



The Association GIVE EUR-HOPE (GEH) is always prepared to examine requests for financial support submitted by communities or local associations for the completion of microprojects working to combat poverty and social exclusion. GIVE EUR-HOPE is also ready to study such requests when they are submitted by NGOs or those representing these communities, provided that there are guarantees that they correspond to the real needs and wishes of the communities themselves. 

Given its limited human and financial resources, GIVE EUR-HOPE has had to define the scope of its interventions and has, therefore, set out intervention criteria, which should really be consulted before submission of a request for financial support.
GIVE EUR-HOPE has prepared a memorandum for projects proposal  to help those wishing to submit a project.  This sets out the information required for the analysis of any request.  It is important to include with any submission verifiable references which would ideally be given by several reliable organisations.

On their receipt by the Association,  all requests are examined and analysed.  This may take several weeks depending on the applicant being able to reply to any requests for additional information.

Projects supported by GEH aim to contribute to combating poverty and social exclusion.  They cover principally:

  • the construction / renovation of homes and sheltered housing;
  • the setting up of basic health facilities (dispensaries in underprivileged areas, nurses/street nurses);
  • training people on citizenship issues, by informing them about their rights as citizens and imparting the skills required to exercise these rights (literacy support, language classes);
  • initiatives in the socio-cultural field, intended to encourage the sharing of knowledge, including through artistic expression;

the setting up or support of professional development and tutorial networks.





Managers of 9 Montana sewing companies demand before the Regional Education Department and the Regional Governor the Vocational High School for Light Industry to retain the class " Production of textile clothing". This was announced by Maya Grigorova, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in the regional city.

According to the Labor Office, 1,200 people were employed in the sewing industry in the Montana District in 2019. 15 years ago, their number was over 3,000. Traded firms say the decline in employment is due to labor shortages rather than fewer orders. Tailors and builders are constantly on the job market, informs Svetla Uzunova, director of Labor Office -Montana. They then start further vocational trainings. The industry envisages the need for new 180 employees. According to the employers, in the plan for the 2020-2021 it is imperative to preserve the lesson on "Production of textile clothing". The high school is the only one that trains the sewing industry, and this year's admission did not take place. “It is very important to feed the local economy against the background of the demographic collapse,” says Maya Grigorova. Thus, there is a big gap between the needs of business and education. Practice shows that students from Vocational High School for Light Industry are trained mainly as beauticians, hairdressers and manicurists. The school had trained teachers in modeling and clothing production.





The Montana Labor Office announced job vacancies throughout the municipality and which are the most sought after Montana bosses. It is clear from the vacancy requirements that employers have reduced their claims to candidates. Only 5 of the ads are for higher education professionals. Mostly people with secondary education and experience are recruited.

Detailed information about each of the positions can be obtained from the city directorate, and here are the available places:


