Consultation: How to...



You put a lot of effort, energy, time, and it doesn't work. There are times like this at work and you naturally feel frustrated. But before you wallow in self-pity, it's helpful to understand how to rank the situation.

It can be a fault, it can be a failure. These are two different degrees of failure. With proper analysis, you will call them by their right name and determine your next actions.

A fault is a mistake you made somewhere in the planning or execution of the task. Big or small, she messed things up. It could be one and it caused consequences. It could be several.

The most important thing is to think honestly. If you find and admit your mistake or mistakes as quickly as possible, the chance of a successful correction is much greater.

But the problem is that no one likes to admit even to themselves when they are wrong. The instinct for self-preservation is immediately activated, an inner voice is activated, which begins to subconsciously convince you of your rightness, to blame other people or the circumstances. It is quite possible that it is, but it is still up to you to find out where the fault is and if there is a way to fix it. Whatever the reason, as long as it leads you to failure, there is no point in getting angry at yourself, others or fate. You have to act.

When you realize the mistake or mistakes, the next step is to assess the damage. In doing so, the most important thing is to think pragmatically. In some cases, the foul can be corrected and with additional efforts the goal can be achieved. You just need to calmly and sensibly plan what to do in the situation, how far back to go back to make corrections. It may even turn out that you are able to turn a defect into an effect.

However, if the fault is large, it is very likely to lead to failure. It is also a matter of honest and pragmatic analysis. There are many situations where it is better to start over than to try to salvage the unsalvageable. Sometimes the first step to success is to leave a path that is sure to lead to failure. One should not give up easily, but it is also foolish to get busy.

Failure is extremely unpleasant and severely crushes self-esteem. But failure should not be seen as total defeat. It's not the end of the world, failure can give you experience and lessons.

If, after sober analysis, you find that there is not an irreparable fault, but a failure, the most important thing is again to be honest, quick and pragmatic.

Honest means admitting your own faults or lack of foresight to what other people and circumstances may serve. You will probably get very angry here. Don't hide your feelings from yourself. But while you are entitled to them, be careful not to express them too violently in front of your colleagues. Otherwise, you will look unstable, and nobody is immune to failure at work.

Fast means not thinking endlessly about the things that have gone wrong. You need to establish the what and the why without beating this part of the analysis, but also without getting bogged down in it. It's wrong to do it to regret it. You do it with a clear, quite pragmatic goal - to draw the necessary conclusions so as not to fail again.

Pragmatic means exactly that - to draw experience. It should allow you to move forward and get back on the road to success. Experts call this part accepting the failure and looking for new opportunities after you have learned the lessons from it.

As much as failure hurts, by timing it the right way, you can get out of it with relatively little damage. But if you also make a mistake in the classification, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

If you make a mistake and pessimistically consider it a failure, you will waste time and effort to completely abandon or start over something that can be fixed.

If you're overly optimistic or prone to self-delusion and view failure as a foul, you'll end up wasting resources on something that will ultimately prove irreparable.

Therefore, do not allow yourself to call what is happening by a false name. It is an excessive luxury to both deceive yourself and to dramatize. If you do either, then you will indeed suffer a severe setback.