How to check if you have arrears with the National Revenue Agency and in what amount? Information on the current amount of your obligation, together with accrued interest (if any) and the stage of the proceedings for its collection at the National Revenue Agency, can be obtained from:
The most common public liabilities are for taxes, insurance and fines.
Use Payable Liabilities Check to check and, if any, pay outstanding/overdue public liabilities. The information provided includes the current amount of the obligation, the accrued interest and the stage of its collection in the NRA.
You owe legal interest on taxes, fees, deductions from profits, contributions to the budget and other government claims of a similar nature that have not been paid within the terms for voluntary payment, not withheld or withheld but not paid in due time.
By Resolution No. 426 of 18.12.2014 on determining the amount of legal interest on overdue monetary obligations, issued by the Council of Ministers, the amount of legal interest was determined at the rate of the basic interest rate of the BNB, effective from January 1, respectively 1 July of the current year, plus 10 percentage points. Interest on interest and interest on penalties are not due. You can calculate the interest due with the NRA's arrears interest calculator.
Through the electronic services of the NRA, accessible with a PIC or with an electronic signature
On the Portal for electronic services, you can quickly make a request for outstanding public obligations within the period for voluntary performance, including those received from other administrative bodies and administrations - for collection by a public contractor at the NRA. The electronic portal also offers a service for payments of liabilities to the budget electronically - with a bank card, through the virtual POS of the NRA (with the exception of liabilities established under the Gambling Act, for which enforcement proceedings have not been initiated) or through ePay.
Through the NRA information phone - 0700 18 700, after identification with the PIC
In the competent office of the NRA (at the permanent address of the natural person or at the registration of the legal entity). In case you have not yet obtained a NRA PIC, this can be done at the nearest NRA office. PIC is issued free of charge.