2 Kitchen Assistant - Secondary Education

2 Dishwasher manual - basic education

2 Waiter - secondary education with experience

2 Chef - Secondary education, experienced

1 General worker - secondary / primary education

1 Group teacher - 5-7 grade - higher education-general subject

2 Installer, Complex / Combined Products - Secondary Education, Building Furnishings, Experience 2 years.

1 teacher for grades 1-4 - higher education

1 Waiter - secondary education

1 Barman - Secondary Education

2 Snack and beverage vendor - 10th grade, secondary education

2 Worker, breakfast production - elementary - 10th grade, secondary education

2 Snack and beverage vendor - primary - 10th grade, secondary education

2 Security Operator - Secondary Education, Primary Computer Literacy

2 Guardian - Secondary Education, cat.C

1 Single Bucket Excavator - Secondary Education, Excavator Management Document

1 Bulldozer Driver - Secondary Education, Bulldozer Management Document

1 Technical Manager, Construction - Secondary Education, Experienced

2 General worker / technician - no education

1 Pastry Master - Secondary Education, Experience

1 Breakfast vendor - secondary education

1 Fadromist - secondary education, certificate of competency

1 Machinist, one-bucket excavator - secondary education, certificate of competence

1 Operator, machine for cutting rock materials - secondary education

3 Machine operator MM universal / rotary lathe / - secondary technical education, experience

1 Installer heating facilities - Secondary Education

1 Power Equipment Regulator Worker - Secondary Education

1 Sales Consultant - Secondary Education and Computer Literacy

1 Electrical engineer, industrial enterprise - secondary education, experience

1 Sales consultant - secondary education with experience

1 Sales consultant - secondary education

2 Guard - Secondary Education, cat. B and C.

9 Automotive Component Manufacturing Operator - Primary Education

1 Electrical Engineer - Secondary education, PC for operation with voltage up to 1000V

1 Sinker - secondary education

3 Search Engine, Forms & Castings - Secondary Education

2 Foundry - Secondary Education

1 Installer, metal products - secondary education, cat.B

1 Welder - Secondary Education, cat.B

1 School Bus Driver - Secondary Education, Cat.D, 2 years' experience

3 Reinforcer - Secondary / Primary education, experienced

4 Mason - secondary / elementary education with experience

1 Guard - Secondary Education, Weapon Permit, Cat.В

1 Electrical Engineer - secondary education with experience

1 Operational Accountant - Secondary education, work with accounting products

6 Poultry breeder - no education

1 Excavator - primary, secondary education, qualifications of road construction machinery

2 Road construction machinist - secondary education, RCM qualification, experienced

5 Dump Truck Driver - Secondary Education, Cat.C, with Experience

1 Welder - secondary education, document arc welding, experience

1 Auto Engineer - secondary technical education with experience

2 Transportation Engineering Technician - Higher / Secondary Education Transportation Engineering, with experience and cat.B

1 Road Construction Engineer - Higher Education, Road Construction, Experienced, AUTOCAD and Cat.B

1 Credit Advisor - Secondary Education

1 Mechanic - secondary technical education with experience

1 Auto Engineer - secondary technical education with experience

1 Accountant - Higher, Secondary Education - Economics

1 Landscaping Technician - Secondary Education, Experience

2 Auto Engineer - secondary, basic education, technical skills

1 Car Service Worker - Secondary Education

1 Hairdresser - a document for the hairdresser

1 Cosmetician - a document for a cosmetician

1 Breeder - no education

1 Business consultant - higher education, English, computer literacy, experience

4 Machine Operator / Test Table KCS / - Secondary education, 1 year experience with TELC Labor Expert Medical Commission

4 Senior installer, production control / KCS / - secondary education, 1 year experience with TELC

1 Operator, Production Control / Packaging / - Secondary education, 1 year experience with TELC

1 Driller - secondary technical education.





At the beginning of 2020, it continues the reception of applications from parents under the project Parents in Employment, from employees under the project "Vouchers for Employees" and requests from employers under the project "New Opportunity for Youth Employment" under the Operational Program "Human Development" resources ”2014-2020.



The project enables employers to hire young people up to the age of 29 incl. in two full-time directions:

  • Internship of 6 months duration: The employer or an employee appointed by him / her acts as a mentor to the youth employed under the scheme. The aim is to maximize the acquisition of practical skills in the acquired profession or specialty within the internship;
  • On-the-job training of up to 6 months duration: During the work process, training of the employee in a particular profession or specialty is carried out, for which purpose the employer or a designated employee is supposed to fulfill the role of a mentor of those involved On-the-job training young.

Real-sector employers can apply for the project; municipalities and municipal enterprises; bodies of the central administration of the executive power and their territorial structures with the exception of the regional administrations.

Employers can apply for job openings for young people with registration at the Labor Office Directorates throughout the country until financial resources are exhausted. The received applications are processed in the order of their submission.

Detailed information about the project can be found on the website of the Employment Agency.



The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union through the Human Resources Development Operational Program 2014-2020 and helps parents to better reconcile work with personal life. At the same time, it provides employment opportunities for unemployed childcare workers.

The babysitter service is provided under the project for:

  • Provision of childcare for children / children from 0 to 5 years old (incl.), Non-visiting nurseries, institutions and pre-school groups, for employed and unemployed parents (care is allowed up to 8 hours a day). Parents should have a secured employment position or as self-employed / self-insured persons, but should not return to work until they have been approved by the Employment Agency for inclusion in the project.
  • Provision of care for children from 0 to 12 years old, attending day nurseries and institutions, as well as at school, for unemployed and employed large children (including single) parents / mothers, and care is allowed up to 4 hours a day). For the purposes of the procedure, large parents are those who have three or more children under the age of 12.

The maximum period for receiving the babysitter service is up to 18 months or up to 5 or 12 years for the child / children.

Parents who are not employed or self-employed (ie unemployed persons registered with the Labor Offices) will be involved in employment mediation activities for up to 4 months. If after the 4-month period has expired, the parent (s) have not started work, the childcare (s) will be terminated.

