning must be given in writing when the contract is concluded in writing. This is provided by the Law on Obligations and Contracts.

Contracts that transfer, establish, recognize or terminate real property rights over real estate are annulled by court order. If the defendant offers performance during the trial, the court may grant a deadline for doing so, depending on the circumstances. Cancellation of the contract, however, is not allowed when the unfulfilled part of the obligation is insignificant in view of the interest of the creditor.

The annulment of contracts that are subject to registration does not affect the rights acquired by third parties before registration of the claim.

It is also expressly stated that the right to cancel the contract expires with a five-year statute of limitations. Cancellation has a retroactive effect, except for contracts for continuous or periodic performance. The creditor has the right to compensation for the damages caused by the non-performance of the contract.

It is important to point out that a debtor under a bilateral contract who has a demandable claim against his creditor from the same legal relationship from which his obligation arises can refuse to fulfill his obligation until the creditor fulfills his. In such a case, the defendant is sentenced to perform simultaneously with the plaintiff.

In the current Law on Obligations and Contracts, there are also special rules that apply in case of non-performance by a debtor under a contract. For example, if a debtor does not exactly fulfill his obligation, the creditor has the right to demand either the performance together with compensation for the delay, or to demand compensation for non-performance.

It is important to note that when compensation is sought in lieu of performance, the debtor may still offer the original amount owed along with compensation for delay. However, this can be done if the creditor still has an interest in the performance.

There is the possibility that the debtor's obligation is for an action that can be performed by another person. The creditor then has the right to request permission to perform this action at the debtor's expense. When the obligation is not to do something, the creditor may ask to be allowed to remove at the debtor's expense what was done in violation of the obligation.

However, the Law on Obligations and Contracts states that "the debtor is not liable if the impossibility of performance is due to a reason that cannot be attributed to him". It may be force majeure, materials necessary for the work may not have been delivered. Immediately afterwards, however, the law decreed that "the fact that the debtor does not have the funds to fulfill the obligation does not exempt him from responsibility".

The compensation covers the loss suffered and the lost benefit, insofar as they are a direct and immediate consequence of the non-performance and could have been foreseen when the obligation arose. But if the debtor was in bad faith, then he is responsible for all direct and immediate damages.

However, if the default is also due to circumstances for which the creditor is responsible, the court may reduce the compensation or release the debtor from liability. The debtor does not owe compensation for damages that the creditor could have avoided by exercising good stewardship.

Another rule is that when the day for performance of the obligation is fixed, the debtor falls into default after its expiration. But if this day has expired after the death of the debtor, then his heirs fall into default after the expiration of 7 days from the invitation. When there is no fixed day for performance, the debtor falls into default after being invited by the creditor. However, if it is a question of an obligation resulting from a tort, the debtor is considered in default and without invitation.

When the debtor is in arrears, he owes compensation even if performance becomes impossible due to a reason for which he was not previously responsible. The only possibility to get rid of him is if he proves that the creditor would have suffered the damages even with timely execution.

There are also rules if there is non-fulfillment of a monetary obligation. Then the debtor owes compensation in the amount of the legal interest from the day of the delay. For damages actually suffered in a higher amount, the creditor may request compensation in accordance with the general rules.

There is another rule when the debtor under a bilateral contract fails to fulfill his obligation due to a reason for which he is responsible. The creditor can then rescind the contract by giving the debtor an appropriate period of time for performance. This is done with a warning that after the expiration of the term, he will consider the contract void. The warning must be given in writing when the contract is concluded in writing.

The creditor can cancel the contract without giving the debtor a deadline. This can happen, for example, if performance has become impossible in whole or in part. Or if due to the debtor's delay it has become useless, as well as if the obligation had to be fulfilled without fail in the agreed time.



A total of 13,373 unemployed people with disabilities started work under measures financed under the Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2014-2020. Nearly 70% of them - 9,351 unemployed people - were included in the "Training and Employment" operation, which is with a budget of BGN 210.5 million. The measure is implemented in the period 2015-2023. Its main goal is to provide employment to unemployed people over the age of 29 who are registered at the labor offices. If necessary, they are included in a different type of training before being directed to a specific workplace.

