

Nearly BGN 4.2 million will be used to finance projects of employers for the creation, adaptation and equipment of workplaces for people with permanent disabilities of working age. The funds are provided under the National Program for Employment of People with Disabilities, which has been approved by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva.

In 2020, the Agency for People with Disabilities will also finance projects of specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities aimed at increasing the employment of the target group. They will be able to receive up to BGN 80,000, and the submission of proposals will start on June 1st. The funds can be used for technological renewal of economic activity, creation of new jobs or re-equipment of existing ones, as well as for building an online platform for promoting the offered services and the produced products.

Up to BGN 10,000 will be allocated for access to existing or new jobs, adaptation of existing jobs and for equipping new jobs. Qualification and retraining projects will be financed with up to BGN 1,000 for 1 person with permanent damage. The Agency for People with Disabilities will be collecting project proposals for these components of the program from July 15th.

On June 15th, the Agency for People with Disabilities will launch a second procedure for recruiting and financing projects under the Program for starting and developing independent economic activity of people with disabilities. Applicants must have 50 and more than 50% reduced working capacity and not participate as owners or partners in another company. They can receive up to BGN 20,000. The funds can cover investment costs, carry out construction and repair activities, purchase of equipment at the jobs created, etc.

All the necessary application documents can be found on the website of the Agency for People with Disabilities. http://ahu.mlsp.government.bg/home/



The state has announced a new business grant scheme - this time for larger companies. The minimum amount of grants will be BGN 30,000 and the maximum amount is BGN 100,000, and the specific amount will be 1% of the annual turnover for 2019. The total budget of this measure is BGN 156 million and is provided by the budget of the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness. However, companies that have received 60/40 payments or other staff retention support will not be able to benefit from this assistance.

Like the procedure for supporting micro and small companies, this one will be conducted entirely electronically - through the Information System for Management and Monitoring of EU Funds in Bulgaria (UMIS 2020). So far, no specific date has been announced on which the application scheme will be opened, but proposals and comments on the documentation will be accepted until May 29, which means that it is realistic for companies to be able to apply for aid in the first week of June.

The Managing Authority of the Innovation and Competitiveness Operational Program also announced that a total of 24,087 applications worth over BGN 197 million had been received under the procedure for micro and small companies. The opportunity to apply is still open, as the initial budget of BGN 173 million will be increased. Official inspections of the applications submitted to the National Revenue Agency, the National Statistical Institute, the Executive Agency "General Labor Inspectorate" and other institutions and agencies are currently being carried out. After receiving and processing the information, we will proceed to the gradual sending of notifications to the applicants for elimination of the established irregularities", they say from OPIC and point out that after the evaluation the list of the approved candidates will be published on the Internet to take place in early June at the latest.

Who will be able to apply

Only companies that are classified as medium-sized enterprises will be able to apply for grants from BGN 30 to 100 thousand - they have a minimum of BGN 3 million and a maximum of BGN 50 million net sales revenues for 2019. Also must be registered by 31 December 2018, which means that the aid will not be available for newer companies.

It is a mandatory condition that applicants have registered a decrease of at least 20% in turnover (net sales revenue) for one of the calendar months in the period from February 1, 2020 to the month preceding the application, compared to the average monthly in 2019. For example, if applying in June, it will be possible to take the turnover for February, March, April or May and compare it with the average for last year. A statement of income and expenditure for the month will be required to verify this information.

An extremely important condition for receiving the grant is that the companies are not in a situation of "difficulty", which means that they must not have accumulated a loss for the last three years that exceeds 50% of their equity. For companies with a registered capital of BGN 2, this means that even BGN 1 uncovered loss will disqualify them.

In order to avoid duplication of subsidies, all companies that can receive funding under the Rural Development Program are excluded from this scheme.

What will the money be for?

With the received grants, the companies will be able to finance activities necessary to overcome liquidity difficulties as a result of the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19.

Expenses for purchase of raw materials and consumables for the purpose of production of products or services will be eligible; costs of external services (including overheads); personnel costs (incl. costs for gross salary and costs for social security and health contributions at the expense of the employer), remuneration for personnel employed under an employment contract or under a management and control contract (but not more than BGN 2,000 per month) .