Applications are accepted personally by parents at all labor offices in the country on weekdays, between 8.30am and 5.00pm or submitted by email: roditeli-v-zaetost@az.government.bg (scanned with signature or electronically signed) - until the financial resources of the project are exhausted.



The project provides an opportunity for employees to acquire new or expand their knowledge and skills by acquiring professional qualifications and key competences in accordance with current business needs.

During the current admission, employees of an employment contract in enterprises outside the state administration who are:

- having acquired a secondary or lower education (without age limitation);

- over 54 (over 55) with higher education.

Those wishing to participate in the project have the opportunity to undergo vocational training and / or training for the acquisition of key competences with vouchers in accordance with Decree No 280/2015. Key competence training can be foreign language communication - KC 2 or digital competence - KC 4.

he project also changes the planned co-financing by the trainees, with the new admission amounting to 50% of the value of the voucher. This will lead to greater engagement on the part of individuals regarding the quality of training and will create the preconditions for shared responsibility between them and the training institution for better results. Employees' own investment is expected to increase their motivation to successfully complete the course. The project grant will be 50% of the value of the voucher.

In this case, the employees can submit their applications only on working days between 08:30 and 17:00, both electronically and in paper form, in person at all labor offices in the country.

The deadline for accepting applications is until the financial resources are exhausted.

Detailed information on the project "Vouchers for employees" and a sample application form can be found on the website of the Employment Agency.





Agency for People with Disabilities (APD) announces competition for financing projects for the rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities.


Participants in the competition may be non-governmental organizations of and for persons with disabilities registered under the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities for Performing Public Beneficial Activities, as well as nationally represented organizations of persons with disabilities registered under the Cooperatives Act.


The projects are prepared according to the Methodology for financing projects for rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities (Methodology) of the Agency for People with Disabilities on the grounds of Art. 10, para. 3, item 8 of the Disabled Persons Act, approved by the Executive Director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, by Order No. 0023 - 2513/11.06.2019.


The maximum subsidy amount is set for the various components as follows:


for component 1 - up to BGN 16,000


for component 2 - up to BGN 18000


for component 3 - up to BGN 4,000


for component 4 - up to BGN 7,000


The competition documentation can be found on the Agency's website: http://ahu.mlsp.government.bg/, section "Projects / Programs", option "Rehabilitation and Integration".


The deadline for submission of projects is 5.30 pm on 17.02.2020.


The required documents are presented in a systematic and consistent manner, whether on paper or in electronic form. The tender proposal, including the documents under Art. 28., para 1 of the Methodology shall be submitted with a cover letter in one of the following ways:


  1. At the Agency for People with Disabilities, Sofia 1233, Sofronii Vrachanski Str., 104-106. Documents shall be submitted in electronic form (signed and scanned) or in paper form, accompanied by an electronic version of the same documents;


  1. By a licensed postal operator with a return receipt with a postmark or by courier, no later than the specified deadline for submission of the projects for the competition, in electronic form (signed and scanned) or in paper form, accompanied by electronic version of the same documents;


  1. By electronic means in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act or signed and scanned at the specified email address: ahu_npo@mlsp.government.bg.


Immediately after the submission of the project proposal, each applicant is required to request from the APD an entry number, which has entered the project proposal in the records system, no later than the deadline for submission of project proposals. The received entry number proves that the project proposal has been submitted on time.


Phones for reference: 02/931 80 95, 02 832 90 73.




People with disabilities are one of the big reserves in the labor market, but they remain unused, experts comment


The labor market in Bulgaria has at least three large reserves, among which are the disabled. This was said at a press conference by the director of the Balkan Institute of Labor and Social Policy Ivan Neykov. The event was on the occasion of International Day of People with Disabilities - December 3.

In most developed European countries, employment among people with disabilities is around 60 per cent, and in Bulgaria this figure is only 31 per cent. Experts believe that this percentage is actually even lower - 10-15 percent, said Elka Todorova, chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Employers of disabled people. 

Experts point out that if earlier the topic of the labor market was that we could not find skilled workers, the problem today is that there are no more workers. At the same time, we are in a "we gas in water, we go thirsty" situation because we do not use the reserves, among which are disabled people. 

