The fees that banks charge for customer service are constantly growing, without necessarily related to improving the service. Each bank is obliged to notify the consumers two months before the change in the tariff and if they do not agree, they can refuse the payment service within this two-month period and terminate their contract with the bank without paying penalties and other costs. These notifications are usually uploaded on banks' websites and are difficult to spot before the tariff change takes effect.
But even if you miss this deadline, it's good to know how you can change the bank in general. You can now find many platforms on the Internet that offer a comparison of bank fees and choose a better option.
How to transfer a payment account from one bank to another?
Step 1: Open a payment account in the bank you want (the host bank) in the same currency as your bank account you want to leave (the transferring bank).
Step 2: Submit to the bank with your new bank account Request for transfer of a payment account according to the bank's sample.
Step 3: That's it. Banks do whatever it takes after they get your permission.
Your request gives you the choice to specify which specific incoming credit transfers, periodic transfer orders and direct debit agreements must be transferred, as well as the date from which the periodic transfer and direct debit orders will be executed by the host bank. . You may want to personally inform your payers and recipients of funds, in which case the host bank will issue you standard notification letters with your payment account details.
ATTENTION! During execution, your old bank cannot block transfers before the date you specify in the authorization to transfer the payment account.
For which things banks can not charge fees:
ATTENTION! If your framework agreement with the bank you are leaving has lasted longer than 6 months, the same bank cannot charge you a fee for closing the payment account according to Art. 113, para. 3 of the Law on Payment Services and Payment Systems, but other due fees should be paid, reminded by the association "Active Users".
When in certain cases fees are charged, according to the law they must be acceptable and correspond to the actual costs of the bank. If one of the banks does not comply with the obligations it has to transfer the payment account, and the consumer immediately incurs a financial loss, he is entitled to reimbursement. There are exceptions in extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances, but in case of doubt, you can contact the Active Users Association for clarification.