Ineligible costs will be:

- costs for activities started and physically completed or fully implemented before 01.02.2020, regardless of whether all related payments have been made;

- costs for acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets;

- expenses for current assets, other than those specified in item 14.2;

- costs of goods intended for sale;

- recoverable VAT costs;

- costs of taxes and fees;

- expenditure financed by public funds;

- costs of recovering support received from financial instruments financed by public funds;

- loan repayment costs, interest on loans, bank fees;

- costs for leasing installments;

- costs for second-hand raw materials and consumables;

- costs for preparation of a project proposal, management and implementation of the project.

After the completion of the implementation of the activities under the grant agreement, the beneficiary is obliged to prepare and submit to the Managing Authority a technical and financial report in which to describe the overall implementation of the project and the achieved results.



Until June 30, 2020, the period for which employers can apply for the payment of compensation in order to maintain the employment of employees after the lifting of the state of emergency in the country and the declaration of a state of emergency is extended. This was decided by the government with the adoption of amendments to Decree № 55 of 2020, which regulates the terms and conditions for the implementation of the measure.

Compensation will be paid for the whole period or for a part of the period from March 13 to June 30, but for not more than three months. Employers who have received compensation under the decree should pay employees an amount not less than the amount of insurance income for January 2020.

The financial resources necessary for the payment of the compensations are from the Unemployment Fund of the state social insurance.

Anyone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg



With the upcoming start of the summer season, the recruitment of staff for the summer resort sites began.

The Executive Agency "General Labor Inspectorate" reminds that the crisis caused by the coronavirus further increases the risk of undeclared work, which is generally high in seasonal sites and in which workers' rights are not protected, according to the Inspectorate.

The Inspectorate also draws the attention of employers who illegally employ workers and employees, that they also risk losing the right to state support, as some of the requirements for providing such support are related to compliance with labor, tax and social security legislation.

Before they actually start working in their jobs, employees must require some basic documents from the employer. They must receive a copy of the employment contract signed by both parties and a copy of the notification with which it is registered with the NRA.

The employer has no right to admit to the jobs workers and employees with whom he has not concluded and has not registered in the NRA a written employment contract. The lack of registration allows the employer not to pay the due taxes and social security contributions on the salaries, from which the employees lose their insurance rights. With a personal identification code issued by the NRA, everyone can check whether his employment contract is registered.

If he wants to test their skills, the employer can sign a contract with a probationary period clause. During the probationary period, he may terminate the employment contract at any time without notice and without compensation, except for unused leave.

According to the Labor Code, the probationary period can be up to 6 months. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, it can be used by both parties. However, if the probationary period is agreed in favor of one party, the other shall give notice of departure. Unless otherwise agreed, for a permanent employment contract the term of the notice is one month, and for a fixed-term employment contract - 3 months, but not more than the expiration of its term.

The tendency in recent years for employees to submit signals for unpaid wages, which have been agreed orally with the employer, is strengthening. In these cases, the Labor Inspectorate has no authority to deceive the employer to pay them.

Often, signals for work without an employment contract are also given by workers after they have already left their jobs. If the persons are not found to be employed, the control bodies of the Agency may not exercise their power to declare the existence of an employment relationship.

Another specific point in seasonal employment concerns the formation of the employment record. According to the Ordinance on the employment record book and length of service, the employment record book is kept by the employee. Within three days of starting work, the persons must provide it to the employer for data entry, who is obliged to return it immediately afterwards.

It is important that employees have a document from the employer that they have provided the booklet. Thus, in case of possible loss, they will be able to prove that it is his fault and he will be obliged to perform the procedure for its recovery.

The employment record book is also provided to the employer upon termination of the employment relationship, who must immediately enter the data in it and return it immediately. In case of terminated employment, the employer is obliged to provide in due time a written act for termination.

At the start of the season, the EA GLI traditionally strengthens the control of the seasonal sites in the seaside resorts, as a campaign is planned this year as well.

EA GLI reminds that in case of disagreement with the manner of exercising control by labor inspectors or in case of data on corrupt practices and employers, workers can also report to the General Labor Inspectorate. The EA GLI guarantees zero tolerance for corruption, as evidenced by the establishment of the Inspection Control Department, which performs the functions of internal audit and accordingly reviews the submitted signals. Although not legally obliged, the Agency establishes the department in order to prevent unregulated control practices. More information on reporting corruption can be found on the website of the Labor Inspectorate, in the section "Anti-corruption".




            The Agency for People with Disabilities /AHU/ announces a competition for financing projects aimed at stimulating the employment of people with permanent disabilities in a specialized work environment.

            Participants in the competition can be specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities.

