How many Bulgarians have got a second job



Only half a percent of Bulgarians get a second job and this gives us the last place in the European Union on this indicator. This is shown by data from the European statistical office Eurostat, announced on Tuesday. However, the data show people who work officially in a second job, not those who do not have a contract and do not declare it.

Half of the Bulgarians with a second job have a contract, and the rest are self-employed or help in a family business. Romania and Sweden are in our queue. In the EU as a whole, in the second half of this year, less than 4% of employed people of working age worked in two places. More than half of them are in second place as employees, and 39% - as self-employed.

Most people work in two jobs in the Netherlands - 10 percent, in Finland and Denmark - 7 percent, and in Estonia and Lithuania - 6 percent.

In the second quarter of 2021, 13% of employed people between the ages of 20 and 64 in the EU were self-employed. The rest are classified as employees - they are 86 percent. Less than 1 percent are family workers, according to Eurostat data.

Among the self-employed, men are twice as many as women - 67 percent compared to 33 percent. The distribution by employees is more even - 52 against 48% in favor of men. The largest number of self-employed people is in the age groups between 55 and 64 years - there are 17%, between 15 and 24 years are 4 percent, and 13 percent are in the age group between 25 and 54 years.

In addition, the self-employed are slightly more common among people with a low level of education - 16% have primary education, 12% - with secondary education, and 13% - with higher education.