Consultation: How to...



The National Revenue Agency stopped its old electronic portal on October 17 at 5:30 p.m.

For more than a year, for the convenience of users, the two portals worked simultaneously, during which time all user profiles and access rights were transferred.

Users who use a Personal Identification Code or Qualified Electronic Signature do not need to take any additional steps to identify themselves in the updated portal, as a migration has taken place where access rights and authorizations have been transferred automatically.

In the event that the same authorization of the same persons is performed in both portals, it will be assumed that the users who performed it have already switched to the new portal and the authorization from the old one will not be transferred, explains the National revenue agency.

Users who used the portal with a Qualified Electronic Signature will continue to have full or partial access to the same obligees, the services for them, as before. They will be able to request access to other obligees themselves, grant access to their obligee as well as sub-authorize third parties without either party having to visit an office of the National Revenue Agency.

For users with a Personal Identification Code, it is important to note that when switching to the updated e-services portal of the National Revenue Agency, their current accesses will be preserved and no action is required on their part, the revenue agency said.