The level of registered unemployment in the region fell by one-tenth, but remained twice the national average, which was 4.3 percent in October. This is shown by the analyzes of the Regional Employment Office in Montana.
The unemployment rate in the Montana region is 8.4 percent for October. It remains extremely high in Yakimovo. There, the reported figure is 33.3 percent. They are followed by Valchedrum (26.9 percent), Chiprovtsi (24.1 percent), Boychinovtsi (22.9 percent), Medkovets (20.9 percent). The level rises slightly in Georgi Damyanovo, Yakimovo, Varshets, Brusartsi, Boychinovtsi from 0.1 to 1 percent. It is unchanged in Lom. A decline was registered in the other municipalities. The level in Montana is record low. For the reporting period, the registered rate is 3 percent. This is the lowest indicator in the North-West region.
There are 5,056 people without livelihood in the Montana region. This is 28 people less than a month earlier, despite the end of seasonal employment. The largest drop is in Montana, where the unemployed have decreased by 40 persons. By between four and fourteen people, the number of people without employment in five municipalities has decreased. They increase by between one and 28 people in Georgi Damyanovo, Yakimovo, Varshets, Brusartsi and Boychinovtsi. Unemployed women predominate in all employment offices. Young people under the age of 29 are about 10 percent, except for Lom, where they occupy a share of 15.6 percent. The registered long-term unemployed for over a year are 2,206 people. For the period, they are 24 people less. The problems with this group are serious. More than two out of every three people have no major, half are over 50 years old, and 60 percent have primary or lower education.
During the month, 534 new unemployed were registered, of which 309 were women. That makes almost 58 percent of all. 261 people were released from the private sector. Almost half (46.8%) were fired from the service sector. One in five was laid off from the industrial sphere, and 6.2 percent from agriculture. Jobseekers, employed, students and pensioners have also registered on the exchange.
The unemployed who started work in October numbered 331 people. Every fourth is a youth. 16 percent are people without a livelihood for more than twelve months. Women are over 55 percent.
During the reporting period, 190 vacancies were claimed. The main part of them - 157, are in the real economy. The most advertised jobs are in the manufacturing industry (25.1%), followed by public administration (18.5%), trade, car and motorcycle repair (14%), education (11%), hotels and restaurants (7 .7%), human health care and social work (7%).
An average of nine people competed for each. The competition was greatest in Lom, where there were seventeen candidates for one position. In Berkovitsa, one place was contested by eight citizens, and in Montana by six citizens. During the month, the largest share of those who started working in the public administration sector was 18.5%, followed by those in trade 14.8%, processing industry 13.3%, construction 9.1%, human health care and social work 7.3 per hundred.
The most in-demand occupations during the month are: tailors and ironers, general laborers, assemblers, automated assembly line operators, drivers, salespeople, machine operators, teachers, waiters, kitchen workers, cooks, personal assistants, cashiers, social workers.
In the district in October, 44 people were included in training programs and sixteen in employment measures.
199 unemployed people from the risk groups were appointed to subsidized jobs during the month, 158 under employment programs and measures and 41 under schemes of the Operational Program "Development of Human Resources".
During the month, 39 employed persons were included in trainings, and 36 unemployed and employed persons completed the training started in previous months, having acquired a new profession or key competence.