Information day under procedure BG05M2OP001-3.019 "Support for vulnerable groups for access to higher education"



The Managing Authority of the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020 invites stakeholders to participate in an online information day on the grant procedure BG05M2OP001-3.019 "Support for vulnerable groups for access to higher education "Priority Axis 3" Educational environment for active social inclusion "of the Operational Program" Science and Education for Smart Growth "2014-2020. The main objective of the procedure is to support vulnerable groups for social inclusion by providing access to education and training for better realization on the labor market.

Eligible candidates and partners in the cited procedure are secondary schools and non-profit legal entities (NPOs) operating in the public interest, registered under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act (Non-Profit Legal Entities), and eligible partners are secondary schools, higher schools and non-profit organizations operating in the public interest, registered in accordance with the Non-profit Legal Entities Act.

The information day will be held through the Zoom platform on Thursday, February 3, 2022, from 10:00 AM. If you are interested, please register up to two representatives of one organization/institution at the following link, by February 2, 2022:

The registration form will play the role of an attendance list from the meeting, therefore, where possible, the information in it should be filled in Cyrillic. The obligatory information that requires registration is name, surname, e-mail address, institution / organization you represent, as well as the role you play in it. After filling in the registration form, you will receive a link to the e-mail address indicated by you in the registration, with which you will be able to enter the meeting.

For the timely start of the meeting and for the purpose of checking the persons (whether they are registered in advance) who will join, it is necessary for all participants to enter the room in the period from 9:30 am to 9:50 am on 03.02.2022 as they will initially be located in the so-called 'Waiting room' and the host will allow them after an inspection.

For additional clarifications and questions regarding the meeting, you can contact Maya Lashova, State Expert in the Directorate "Programming, Monitoring and Evaluation", EA PO, e-mail:

Additional information on procedure BG05M2OP001-3.019 "Support for vulnerable groups for access to higher education" can be found on the website of OPNOIR, section "Procedures", section "Procedures open to applications", as well as in the Information System for Management and Monitoring UMIS 2020 - and the Single Information Portal of the European Structural and Investment Funds: