Changes in the measure "Employment for you"
From 27.11.2020, employers and job seekers will now be able to take advantage of the relaxed conditions of the measure "Employment for you". The aim of the changes is to better meet the needs of both businesses and the unemployed.
The changes are expressed in the following:
- increase of the subsidized period of employment to 6 months, instead of the previous 3 months;
- the commitment of employers to keep 75% of newly hired staff for a period equal to half of the period of subsidized employment is reduced (until now the condition was to keep the jobs for a period equal to the entire period of subsidized employment);
- the maximum admissible amount for applied for new jobs for which an employer can apply is increased, compared to the list of staff for 2019 for the month corresponding to the month of submitting the application. It is distributed as follows:
up to 10 people are allowed to hire up to 4 people;
up to 50 people are allowed to hire up to 20 people;
up to 250 people are allowed to hire up to 50 people;
over 251 people (incl.) are allowed to hire up to 100 people.
- eligible for support are also the municipal enterprises under art. 52 of the Municipal Property Act.
Electronic applications under the new conditions can be submitted from 27.11.2020.
All employers with active employment contracts (employees are in a period of subsidized employment) will be able to take advantage of the new opportunities by signing a Supplementary Agreement. For this purpose, they must notify the relevant Directorate "Labor Office" in writing, where they can receive additional instructions.
All employers who want to take advantage of the changes, but their applications are currently being processed, will be able to extend the term of subsidized employment at the conclusion of the contract, but to create additional vacancies (up to the maximum allowable for them under the new conditions of project) will have to submit a new electronic application as of 27.11.2020.
The approval/disapproval of the applications by the employers will be carried out, as before, on the principle of "first in time, first in law" until the financial resources for the respective area are exhausted.
The official website of the Employment Agency will publish the quota distribution of financial resources by districts according to the new requirements of the project, and then regularly - the approved and disapproved employers and a reserve list.
The changes in the term of the subsidized employment from 3 to 6 months will provide the unemployed with better motivation for inclusion in longer employment, and the employers will be supported for a longer period in the forthcoming autumn-winter crisis period.
Detailed information about the conditions of the Employment for You Project will be available on the official website of the Employment Agency - here, as well as on the information boards in the labor offices in the country.