The Employment Agency signed contracts with the social partners for the implementation of projects under the National Employment Action Plan in 2024.
The projects will provide an opportunity for 6,278 unemployed persons to participate in training for the acquisition of a professional qualification and/or key competence, and at least 35% of them will be included in employment afterwards.
The trainings are aimed at vulnerable groups on the labor market - unemployed youth up to 29 or over 55, long-term unemployed, persons with low or unsought professional qualifications and a lack of key competences, including with low education, as well as to persons outside the labor force, discouraged persons and others.
The projects of the social partners to be implemented in 2024 are:
"WORTHY FUTURE" project of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria - provides for the inclusion of 880 unemployed persons in training for the acquisition of key competencies and professional training in 16 professions, of which at least 320 persons will be included in employment.
According to the "EFFECTIVE MEASURES FOR EMPLOYMENT" project of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, trainings on "Personal skills for teamwork, in the process of employment" will be held for 240 persons and "Effective time management" for 300 persons. A total of 906 unemployed people will acquire professional qualifications in 19 different professions, and 329 of them will be provided with employment in the profession acquired by the training.
In the activities of the "TOMORROW - Successful Labor Realization" project of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it is planned to include 877 unemployed persons in training in 14 professions and acquisition of personal competence, social competence and competence to acquire learning skills. 321 persons will be provided with employment in the profession acquired through the project training.
In the activities of the project "KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS FOR WORK - 3" of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria, it is planned to include 940 unemployed persons in training in 15 professions and the acquisition of personal competence, social competence and competence to acquire learning skills and effective communication skills. 329 persons will be provided with employment in the profession acquired through the project training.
"KNOW AND WE CAN MORE" project of the Union for Economic Initiative will give 705 unemployed people the opportunity to undergo training on the key competence "Personal competence, social competence and competence to acquire learning skills" on the topic "Management of personal effectiveness". The persons included will have the opportunity to undergo professional training in one of the 12 professions foreseen. This will give a chance to at least 248 of the 705 trained persons to be placed in suitable jobs requested by employers - project partners.
The "CHANCE FOR GREEN AND SOCIAL EMPLOYMENT" project of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria includes training for 1,050 people in seven professions. Employment will be ensured for at least 56.4% of the unemployed persons included in the project trainings, and the employment will be in accordance with the qualification acquired under the project.
Under Project "HORIZONTI 9" of Confederation of Labor "PODKREPA" trainings will be held on key competence "Personal competence, social competence and competence for acquiring learning skills" - topic "Skills for competitive inclusion in the labor market" for 920 persons. The persons involved will acquire qualifications in 15 professions. After the successful completion of the training, employment will be provided to 376 persons.
In implementing the projects of the social partners, the Employment Agency will apply a complex approach. Specialized services will be provided for counseling and motivating the unemployed to actively participate in the planned trainings for professional qualifications and key competencies sought in the labor market. A large part of those who have successfully completed vocational training will be employed for a period of no less than 3 months in the primary labor market or in subsidized jobs, and the funding will be shared between the state and employers.