The measure is implemented in two components by the Employment Agency. During the implementation of Component 1, more than 18,000 inactive people and unemployed people over the age of 29 are included in subsidized employment for a period of up to 12 months or in training for the professional qualification "Digital competence" or "Communication in foreign languages". People with primary or lower education, long-term unemployed and unemployed people over the age of 54 received priority support.

Under Component 2, a total of 9,351 inactive and unemployed people with at least 75% reduced working capacity are directed to vacant jobs that do not require training or are included in courses to acquire key competences. They are employed full-time or part-time, and upon starting a job, they are provided with a mentor for a period of up to 3 months. Remunerations for people with permanent disabilities for a period of up to 24 months are provided under the "Training and Employment" measure. Employers who keep their jobs after subsidized employment ends receive a one-time incentive of six minimum wages to pay their wages.



The development of green technologies inevitably leads to upheavals in the labor market. We still have 7 years to prepare the staff for work at the end of the Green transition, said Nadya Vasileva, director of the Employment Confederation.

"There are countless options for people to be retrained, but a strategy must be created. The state can be assisted by trade unions, employers' organizations, educational experts. Special programs in this regard must be created in a short period of time - a kind of correspondence training in computer skills. It should also be clear to the staff what they would like to work on. Such a program can last a maximum of a year, so that it does not take much time and people do not lose," the expert believes.

Around 40,000 employed people need to meet the needs of new employers after the end of the green transition, the confederation estimated. Coal plants as a type of production will not be competitive in 5 years, Vasileva believes.

"The Green Deal will happen whether we are ready for it or not. From the beginning of industrialization until now, the mechanization of labor has freed millions of people from their hard physical work. At first it caused hardship for them, but subsequently it led to more wealth and abundance,” is her assessment.

The green transition is expected to lead to more work from home, atypical forms of employment and more flexible working hours. "Apart from coal plants, people are actually the great wealth of our country and their retraining is key for them and for the economy. The green transition will allow society to focus on more creative professions. Routine tasks will be automated," predicts Nadya Vasileva.

65% of workers in Bulgaria are employed in services, 30% in production, 5% in agriculture. 10% of manufacturing workers are expected to be affected by the Green Transition. There will be a need for personnel in all sectors, Bulgaria suffers from an imbalance between demand and supply. These are the opinions of employers for years, resorting to importing personnel from third countries, the expert explains.

"Institutions must develop a coherent strategy. 800 million euros are planned for the protection of people from these regions who would lose their jobs in the transition to a green economy. New jobs will be created in the sectors of education, technology, digitalization, agriculture. By 2027, the role of machines in the work process will increase. Every 100 people who leave working age are replaced by 69 people, and this is a serious problem," concluded Nadya Vasileva.



Do I have to provide a medical certificate in order for them to conclude an employment contract with me?

According to Art. 2, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 3 of 28.02.1987, a mandatory preliminary medical examination is subject to: persons entering work for the first time; the persons who move to another job in the same or in another enterprise, which is associated with harmful factors and with the risk of occupational disabilities; persons who have terminated their employment for more than three months. Therefore, the person starting work must present a card for a preliminary medical examination.

Pursuant to Art. 287, para. 1 of the Labor Code, all workers and employees are subject to mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. The conditions for carrying out the preliminary and periodic examinations according to the nature of the work, the working conditions and the age of the employees are defined in Ordinance No. 3 of 28.02.1987 on the mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of the workers.

The official requirement and provision of files between services is regulated in Art. 17, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 3 of 25.01.2008 on the conditions and procedure for carrying out the activities of occupational medicine services (promulgated SG No. 14 of 12.02.2008). Pursuant to item 1 of the cited provision, the health records of workers are transferred and accepted between the occupational medicine services on paper and electronic media on an official basis when the worker's place of work changes and a request is made by the service serving the relevant enterprise. Given the peculiarities of national legislation and practices in the EU member states, it is possible to have a different order established for occupational health care and health monitoring of workers in the member state in which the worker's previous work experience took place. In all cases, it is the duty of the occupational medicine service to seek, in an official way, information regarding his medical monitoring, to include in the personal health file within the meaning of Art. 11, para. 10 of Ordinance No. 3 of 25.01.2008.