At the beginning of 2020, it continues the reception of applications from parents under the project Parents in Employment, from employees under the project "Vouchers for Employees" and requests from employers under the project "New Opportunity for Youth Employment" under the Operational Program "Human Development" resources ”2014-2020.
The project enables employers to hire young people up to the age of 29 incl. in two full-time directions:
Real-sector employers can apply for the project; municipalities and municipal enterprises; bodies of the central administration of the executive power and their territorial structures with the exception of the regional administrations.
Employers can apply for job openings for young people with registration at the Labor Office Directorates throughout the country until financial resources are exhausted. The received applications are processed in the order of their submission.
Detailed information about the project can be found on the website of the Employment Agency.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union through the Human Resources Development Operational Program 2014-2020 and helps parents to better reconcile work with personal life. At the same time, it provides employment opportunities for unemployed childcare workers.
The babysitter service is provided under the project for:
The maximum period for receiving the babysitter service is up to 18 months or up to 5 or 12 years for the child / children.
Parents who are not employed or self-employed (ie unemployed persons registered with the Labor Offices) will be involved in employment mediation activities for up to 4 months. If after the 4-month period has expired, the parent (s) have not started work, the childcare (s) will be terminated.
Applications are accepted personally by parents at all labor offices in the country on weekdays, between 8.30am and 5.00pm or submitted by email: roditeli-v-zaetost@az.government.bg (scanned with signature or electronically signed) - until the financial resources of the project are exhausted.
The project provides an opportunity for employees to acquire new or expand their knowledge and skills by acquiring professional qualifications and key competences in accordance with current business needs.
During the current admission, employees of an employment contract in enterprises outside the state administration who are:
- having acquired a secondary or lower education (without age limitation);
- over 54 (over 55) with higher education.
Those wishing to participate in the project have the opportunity to undergo vocational training and / or training for the acquisition of key competences with vouchers in accordance with Decree No 280/2015. Key competence training can be foreign language communication - KC 2 or digital competence - KC 4.
he project also changes the planned co-financing by the trainees, with the new admission amounting to 50% of the value of the voucher. This will lead to greater engagement on the part of individuals regarding the quality of training and will create the preconditions for shared responsibility between them and the training institution for better results. Employees' own investment is expected to increase their motivation to successfully complete the course. The project grant will be 50% of the value of the voucher.
In this case, the employees can submit their applications only on working days between 08:30 and 17:00, both electronically and in paper form, in person at all labor offices in the country.
The deadline for accepting applications is until the financial resources are exhausted.
Detailed information on the project "Vouchers for employees" and a sample application form can be found on the website of the Employment Agency.