Remote work is here to stay, but even at home we must continue to pay attention to disinfection and care for our work space. If you have not yet built a comfortable and appropriate space in your home for work, now is the perfect time to pay special attention to it and learn how to keep it clean.
The first thing you will need to do is choose the place where you will set up your "home office". Various factors will help you make a successful choice. Try to organize it in an isolated and quiet place in the house, where you will not be interrupted often and where there is good ventilation. Ideally, the work area should be located next to a window to provide you with fresh air.
Ventilating the space in which you work is essential. The air should be refreshed every morning for 10 or 15 minutes and then several times throughout the working day.
You should avoid facing the light so as not to damage your eyesight, and with your back to it to avoid reflections on the computer screen.
When working long hours in front of a computer, it is important to maintain a good posture and try to avoid bad habits that cause back or neck pain. To achieve this, you need to have a wide table of medium height and preferably of wood, on which you feel comfortable and on which you can place the computer, keyboard, mouse, headphones, notebook, pen and water. Make sure it's all at your fingertips. This way you will avoid getting up often and wasting time looking for items or documents that you will need.
Provide an ergonomic chair with wheels that can be adapted to your body (height, arms, backrest, etc.). This element of your workspace is key to taking care of your back. It is recommended to rest your legs on the floor, keep your back straight without tension and keep your hands relaxed on the table or armrests of the chair.
Maintaining the order of all elements of the workspace, cleaning and disinfecting the table, chair and equipment that you are in constant contact with, such as computers and mobile phones, is key to maintaining a healthy environment. 400 times more bacteria accumulate on the keyboard of our computer than in the toilet. For this reason, it is vital to clean it frequently with a damp disinfectant cloth and to vacuum all the dirt that accumulates between the keys with a hand-held vacuum cleaner.
Pay special attention to decorations and other elements that ensure your productivity and efficiency, including plants, motivational phrases on the wall or paintings that fill you with vitality and positivity. Other decorative items such as shelves or boxes can be really useful for storing items or work documents and they are generally not distracting.
The color of the room will also help you in this process, as light tones usually work very well. Therefore, white, beige and pearl gray can be good choices. It is enough to apply these simple tips to easily build the perfect space for remote work.