

The Employment Agency informs its current and future clients that some of the measures for the work of the Labor Offices, introduced during the state of emergency, are still in force. At the same time, from June, the temporarily suspended forms of service are gradually restored, including the present meetings with the labor intermediaries, the mobile labor offices and the group events with job seekers and job offers.

In this regard, the Employment Agency draws attention to the fact that the reception of clients in its offices will continue to be carried out in compliance with all restrictive measures for social distance. The ban on servicing citizens who have not complied with the mandatory 14-day quarantine period after return from countries for which this requirement has not been abolished, as well as those who do not have personal protective equipment, is in force.

Those wishing to register as unemployed, as well as to submit an application for unemployment benefits, can do so through the electronic and remote services of the Employment Agency and the National Social Security Institute. The submission of these applications can also be done on paper upon registration on site at the Labor Office. All ways and steps are described in detail here.

For registered jobseekers who have already visited the employment office and have an individual action plan, it is important to know that the established communication links with employment agencies to report and plan the steps of their plan will be combined so that a mandatory minimum every two months, jobseekers should visit the employment office. During the rest of the time, they will be able to continue to receive telephone consultations, as well as to receive by electronic means (through the secure electronic service system) referral letters to employers who have announced suitable vacancies for them.

Although the present forms for conducting selections, including group ones, are being restored, the possibility will continue for the unemployed to be directly sought by employers to whom the Labor Office has provided appropriate profiles for the announced vacancies.

Clients who have a personal e-mail address can also communicate with their employment agency through the application "Personal profile of a job seeker" to plan and report on the implementation of the agreed steps to search for a suitable job or training.

In June, all registered electronically or remotely unemployed persons who have not yet visited the employment office and have not submitted the required documents for education, qualification, etc., will be invited to appear at the office where they have registered for holding a meeting with the labor mediator and preparing their individual action plan. This will not apply in settlements with COVID-19 outbreaks.

In order to facilitate the registered unemployed, the Labor Offices will resume the provision of services in remote settlements through Mobile Labor Offices and outsourced jobs, after coordination with the local municipal leadership. The schedules for conducting Mobile Offices will be published on the website of the Employment Agency.

The holding of group events in the Labor Offices, aimed at professional counseling, support, motivation and job search, as well as job fairs, employer's days and other forms of direct meeting of employers and job candidates is gradually renewed. A schedule and up-to-date information on the planned and conducted job fairs and group events with jobseekers and job seekers will continue to be published on the website of the Employment Agency.

Employers can also continue to use the remote and electronic forms introduced during the state of emergency to advertise vacancies and select candidates for them. In addition, the rhythmic activity of mobile teams for working with key employers, as well as joint campaigns and information events will be gradually restored.

The Employment Agency draws the attention of employers in the agricultural sector that in the period of active work in this sector and the opportunities provided for concluding one-day and short-term employment contracts with unemployed persons, in their favor are the services of Labor Offices places they are looking for seasonal workers.

Unemployed people who enter into an employment contract for seasonal agricultural work need to notify the labor office, regardless of whether their employment contract is for 8, 6 or 4 hours, for a few days or for a few months. In this way, they will ensure the preservation of their rights, including monthly social benefits.

The Employment Agency calls on its clients to continue to be responsible for their own health and the health of others, but also to perform their duties to the employment office correctly so that they can exercise their rights and the opportunities provided.