             The projects are prepared according to Chapter Three. PROJECTS WITH ECONOMIC FOCUS on Methodology for financing targeted projects of specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities under Art. 49 of the Law on People with Disabilities.

  1. Maximum amount of the subsidy for a project: BGN 80,000.

            1.2. Deadline for submission of projects: 5.30 pm on July 6, 2020.

            1.3. Email: ahu_stn @ mlsp.government.bg

  1. Additional information

            2.1. The requested amount for one project proposal under item 1 must be in accordance with the circumstances in Article 10 of the Methodology.

           2.2. The indicated amount of the requested subsidy under item 1 may be increased in compliance with the requirements of Art. 32 of the Methodology.

           2.3. The Methodology also finances projects for building an online platform with a website, in order to promote the services and products of specialized enterprises and cooperatives in the global Internet space.

  1. The competition documentation can be found on this website https://ahu.mlsp.government.bg, section: Projects / programs, Employers under Art. 49 of the PIA.
  2. The project proposals, together with the required documents, are submitted in a folder, arranged systematically in the order described in the table for administrative compliance (Annex 7 for projects with economic orientation), and with a cover letter in the office of the ADF in one of the following ways:

            4.1 On the spot in the office of the Agency for People with Disabilities - Sofia 1233, 104-106 Sofroniy Vrachanski Str., Signed and scanned on paper and electronic media or on electronic media, according to item 1.2.

            4.2 By licensed postal operator with return receipt and postmark or by courier to the address specified in 4.1, on paper accompanied by electronic media with the same documents or on electronic media signed and scanned, according to item 1.2.

            4.3 By electronic means to the indicated e-mail address of AHU, according to item 1.2.

The documents must be signed and scanned either under the terms and conditions of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act - ahu_stn@mlsp.government.bg.

         Immediately after the submission of the project proposal, each candidate is obliged to request from the ADF an incoming number with which the project proposal is entered in the record keeping system, not later than the deadline for submission of project proposals. The received incoming number proves that the project proposal has been submitted in time.

        Phones for reference at the Agency for People with Disabilities: 02/931 80 95, 832 90 73

Anyone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg



See what the data of the Employment Agency show

28,623 people found work during the state of emergency declared in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic (March 13 - May 13, 2020)

For the last working day alone, 1,200 unemployed people have been placed on the labor market, BGNES reported, citing data from the Employment Agency.

Nearly half of the people - over 46%, have started working in the manufacturing industry.

Those employed in the trade and repair of cars and motorcycles are nearly 22 percent of those registered with the Labor Offices during the state of emergency.

Over 9% have found work in the transport sector. There are also new employees in construction, hotels and restaurants, as well as in education.



With the end of the state of emergency, a number of activities are being restored. Many people lost their jobs and others returned from abroad because they lost their livelihoods there. That's why we checked the opportunities announced by employers on the recruitment sites. It turns out that there is a movement in the labor market, there is no lack of opportunities for people with different education.

We are looking for different workers and employees. Remuneration has been announced for many of the positions. It turns out that the best paid are the installers of air conditioners and awnings, which are offered a net BGN 1,000 per month.

Such is the salary for a merchandiser, but gross. This means that if you are born after 1960, you will receive a net of about BGN 814, after deductions. The position is related to the distribution of goods in stores, the merchandiser decides how to present it to customers.

About BGN 1,000 is the highest salary that employers offer for technical secretaries and office assistants. The advertisements for employees in offices are not small at all.

We are looking for cashiers in a large chain, the gross salary is BGN 920. BGN 1000 gross is offered for workers in a workshop for packing sugar and rice.

We are also looking for accountants, credit and insurance consultants and many others, as well as workers for various industries.



The Employment Agency has launched an initiative to help anyone who would like to do something useful for themselves while they are still at home, preparing for a smoother return to work or starting a new one.

Whether you are unemployed, working, studying or an employer, the restriction of regular work and social contacts should not affect your development. In a series of publications we will offer you various opportunities through which everyone can improve their skills or acquire new ones, including at home, using only your computer.

We know that many of you are about to change your home environment from a work environment. Whether you stayed home during the state of emergency or joined the ranks of job seekers, returning to the regular work regime is almost always associated with some concerns. Social isolation, lack of rhythmic obligations in another environment and to people close to you, may have dissipated your work habits and confidence, you are accustomed to communicate face to face, to follow the usual order to perform their tasks.

