The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP) has launched a campaign to recruit projects for the construction of an accessible housing environment. Approved proposals will be financed under Component 1 of the National Program for Accessible Housing and Personal Mobility of People with Disabilities. Documents can be submitted until May 15.
Under the program, applications can be made for the provision of funds for the construction of an accessible environment for the homes of people with disabilities, which will help with their social inclusion. Each approved proposal will be financed with up to BGN 100,000, with which the necessary ramps, lifting platforms and elevators can be built and installed. In cases where the value of the project proposal exceeds the amount of funding from the MLSP, co-financing by the applicant is allowed, but only for activities to ensure an accessible environment.
Owners of single-family residential buildings who are permanently disabled and use wheelchairs, with a permanent or current address in the same building, can apply for funding. Project proposals can also be submitted by associations of owners of condominiums in multi-family residential buildings in which there are people with permanent disabilities, using wheelchairs, with a permanent or current address in the same building.
In 2024, an accessible environment was provided for 73 people with permanent disabilities in 54 residential buildings under Component 1. A total of 65 facilities were built and installed in them - internal and external stair platforms, vertical lifts and ramps. The total value of the contracts for construction and repair activities concluded during the year amounted to over 2,360,200 BGN. They were fully financed by the MLSP, since the value of the projects did not exceed 100,000 BGN.
Detailed information on the conditions and documents for applying under Component 1 can be found on the website of the MLSP (www.mlsp.government.bg) in the section "National Program for Accessible Housing and Personal Mobility" or at the following link: https://www.mlsp.government.bg/natsionalna-programa-za-dostpna-zhilishchna-sreda-i-lichna-mobilnost-1.