All the analyzes show that people with disabilities are good workers, they have much less turnover, they are more attached to the enterprise, which has made an effort to adapt their jobs. They are loyal and skilled workers. Employers say it is expensive to adapt one workplace, while at the same time only BGN 500,000 of the over BGN 4 million allocated for this year were used. 

Experts believe there is a lack of information on job adaptation opportunities, as well as information on how new technologies make it possible to use remote work. More and more consumers, especially those in the young group, tend to buy goods made by people with disabilities, goods with a cause.

Currently, there are around 2000 people employed in the specialized enterprises of and for people with disabilities in the country, before 1989 their number exceeded 55 000 people. Undoubtedly small and medium-sized enterprises have huge untapped potential for providing employment for people with disabilities, said Elka Todorova, Yordan Dimitrov - consultant of the National Federation of Employers of disabled people and psychologist Margarita Bakracheva. 

Almost half a year after the introduction of the new quota principle for the employment of persons with permanent disabilities in enterprises, there has been an increase in the employment of this group of unemployed - according to the information of the Ministry of Social Affairs over 12,000 people with disabilities have been employed in the first 9 months of this year, registered with the Labor Offices. For the same period in 2018, they were only 6 831. Twice the number of jobs offered this year is 2 446 by the end of September this year, compared to 1 258 for the whole of the previous year. According to experts, the additional employment for people with permanent disability affects mainly the registered unemployed, and there is no work yet to attract inactive people with disabilities - a group with huge potential for the labor market in Bulgaria. 

The General Labor Inspectorate inspects more than 880 enterprises to comply with the quotas for hiring workers and employees with disabilities. In the first three months of actually applying quotas, 110 companies refused to fulfill their obligations under the Disabled Persons Act and paid compensation for 549 vacancies. A total of BGN 92 244 was received from fines in the budget. 

According to experts from the National Federation of Disabled Employers, the Horizons Association and the Balkan Institute of Labor and Social Policy, specialized enterprises are one of the solutions to the problem of high unemployment among people with disabilities. Equally promising are the Centers for Protected Employment, regulated by the Disabled Persons Act. Each of the future centers will employ at least 15 people with at least two types of permanent disabilities, each leading to at least 50 percent reduced working capacity.

For the first time this year, the Agency for People with Disabilities has provided BGN 600 thousand for two pilot centers for sheltered employment, and one project for BGN 263 thousand has been approved for funding. The center created with this money will be in the form of an experienced garden for labor rehabilitation and integration in Bozhurishte. 

Under the project "Innovative Integrated Supported Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities" under the HRD OP, specialized enterprises have in recent years introduced new services and industries other than traditional activities such as tailoring.




The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, through the Directorate-General for European Funds, International Programs and Projects, invites employers and non-governmental organizations to submit project proposals under the selection procedure for grants BG05M9OP001-2.086 "Professional integration of resident and community-based youth".

The operation is aimed at including young people at risk in the labor market, including disabilities residing in residential services and in the community. The aim is to create, through social and professional integration, mentoring and training, prerequisites for the development of young people and their inclusion in society. The grant procedure is implemented with the financial support of the European Social Fund.

The projects will be implemented on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The operation is implemented in two components, the eligible activities being:

Component 1:

  1. Activities to activate economically inactive youth for their inclusion in the labor market;
  2. Provision of training - motivational training, vocational training and key competences;
  3. Providing employment opportunities - hiring people from the target group;
  4. Employment mentoring for young people for employment;
  5. Providing incentives to employers to hire unemployed young people.

Component 2:

  1. Support for the activity of social enterprises in relation to employment and creation of work habits and social skills, type of "protected work environment" for young people from resident services – e.g. cafes, restaurants, ateliers, etc., places where acquire working habits in practice:

    Support for employment up to 12 m.;

    Employment mentoring to introduction of workplace, ongoing support in the work process;

    Study of demand and market opportunities for manufactured goods and services;

    Social marketing and promotion of the social economy and social entrepreneurship.


  1. Social and professional integration of young people, providing support through job mentoring;
  2. Trainings for persons in employment - vocational training and key competences;
  3. Adaptation and equipment of newly opened workplace(s).

The full set of Application Conditions is published on: https://eumis2020.government.bg

Procedure budget - BGN 3,000,000, allocated as follows:

Component 1 - BGN 1,500,000

Component 2 - BGN 1,500,000

Deadline for submission of proposals: 21.02.2020, 5:30 pm

Project proposals under this project selection procedure should only be submitted electronically using Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) using the EU Funds Management and Monitoring Information System in Bulgaria (MIS 2020) - https: // eumis2020. government.bg.



