People with disabilities will receive aids under a new order



A draft Methodology for assessing the needs of high-tech aids for people with permanent disabilities is proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, uploaded for public discussion. These are devices such as the OrCam MyEye device (advanced technology to assist the blind or visually impaired), screen reader software for visually impaired computer users, a portable braille computer or display, a verticalizing electric wheelchair, etc.

It is envisaged that the evaluation and selection of the candidates to use the high-tech means will be done through the social assistance system in the country, and for this purpose, evaluation commissions will be created at the district level to carry out the administrative processes related to ensuring access to the necessary high-tech aids from the moment the support is requested until it is directed to the actual provision. An Advisory Commission for the provision of such funds to the Social Assistance Agency will also be established to provide methodological assistance to the evaluation commissions. The agency should announce the procedure for the selection of the project candidates, containing the necessary information and documents required for the application.

Eligible target groups will be people with permanent disabilities who have declared a need for the provision of high-tech aids (children and adults of working age), regardless of whether they are students, employed, unemployed, economically inactive, in case they have not received financial support to satisfy of a need for the specific aid by an institution operating with public funds.

The assessment is voluntary and will be prepared if the person with a permanent disability requests it.

The assessment will be carried out by categories (codes) described in the "Activities and Participation" and "Environmental Factors" sections of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. An innovative way of measuring the need and usefulness of providing a given high-tech aid is introduced by calculating the Coefficient of Limited Functionality and Workability and the Coefficient of Utility of the corresponding high-tech aid, in accordance with generally recognized tools and methods in the field.

People in need of an aid must submit an application form for assessment to the Regional Directorate of Social Assistance in the relevant area at the current address of the person with a permanent disability. Documents may be submitted in person, by certified mail (return receipt requested) via a licensed postal operator, or electronically.

The assessment request is prepared at the request of the person with a permanent disability or a person authorized by him; the parent (adoptive), guardian or custodian of the person with a permanent disability; a person entrusted with the care of a child with a disability pursuant to Art. 26 of the Child Protection Act; the head of the social or integrated health and social service for residential care that uses a child with a permanent disability.

A TEMC or NEMC decision, a written assignment of a qualified medical specialist or a person with appropriate professional qualifications, which defines the specific design characteristics of the product and its intended use by a specific patient, is attached to the evaluation application.