One of the suggestions for self-improvement at home is the MyCompetence system, available at https://mycompetence.bg/bg/. The system was created and maintained by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce under a project funded by the HRD OP.

With your registration you get free access to over 20 e-trainings in various fields, competency assessment tests, a self-assessment tool to determine the level of mastery of the skills required for a particular position, as well as many other opportunities.

For the unemployed persons registered in the labor offices, the platform is also a way to form a Personal Profile in the information system of the Employment Agency, through which to communicate with a labor intermediary. For those who have not yet registered on the platform, Berkovitsa Consulting Center can help you do so. All you have to do is contact us and dictate your e-mail, and we will contact your employment agent by phone. In response, you will receive an activation link to the Personal Profile web application and the MyCompetence platform.

More information is published on the website of the Employment Agency in the section Job seekers / Vocational guidance.

Berkovitsa Consulting Center is ready to publish on its website other easily accessible forms of self-training or self-training to restore and develop personal skills of people to help them transition from home to work rhythm and work environment offered by the Agency. employment.

Anyone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Counseling Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: berkpro.robg@abv.bg

Make your stay at home an advantage by using your free time! Surprise yourself, your loved ones, and most of all - your current and future employers!



Times are uncertain, and for business owners, the pandemic situation and the restrictions imposed to slow the spread of the coronavirus have made the environment appalling.

Following social distancing guidelines can be inconvenient and many companies face short-term losses and bleak prospects, writes the online edition entrepreneur.com.

Taking care of your business during a crisis is vital. Let's look at some practical and responsible strategies that can help you maintain your business even in this difficult time.

Focus on the company culture

Whether you work alone or have employees, your company has a culture. It is your ethos, your main meaning that sets you apart from your competitors.

According to a study by IBM, employees who have a strong relationship with their company and their colleagues perform better for their employers. That's right: a cohesive company culture leads to better experiences for both your employees and your customers.

So while you're slowing down, take some time to think about the type of business you want to run. Take some energy to encourage employees to think of themselves as a vital community, even if you all work remotely. The culture can be cultivated even from a distance. A shared sense of purpose and commitment to collective goals can establish your company as a great place to work.

Get closer to your community

Whether you own an accounting firm, a fabric store or a landscaping company, you are part of a community. Even online business is based somewhere.

Use the current break to build stronger connections with your neighbors. Explore your community and see what your company can do for it. If you can take on food supplies - do it. Is there an educational program that you can offer for free to parents to take care of their children - give it to them.

Strengthening ties with your community will speed up your recovery when the economy opens up.

Focus on what your customers need

When frightened consumers emptied shelves of disinfectants and staple foods in stores, what did large and small distilleries do? They shifted their production to mass quantities of hand sanitizers.

You could always rethink the goods and services you sell to meet new consumer needs. Restaurants, forced to close their salons, deliver ready-made food to the doorstep or sell food. Fabric stores offer protective masks. Accountants are exploring the new rules to help their clients keep as much of their money as possible.

When the market changes, the business must also change.

Adapt your content

Creating dynamic content for your website is one of the tasks you can focus on now. Generate content that will engage your customers and help promote your brand and your business.

Whether you're starting a company blog, creating fun and informative videos, or just updating information about your company's offerings, do it now. This makes sense, especially at a time when most people are at home, on their computers.

Not convinced that fresh content and strong SEO matter? Take a look at the statistics. A total of 72 percent of online marketers believe that content marketing is the most effective SEO strategy.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 40 percent of businesses do not open after a disaster. This is a sobering statistic, and although we cannot anticipate or avoid any difficulty, what we can do is invest some time and energy in positioning the business to get into the best possible position.



Twelve of the largest banks in the country want to participate in the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) program, which will allow them to lend up to BGN 4,500 in interest-free loans to individuals. The guarantee program is with the BDB and will partner with these banks to provide loans to people deprived of the opportunity to work due to the pandemic of COVID-19 (employees on unpaid leave and self-insured persons). This measure will be financed with BGN 200 million from the capital increase of the Bulgarian Development Bank. At the end of March, the government adopted a decision to increase the capital of BDB with a total of BGN 700 million. The 12 partner banks are: Alliance Bank Bulgaria, DSK Bank, Investbank, International Asset Bank, UBB, Municipal Bank, Fibank, Raiffeisen Bank, Commercial Bank D, UniCredit Bulbank, CCB, Eurobank Bulgaria.