Lifetime disability is available for certain illnesses



The Ministry of Health proposes changes to the Ordinance on medical expertise. They envisage increasing the percentage of permanently reduced work capacity and the type and degree of disability in some diseases, and in others the term of disability will become lifelong.

For example, type 2 diabetes patients with two or more complications are proposed to have a lifetime disability. The reason is that at this stage of the development of the disease, the prognosis for improving the condition is negative, it is written in the reasons for the bill. Lifetime disability is also offered to people suffering from very frequent and severe epileptic seizures, as well as to those with severe Multiple Sclerosis.

In the case of moderate epileptic seizures, the percentage of permanently reduced working capacity and the type and degree of disability is predicted to change from 70 to 71, which places patients in the higher disability group. Lifetime has also been suggested in thyroid carcinoma and survival beyond five years.

For children and adults with mental illnesses, foreign aid can also be determined for a degree of disability below 90 percent, depending on the nature of the illness and the possibility of raising the children outside the family (nursery, kindergarten, school, etc.), and for persons with mental illnesses and depending on the loss of basic social and key skills, leading to the impossibility of existing without control, the changes also foresee.

A completely new classification of degrees of hearing loss and their corresponding evaluation in percentages is also proposed, according to the latest classification of the World Health Organization, related to the application of the Claudel Portman table.

According to a new methodology, the percentage of reduced working capacity and degree of disability will be determined when several disabilities are present.

The assessment is determined by adding 20% ​​of the sum of the percentages of the other accompanying disabilities to the highest percentage based on the relevant starting point of the most severe (leading) disability, and if it is not 100%. In the case of a determined 100% permanently reduced working capacity/type and degree of disability according to the relevant starting point of the most severe (leading) disability, the accompanying disabilities are not added to the assessment, but are written in the reasons for the expert decision, together with the relevant starting point and percentage.

Issuance of a sick leave for looking after a child up to the age of 12, attending a children's institution or school, in contact with an infectious person, mandatorily quarantined at home, and for looking after a child up to the age of 12, attending a children's institution or a school, returned from there, due to quarantine imposed on that establishment or school, or on a particular group or class therein.