Bulgarian and foreign businesses are increasingly opening up to minorities and discrimination is decreasing


Each meeting with an employer opens up new opportunities. Employers in all areas of business are increasingly open to hiring different groups of people. Age is less and less a factor. This is commented by Georgi K. Parvanov, member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Association for Human Management.

There are over 200 thousand people in Bulgaria who do not work or study. "These are mainly young people who receive immigrant money, on average, 300-500 euros a month. Considering all the groups so far, there is a reserve of about 500,000 people that can flow into the labor market, Parvanov said, adding that he hoped to return at least 300,000 to 500,000 abroad.

The conference, entitled "Diversity and Inclusion in the Labor Market," will present the results of the Bridge to Business program, which promotes access for highly educated young Roma to high-skilled jobs in the private sector, he informed.

"The unemployment rate of young Roma in the country is below 3% and is comparable to the unemployment rate among university graduates as a whole. The incomes of the two groups are also comparable. The unemployment rate for people with low and secondary education is much higher. It goes up to 30-40% there" the expert said.

Georgi K. Parvanov defined the Bridge to Business project as very successful. "It involved about 170 students in the last class, about 120 young Roma and 25 companies, and the results are encouraging, he emphasized. They reveal how minorities can be integrated more optimally into the labor market. Different trainings and practices are carried out in different companies. The experience is also shared by French representatives with experience in the field."

Parvanov also noted good examples in the integration of different communities in the labor market.

"In William Hughes Bulgaria, 10% of the staff are representatives of minorities with good working habits. Bulgarian and foreign businesses are increasingly opening up to them and discrimination is diminishing. It is a matter of time to see more such representatives in fast food establishments, in banks, etc. When it comes to discrimination, it is bilateral" Parvanov is convinced.

He advises minority representatives to try to be more active in trying to get out of the ghetto, improve their education, and enter the labor market.

"55+ and 16-18 year olds are also groups of interest in the labor market," predicts a representative of the Bulgarian Association for Human Management.





The Disability Sport Development Program is to support activities of sports federations related to adapted physical activity and the practice of sports by people with disabilities.

The purpose of the Program is to create conditions and opportunities to support sports federations and their activities for people with disabilities with a view to overcoming social exclusion, integration and faster adaptation in society, with an emphasis on children and young people.

The program provides opportunities for sports federations in various sports to develop sports for people with disabilities. In this way, additional prerequisites will be created for expanding the territorial scope, types of sports, and from there - increasing the number of people with disabilities involved in adapted physical activity and practicing sports.

The implementation of this Program gives an opportunity to unite and continue the successful activities under the programs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports for People with Disabilities implemented in recent years, to extend their scope and to include new activities.


  1. Direct beneficiaries are licensed sports federations that develop sports for people with disabilities.
  2. Indirect beneficiaries, who are expected to have an effect and benefit as a result of the implementation of the projects of the sports organizations under item 1, are representatives of different age and social groups of people with disabilities, with priority children and youth with disabilities, practitioners sports.
  3. In territorial terms, the Program covers the settlements in the country according to the activities for persons with disabilities in the approved projects of sports organizations.
  4. In terms of time, the Program is implemented within the calendar year.

You can find all the details on the website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports




The programs will be funded with BGN 8.8 million, which is 10% more than last year


The implementation of the 28 regional employment programs in all regions of Bulgaria will start in early June. They will provide employment for 3 to 6 months for 2387 unemployed persons.

Regional programs will be funded with BGN 8.8 million, which is 10% more than last year. According to the plans, 1847 unemployed are expected to take up full-time employment and 540 people will join part-time employment. 

The programs will primarily employ people from vulnerable groups in the labor market, such as unemployed youths up to 29 years of age, people over 50 and long-term unemployed. They will receive a monthly wage of 560 BGN for full-time employment.

The allocation of funds is by area based on the criteria - average monthly unemployment rate, average monthly number of registered unemployed in the respective area for the nine months of the previous year. 

Regional programs will provide employment for the implementation of activities for the maintenance and protection of municipal and state property.

The programs are also in line with the regional priorities in the regional development strategy, regional, regional and municipal development plans, and will contribute to the implementation of the national priorities in the field of employment. The ministry will continue to implement and develop policies to promote employment in the regions.