


            The Agency for People with Disabilities /AHU/ announces a competition for financing projects aimed at stimulating the employment of people with permanent disabilities in a specialized work environment.

            Participants in the competition can be specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities.

             The projects are prepared according to Chapter Three. PROJECTS WITH ECONOMIC FOCUS on Methodology for financing targeted projects of specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities under Art. 49 of the Law on People with Disabilities.

  1. Maximum amount of the subsidy for a project: BGN 80,000.

            1.2. Deadline for submission of projects: 5.30 pm on July 6, 2020.

            1.3. Email: ahu_stn @

  1. Additional information

            2.1. The requested amount for one project proposal under item 1 must be in accordance with the circumstances in Article 10 of the Methodology.

           2.2. The indicated amount of the requested subsidy under item 1 may be increased in compliance with the requirements of Art. 32 of the Methodology.

           2.3. The Methodology also finances projects for building an online platform with a website, in order to promote the services and products of specialized enterprises and cooperatives in the global Internet space.

  1. The competition documentation can be found on this website, section: Projects / programs, Employers under Art. 49 of the PIA.
  2. The project proposals, together with the required documents, are submitted in a folder, arranged systematically in the order described in the table for administrative compliance (Annex 7 for projects with economic orientation), and with a cover letter in the office of the ADF in one of the following ways:

            4.1 On the spot in the office of the Agency for People with Disabilities - Sofia 1233, 104-106 Sofroniy Vrachanski Str., Signed and scanned on paper and electronic media or on electronic media, according to item 1.2.

            4.2 By licensed postal operator with return receipt and postmark or by courier to the address specified in 4.1, on paper accompanied by electronic media with the same documents or on electronic media signed and scanned, according to item 1.2.

            4.3 By electronic means to the indicated e-mail address of AHU, according to item 1.2.

The documents must be signed and scanned either under the terms and conditions of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act -

         Immediately after the submission of the project proposal, each candidate is obliged to request from the ADF an incoming number with which the project proposal is entered in the record keeping system, not later than the deadline for submission of project proposals. The received incoming number proves that the project proposal has been submitted in time.

        Phones for reference at the Agency for People with Disabilities: 02/931 80 95, 832 90 73

Anyone who wants information or consultation on the topic of interest can contact the Consultancy Center for Disadvantaged People in Berkovitsa by phone 0890943741 or by e-mail: