Up to BGN 600,000 will be allocated under a project for professional training and acquisition of skills in agriculture



The eighteenth online meeting of the thematic working group for the development of the Strategic Plan for Rural Development in Bulgaria for 2023-2027 will be held on December 23. One of the interventions that will be considered by the participants in the meeting will be for vocational training and skills acquisition in the field of agriculture, financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Improving human resources

The Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (ISSS) for the period 2021-2027 emphasizes the need to improve human resources through investments in training and key competencies in the priority thematic areas for smart specialization and technologies of Industry 4.0, incl. improving digital skills and working with digital technologies.

ISSS 2021-2027 states that in terms of the penetration of digital technologies in the economy and society (Digital Economy and Society Index - DESI), the result of our country on the criterion of "Human Capital" is significantly below the EU average. Here, the assessment of the level of skills in the field of digital technologies is among the lowest in the EU. The share of people with at least basic skills in the field of digital technologies amounts to about 29% of the Bulgarian population, while the EU average is 57%.

On the other hand, it is necessary to encourage the participation of farmers, their organizations and the National Agricultural Advisory Service in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (EASA), which will expand the opportunities for sharing, exchanging and disseminating knowledge and experience, including in the context of the national network of the common agricultural policy. For this reason, the Strategic Plan includes an intervention for vocational training and skills acquisition in the field of agriculture.

The aim of the intervention is to improve the quality of implementation through knowledge and innovation and to increase the share of farmers receiving support for consultation, training, knowledge exchange or participation in operational groups in order to improve the quality of implementation in economic, environmental, climate and a resource efficiency aspect.

Who can apply?

Beneficiaries of the measure will be organizations providing knowledge transfer - universities, vocational high schools, research institutes, experimental stations, licensed vocational training centers and regional, regional and nationally representative branch organizations for production and processing of agricultural products.

Supported activities

Support is provided for training and skills acquisition in the field of agriculture and forestry for persons involved in the agriculture and forestry sector. The support covers activities for vocational training and acquisition of skills, which include conducting courses for acquiring qualification in a profession or part of a profession, in accordance with the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training Act (VETA), refresher courses in accordance with the requirements of Higher Education Act. Specialized courses for acquiring the right to work with agricultural and forestry equipment are also allowed. Information seminars to increase knowledge on specific topics aimed at achieving the specific objectives and identified needs in the Strategic Plan and demonstration activities are also among the eligible activities.

What are the rates?

The support is provided in the form of a flat rate per unit of product (standard simplified costs), covering up to 100% of the amount of supported costs.

The maximum amount of eligible costs per beneficiary for each activity is as follows:

  • for conducting courses for acquiring qualification by profession or part of a profession, according to the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training Act (VETA) - BGN 200,000;
  • for conducting advanced training courses, according to the requirements of the Higher Education Act - BGN 200,000;
  • for conducting specialized courses for acquiring the right to work with agricultural and forestry equipment - BGN 300,000;
  • for conducting information seminars to increase knowledge on specific topics aimed at achieving the specific objectives and identified needs in the Strategic Plan - BGN 200,000;
  • for conducting demonstration activities - BGN 600,000.

Each organization can receive support for only one project for which it is a beneficiary, within the period of implementation of the strategic plan and participate as a partner in up to two projects during the period of implementation of the strategic plan.