The Council of Ministers adopted a Sector Strategy for e-Customs



The Council of Ministers adopted the Sectoral Strategy for the Development of Electronic Management in the Customs Agency and the Roadmap for the Implementation of the Sectoral Strategy for the Development of Electronic Management in the Customs Agency - "e-Customs" 2021-2027.

The Strategy for Digitization of the Customs Administration - "e-Customs" 2021-2027 was created by the Customs Agency as a sectoral strategic document in the field of policy for the development of e-government in the Republic of Bulgaria 2019-2027 in the Customs Agency.

The aim is to propose the general strategic framework for achieving the digital transformation of the customs administration and its activities in accordance with the current European principles for e-governance, cyber security, control and supervision of customs and excise legislation, development policies at the national level and the current regulatory framework.

The sector strategy for the development of electronic management in the Customs Agency - "e-Customs" 2021-2027 continues, develops and upgrades the projects on digitalization of the customs administration, which were implemented with the Sector Strategy for the Development of Electronic Management in the Agency in the period 2016-2025.

The decision of the Council of Ministers will improve the conditions for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Electronic Government in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2021-2027, will create the necessary prerequisites and conditions for the continuation of the work of the Customs Agency in the field of automation of processes related to the implementation of customs legislation and the measures set out in the "e-Customs" Sectoral Strategy. The fulfillment of the objectives of will contribute to the fulfillment of the commitments undertaken by the Republic of Bulgaria as a member state of the European Union to facilitate legal trade.