As of today, February 1, the Employment Agency has launched a new application procedure for the measure, which has gained popularity as 60/40.
It may include employers seeking support for maintaining the employment of their staff in the period January - February 2022. This possibility is provided by Decree of the Council of Ministers № 482 of 30.12.2021, amending the already well-known Decree № 151/2020, which builds on the anti-crisis measure to support employment, which started in March 2020.
The terms and conditions for receiving support in the period January - February 2022 are similar to those applied in the previous months August - December 2021. The measure continues to support the maintenance of employment in enterprises engaged in economic activity in Decree of the Council of Ministers № 151/2020 sectors whose average monthly sales revenue in 2020 decreased compared to 2019.
The regulated support at this stage also amounts to 60% of the income and social security contributions of each employee in enterprises whose sales revenues have decreased by at least 40% during the month for which the support is provided, but already compared to the average monthly income for the whole of 2019.
For employees in enterprises whose sales revenues have decreased compared to the average monthly revenues for 2019 by not less than 30 percent in the month for which the support is provided, funds in the amount of 50% will continue to be paid. For those established after January 1, 2020, the decline in income for the month for which they apply will be determined compared to the average monthly income for 2020. The amount of funds provided for each employee will now be determined based on his insurance income for October 2021.
The funds for the current design of the measure will be paid monthly, as the documents for those who worked in January 2022 will be accepted from 1 to 28 February, and for those who worked in February 2022 documents will be accepted only within March.
Employers who meet the conditions of the Council of Ministers Decree № 151/2020, as amended with CMD № 482/30.12.2021, and wishing to receive support for January and February 2022, may apply consecutively for the two months using the same forms and sample documents.
At this stage of measure 60/40, the application and the documents for payment of funds under the Decree are submitted to the Directorate "Labor Office", serving the territory of the place of work of employees, regardless of the method of submission. Applications and accompanying documents may be submitted electronically through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS), sent through a licensed postal operator, and submitted on site to the relevant labor office with mandatory and strict compliance with all anti-epidemic measures.
On the website of the Employment Agency, in the section "Financial incentives for employment" will be published materials for information of employers, the application procedure, containing the conditions, requirements, procedure and manner of application, application forms and annexes to it and other auxiliary materials.