

The Executive Director of the Employment Agency Dragomir Nikolov signed contracts with the social partners for the implementation of projects under the National Action Plan for Employment in 2020. The projects will provide an opportunity for 6,857 unemployed people to participate in training to acquire professional qualifications and key competence, and at least 42% or 2,910 of them will be included in internships and employment thereafter.

In 2020, the projects will be implemented in 115 small and large settlements across the country. The trainings are in a wide range of professions: builders, cooks, salesmen, office workers, computer operators, tailors, social workers, welders, foundries, cashiers, guides, welders, electricians and others, and are in response to stated specific needs of employers from the real and the public sector.

It is expected that the planned trainings will fully meet the current needs of business personnel during its restart and development, despite the significant changes in the economic and social situation due to COVID-19. The skills possessed by the labor force are becoming more and more important for the employers, due to which a large part of the unemployed persons included in the projects are trained to acquire public and civic competencies, initiative and skills for entrepreneurship, digital or mathematical competence, etc.

Priority will be given to unemployed persons up to 29 or over 50 years of age, with low education, without professional qualification or with one not in demand on the labor market, people with disabilities, inactive persons and others. They will be subject to a comprehensive approach, including the consistent provision of training, internships and employment for a period of at least 3 months in the primary labor market or in state-subsidized jobs.

The projects of the social partners, which are implemented in 2020, are:

RESTART 2020 PROJECT of the Industrial Capital Association in Bulgaria envisages inclusion of 964 unemployed persons in training for acquisition of key competencies and vocational training, and at least 386 persons will be included in employment.

Under the LABOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, trainings on “Team work skills” will be held for 260 unemployed persons and for the acquisition of “Public and civic competencies” on the topic “Multicultural and social aspects in customer service” of 280 unemployed persons. A total of 1,060 unemployed will acquire professional qualifications in 19 different professions, and 424 of them will be provided with employment in the profession acquired by the trainings.

The activities of the CLASSIC-PRO PROJECT of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry envisage the inclusion of 1,080 unemployed persons, primarily in the regions with higher than the national average unemployment, in training in the professions "Sales Consultant", "Cook", “Financier”, “Financial Accountant”, “Office Secretary”, “Internet Application Organizer”, “Small and Medium Business Associate”, “Cosmetician”, “Computer Operator” and “Cashier”. 432 people will be provided with a minimum of 3 months of employment in the profession acquired by the trainings under the project.

The project "NEW SKILLS - NEW OPPORTUNITIES" of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria includes training in key competencies on "Learning Skills" for 105 unemployed people and training in the professions "Computer Operator", "Assistant Educator", " Nurse” and “Social Assistant” to a total of 1,071 unemployed persons. 31 months of employment will be provided to 591 unemployed people.

Under the "HORIZONS 5" project of the Confederation of Labor "SUPPORT" will be held trainings on key competencies on "Public and civic competencies" for 355 unemployed people and on "Learning skills" for 463 unemployed people. A total of 818 people will acquire qualifications in the professions "Computer Operator", "Tailor", "Construction Assistant", "Cook", "Security Guard", "Office Manager", "Office Secretary", "Operational Accountant", "Assistant educator”, “Social assistant”, “Assistant road builder”, “Baker-confectioner” and “Operator of steam and hot water facilities”. Employment or internship will be provided after successful completion of the trainings for 328 people.

The PROSPERITY PROJECT of the Union for Economic Initiative will enable 801 unemployed to undergo training in key competencies. The included persons will have the opportunity to undergo vocational training in one of the planned 14 professions. This will give a chance to at least 321 of the trained persons to be placed in suitable jobs, applied by employers - partners in the project.

Under the PROJECT "NEW BEGINNING FOR WORK - 2" of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria will be held training in key competencies for 1,063 unemployed, who will be able to undergo vocational training in one of the planned 19 professions. This will provide employment for a minimum of 428 of the trained persons.

Еveryone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: