How to submit the annual report on the activities of the enterprise



The campaign for submitting the Annual Activity Reports (AARs) of enterprises in 2021 has officially started today, the NSI reminded. For the convenience of people and companies, the single entrance for submitting the annual activity reports, built jointly by the NSI and the NRA, continues to function, i. e. legal entities and individuals will be able to submit their annual activity reports in one place.

As before, this can be done electronically (on-line) in the Information System "Business Statistics" of the NSI.

In connection with new requirements for data collection and reporting for some groups of enterprises, the information system will be available according to the following schedule:

On March 1, 2022

Annual report on the activities of non-financial corporations not compiling a balance sheet;

Annual report on the activities of non-financial corporations compiling the balance sheet;

Annual report on the activity of enterprises in liquidation or bankruptcy;

Declaration for enterprises with income and expenses below BGN 500 and for enterprises without activity.

On March 14, 2022

Annual report on the activity of non-profit enterprises;

Statistical reports for budget enterprises and banks.

On March 21, 2022

Annual report on the activities of insurers;

Annual report on the activity of investment enterprises;

Annual report on the activity of the pension insurance companies;

Annual report on the activity of the supplementary pension insurance funds and the payment funds.

On April 1, 2022

Consolidated annual activity reports.

All these groups of users will have access to the system by the end of June 2022, when the campaign for submitting AARs ends, and a deadline until the end of September 2022 for submitting corrective AARs. The group, which will have access to the system as of March 1, covers over 95% of obligated companies, or over 560,000 legal entities and individuals.

The most significant changes in the annual reporting are related to the implementation of the requirements of the EU Regulation, which requires mandatory submission of detailed information for all addresses where companies operate - the so-called local units.

All forms and instructions for AARs 2021 have been uploaded at the beginning of the year on the NSI website.

If you need more information, you can get it both from the methodologists in the NSI Central Office and from the experts in the Territorial Statistical Bureaus.

If you have any questions or problems with the operation of the system, you can contact the technical support team.