Consultation: How to...



"Hyperconsciousness. Revolutionary techniques based on scientific research for reprogramming the subconscious" is a book that combines the long-term research of psychologist Monika Balayan and the accumulated experience of Petya Minkova as a science journalist from the magazine "Cosmos" and "24 hours - 168 stories" . It is for those who have convinced themselves that the old methods do not work and are looking for something revolutionary.

The book contains innovative techniques and specific practices that can be used to reprogram the subconscious. "With it, we will understand how many different programs in the subconscious block us - with fears, with laziness, with obsessive thoughts of failure, etc. to make our wildest dreams come true. We will learn what the codes are to the subconscious, how to communicate in its language, how to "capture" the right answers, to start the brain waves of the hyperconsciousness, to program success", the authors promise. This unique system is based on ancient knowledge that Monica discovered in Matenadaran - one of the largest repositories of manuscripts from the dawn of civilization, and on joint research with professors from the Orbeli Institute of Physiology.

Success is achieved with properly built unconscious habits

Changing a habit is not easy, but there is a simple algorithm that can be followed by anyone.

First, to build a new habit, it takes multiple repetitions to make it the unconscious program. Most people make the same mistake - they decide to end a habit and start very ambitiously, but after a few weeks the enthusiasm suddenly disappears, laziness awakens.

Therefore, it is good to know that in order for something new to make its way to the subconscious, exercises, techniques with repeated repetitions are necessary, and only then can we expect a result. The explanation is that then the "program" will start automatically. Therefore, everything must be repeated until it becomes easy - this is the signal that the new habit has become a built-up subconscious program. If the brain understands that this "software" is important, it turns it into an automaton - we stop spending energy on it and do it imperceptibly and with ease.

Practice: At night before going to sleep, we imagine that we are healthy, slim, successful, that we have enough funds, that we are happy, living in the dream house, with the dream family and having the dream job. That we are useful to everyone and to the community.

Second, to get rid of "toxins". Toxic people and situations abound, we ourselves also become toxic with thoughts, moods, fears, disappointments, envy, suspicions, etc. All these toxic people, situations and our inner state are signals that we are not doing something right. And if we react to a toxic state with an outburst, with nerves, with self-suggestion, with a desire to take revenge, with self-winding, the toxin begins to poison us. In a state of anger, the brain does not work adequately. Therefore, we must first calm down - by breathing, by walking, etc., in order to restore our inner state of well-being. Only then can we see if the situation, person or emotions are showing us where our mistakes are. Or that all this does not deserve our attention at all. In other words, the most important thing is to be able to manage our emotional reaction in order to build a correct program at an unconscious level.

Important advice: Let's not take toxins personally - neither our own nor those of others. "Why did this happen to me", "Why me", "Why am I the black sheep", "What does he want from me" - when they appear, it means that we take them personally.

Practice: We need to understand that not everything is about our personality. Maybe the boss doesn't attack us exactly, but explains what part of the job he doesn't like or wants something done in a certain way. The focus is not on us, but on what we do. I.e. it's not personal. So let's stop thinking that everything is directed against us. It's much better to ask ourselves the question - is this a toxic situation, or is someone telling us honestly that they don't like it? Is it talking about our personality or something else entirely?

The most important thing in such a situation is to look for ways to calm down and our first thought should be: Calm down! This is not personal against you! Let's not take all situations personally, but try to correctly assess what is happening so that the brain can give us the right answers.

Practice: If we still have to put up with a "terrorist" who "produces" toxins in the family or at work, the important thing is to develop a healthy inner distance. We can sing to ourselves or let out an inner laugh, but without revealing ourselves. There will always be negative emotions and people, but only we determine our reactions to them.

Third, to stop creating "black holes". One of the most popular is when someone compliments us, to reply: "Can't you see how old I am?". These phrases are a big red sign: "Caution". The program of blackness has been activated in us, which will suck us like a "black hole". Therefore, let's stop creating tension around ourselves, stop constructing negative scenarios, the habit of self-criticism because our expectations are too high.

Practice: Three questions are asked - What do I want? Where and how do I get energy? When does it dawn on me?

It all depends on whether a person is happy and how he "calculates" it. When we define what quality of life means to us, the desire to support ourselves will emerge. We will stop criticizing each other, blaming each other, telling each other how stupid and stupid we have acted, complaining. Then we will know that we are each other's best friend: "I'm a very lucky person! Everything will be alright!" To always be grateful for all the good things in our lives. Gratitude is like a powerful "nuclear power plant" that charges us, and dissatisfaction sucks us in the opposite direction. Moreover, gratitude begins to change the quality of our lives in a flash.

Second practice: On a sheet of paper, write down what we have promised others and what we have promised ourselves, then analyze what we can and cannot do. To those to whom we have promised and cannot fulfill our commitments, we tell them the truth. We remove the "black hole". Then we look at the promises we made to ourselves - we assess what is realistic and what is not. We give each other a month. With each black hole removed, we will receive additional powers and energy.

Another rule is to live with the thought that we have already achieved the desired success.

Practice: We stand up and imagine our success - we hear the applause, we see the delighted looks of the people congratulating us, we smell the flowers that are brought to us, we can hug each other and say out loud: Well done!

If at this moment in the body we do not feel a rush of energy, desire, emotion, joy, this goal is definitely not ours. Conversely, if there is an emotion, an impulse, this is the right path.

It is good during the visualization to add movement of the body, to open the window to feel the fresh air, to play the sound of applause, which is an indicator of success.

If we do this every day, the principle of repetition will inexplicably begin to improve the quality of our lives. The important thing is that there is repetition to reach the subconscious - only then will there be success. Before falling asleep, it is also good to say to each other: Well done! Thus, the brain accepts it as a possible reality for us.

The second approach is to create a memory garbage collector. At the end of the book, you'll find QR codes to free Mneuro video programs and "Instant Negativity Release" that can accomplish just that. The moment the "garbage" is eliminated, the brain starts working again in a normal mode.

Practice: We take two sheets, black and white. In black, we mentally send worries, unpleasant experiences, dissatisfactions, insults, disappointments. We can help each other with our hands, as if we were physically throwing them into it. If it's easier for us, we can describe the insults on different sheets and throw these sheets away.

When we're done, we start looking at the white sheet - that's where we start fresh. The past no longer hinders us. Nothing prevents us from starting anew, clean, white, like a white sheet of paper. In this white paper, we describe stage by stage how we envision success over time. In three months, in six months, in a year, in three years, in five years.